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(** * Functors between functor categories constructed pointwise *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. Local Open Scope functor_scope. (** This is the on-objects part of the functor-category construction as a functor. *) Section pointwise. Context `{Funext}. Variables C C' : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C' C. Variables D D' : PreCategory. Variable G : Functor D D'. Local Notation pointwise_object_of H := (G o H o F : object (C' -> D')). Local Notation pointwise_whiskerL_object_of H := (G o H : object (C -> D')). Local Notation pointwise_whiskerR_object_of H := (H o F : object (C' -> D)). (* Definition pointwise_object_of : (C -> D) -> (C' -> D') := fun H => G o H o F.*) Definition pointwise_morphism_of s d (m : morphism (C -> D) s d) : morphism (C' -> D') (pointwise_object_of s) (pointwise_object_of d) := Eval simpl in G oL m oR F. Definition pointwise_whiskerL_morphism_of s d (m : morphism (C -> D) s d) : morphism (C -> D') (pointwise_whiskerL_object_of s) (pointwise_whiskerL_object_of d) := Eval simpl in G oL m. Definition pointwise_whiskerR_morphism_of s d (m : morphism (C -> D) s d) : morphism (C' -> D) (pointwise_whiskerR_object_of s) (pointwise_whiskerR_object_of d) := Eval simpl in m oR F. Global Arguments pointwise_morphism_of _ _ _ / . Global Arguments pointwise_whiskerL_morphism_of _ _ _ / . Global Arguments pointwise_whiskerR_morphism_of _ _ _ / . (** ** Construction of [pointwise : (C → D) → (C' → D')] from [C' → C] and [D → D'] *)
H: Funext
C, C': PreCategory
F: Functor C' C
D, D': PreCategory
G: Functor D D'

Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D')
H: Funext
C, C': PreCategory
F: Functor C' C
D, D': PreCategory
G: Functor D D'

Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D')
refine (Build_Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D') (fun x => pointwise_object_of x) pointwise_morphism_of _ _); abstract (intros; simpl; path_natural_transformation; auto with functor). Defined. (** ** Construction of [(C → D) → (C → D')] from [D → D'] *)
H: Funext
C, C': PreCategory
F: Functor C' C
D, D': PreCategory
G: Functor D D'

Functor (C -> D) (C -> D')
H: Funext
C, C': PreCategory
F: Functor C' C
D, D': PreCategory
G: Functor D D'

Functor (C -> D) (C -> D')
refine (Build_Functor (C -> D) (C -> D') (fun x => pointwise_whiskerL_object_of x) pointwise_whiskerL_morphism_of _ _); abstract (intros; simpl; path_natural_transformation; auto with functor). Defined. (** ** Construction of [(C → D) → (C' → D)] from [C' → C] *)
H: Funext
C, C': PreCategory
F: Functor C' C
D, D': PreCategory
G: Functor D D'

Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D)
H: Funext
C, C': PreCategory
F: Functor C' C
D, D': PreCategory
G: Functor D D'

Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D)
refine (Build_Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D) (fun x => pointwise_whiskerR_object_of x) pointwise_whiskerR_morphism_of _ _); abstract (intros; simpl; path_natural_transformation; auto with functor). Defined. End pointwise.