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(** * Exponential laws about the initial category *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors InitialTerminalCategory.NaturalTransformations. Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope functor_scope. (** In this file, we prove that - [x⁰ ≅ 1] - [0ˣ ≅ 0] if [x ≠ 0] - [0⁰ ≅ 1] *) (** ** x⁰ ≅ 1 *) Section law0. Context `{Funext}. Context `{IsInitialCategory zero}. Context `{IsTerminalCategory one}. Local Notation "0" := zero : category_scope. Local Notation "1" := one : category_scope. Variable C : PreCategory. Global Instance IsTerminalCategory_functors_from_initial : IsTerminalCategory (0 -> C) := {}. (** There is only one functor to the terminal category [1]. *) Definition functor : Functor (0 -> C) 1 := center _. (** We have already proven in [InitialTerminalCategory.v] that [0 -> C] is a terminal category, so there is only one functor to it. *) Definition inverse : Functor 1 (0 -> C) := center _. (** Since the objects and morphisms in terminal categories are contractible, functors to a terminal category are also contractible, by [trunc_functor]. *) Definition law : functor o inverse = 1 /\ inverse o functor = 1 := center _. End law0. (** ** [0ˣ ≅ 0] if [x ≠ 0] *) Section law0'. Context `{Funext}. Context `{IsInitialCategory zero}. Context `{IsTerminalCategory one}. Local Notation "0" := zero : category_scope. Local Notation "1" := one : category_scope. Variable C : PreCategory. Variable c : C. Local Instance IsInitialCategory_functors_to_initial_from_inhabited : IsInitialCategory (C -> 0) := fun P F => @Functors.to_initial_category_empty C _ _ F P c. (** There is exactly one functor from an initial category, and we proved above that if [C] is inhabited, then [C -> 0] is initial. *) Definition functor' : Functor (C -> 0) 0 := center _. (** There is exactly one functor from the initial category [0]. *) Definition inverse' : Functor 0 (C -> 0) := center _. (** Since objects and morphisms in an initial category are -1-truncated, so are functors to an initial category. *) Definition law' : functor' o inverse' = 1 /\ inverse' o functor' = 1 := center _. End law0'. (** ** [0⁰ ≅ 1] *) Section law00. Context `{Funext}. Context `{IsInitialCategory zero}. Context `{IsInitialCategory zero'}. Context `{IsTerminalCategory one}. Local Notation "0" := zero : category_scope. Local Notation "00" := zero' : category_scope. Local Notation "1" := one : category_scope. (** This is just a special case of the first law above. *) Definition functor00 : Functor (0 -> 0) 1 := functor _. Definition inverse00 : Functor 1 (0 -> 0) := inverse _. Definition law00 : functor00 o inverse00 = 1 /\ inverse00 o functor00 = 1 := law _. End law00.