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(** * Functors involving product categories *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Prod. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Notation fst_type := fst. Local Notation snd_type := snd. Local Notation pair_type := pair. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope functor_scope. (** ** First and second projections from a product precategory *) Section proj. Context {C : PreCategory}. Context {D : PreCategory}. Definition fst : Functor (C * D) C := Build_Functor (C * D) C (@fst _ _) (fun _ _ => @fst _ _) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). Definition snd : Functor (C * D) D := Build_Functor (C * D) D (@snd _ _) (fun _ _ => @snd _ _) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). End proj. (** ** Product of two functors from the same domain *) Section prod. Variables C D D' : PreCategory. Definition prod (F : Functor C D) (F' : Functor C D') : Functor C (D * D') := Build_Functor C (D * D') (fun c => (F c, F' c)) (fun s d m => (F _1 m, F' _1 m)) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => path_prod' (composition_of F _ _ _ _ _) (composition_of F' _ _ _ _ _)) (fun _ => path_prod' (identity_of F _) (identity_of F' _)). End prod. Local Infix "*" := prod : functor_scope. (** ** Pairing of two functors *) Section pair. Variables C D C' D' : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable F' : Functor C' D'. Local Open Scope functor_scope. Definition pair : Functor (C * C') (D * D') := (F o fst) * (F' o snd). End pair. Local Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) : functor_scope. (** ** Partially applied functors out of a product precategory *) Section induced. Variables C D E : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor (C * D) E. Local Open Scope core_scope. Local Ltac t := simpl; intros; repeat (rewrite <- ?composition_of, <- ?identity_of, ?left_identity, ?right_identity; simpl); trivial. (** Note: This is just the currying exponential law. *) (** TODO: Come up with a better name for this? *)
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor (C * D) E
d: D

Functor C E
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor (C * D) E
d: D

Functor C E
refine (Build_Functor C E (fun c => F (c, d)) (fun _ _ m => @morphism_of _ _ F (_, _) (_, _) (m, identity d)) _ _); abstract t. Defined.
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor (C * D) E
c: C

Functor D E
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor (C * D) E
c: C

Functor D E
refine (Build_Functor D E (fun d => F (c, d)) (fun _ _ m => @morphism_of _ _ F (_, _) (_, _) (identity c, m)) _ _); abstract t. Defined. End induced. Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". Module Export FunctorProdCoreNotations. Infix "*" := prod : functor_scope. Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) : functor_scope. End FunctorProdCoreNotations.