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(** * Grothendieck Construction of a pseudofunctor to Cat *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core. Require Import Pseudofunctor.Core Pseudofunctor.RewriteLaws. Require Import Category.Morphisms Cat.Morphisms. Require Import Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import Functor.Identity. Require Import FunctorCategory.Core. Require Import Basics Types HoTT.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Section Grothendieck. Context `{Funext}. Variable C : PreCategory. Variable F : Pseudofunctor C. Record Pair := { c : C; x : object (F c) }. Local Notation morphism s d := { f : morphism C s.(c) d.(c) | morphism _ (p_morphism_of F f s.(x)) d.(x) }.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s, d, d': Pair
m1: {f : Core.morphism C (c d) (c d') & Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x d))%object (x d')}
m2: {f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c d) & Core.morphism (F (c d)) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x d)}

{f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c d') & Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x d')}
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s, d, d': Pair
m1: {f : Core.morphism C (c d) (c d') & Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x d))%object (x d')}
m2: {f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c d) & Core.morphism (F (c d)) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x d)}

{f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c d') & Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x d')}
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s, d, d': Pair
m1: {f : Core.morphism C (c d) (c d') & Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x d))%object (x d')}
m2: {f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c d) & Core.morphism (F (c d)) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x d)}

Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F (m1.1 o m2.1)) _0 (x s))%object (x d')
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s, d, d': Pair
m1: {f : Core.morphism C (c d) (c d') & Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x d))%object (x d')}
m2: {f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c d) & Core.morphism (F (c d)) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x d)}

Core.morphism (F (c d')) ((p_morphism_of F (m1.1 o m2.1)) _0 (x s))%object ((p_morphism_of F m1.1) _0 ((p_morphism_of F m2.1) _0 (x s)))%object
apply (p_composition_of F). Defined.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s: Pair

{f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c s) & Core.morphism (F (c s)) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x s)}
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s: Pair

{f : Core.morphism C (c s) (c s) & Core.morphism (F (c s)) ((p_morphism_of F f) _0 (x s))%object (x s)}
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
s: Pair

Core.morphism (F (c s)) ((p_morphism_of F 1) _0 (x s))%object (x s)
apply (p_identity_of F). Defined. Global Arguments identity _ / . Global Arguments compose _ _ _ _ _ / . Local Ltac try_associativity_f_ap := first [ f_ap; [] | repeat (etransitivity; [ apply Category.Core.associativity | ]); repeat (etransitivity; [ | symmetry; apply Category.Core.associativity ]); f_ap; [] | repeat (etransitivity; [ symmetry; apply Category.Core.associativity | ]); repeat (etransitivity; [ | apply Category.Core.associativity ]); f_ap; [] ]. Local Ltac assoc_before_commutes_tac := rewrite !composition_of; rewrite <- !Category.Core.associativity; etransitivity; [ | symmetry; apply compose4associativity_helper ]. Local Ltac assoc_fin_tac := repeat match goal with | _ => reflexivity | _ => progress rewrite ?Category.Core.left_identity, ?Category.Core.right_identity | [ |- context[components_of ?T ?x o components_of ?T^-1 ?x] ] => let k := constr:(@iso_compose_pV _ _ _ (T x) _) in simpl rewrite k (* https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=3773 and https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=3772 (probably) *) | _ => try_associativity_quick first [ f_ap; [] | apply concat_left_identity | apply concat_right_identity ] | _ => rewrite <- ?identity_of, <- ?composition_of; progress repeat (f_ap; []); rewrite ?identity_of, ?composition_of | _ => try_associativity_quick rewrite compose4associativity_helper end. Local Ltac helper_t before_commutes_tac := repeat intro; symmetry; apply path_sigma_uncurried; simpl in *; let ex_hyp := match goal with | [ H : ?A = ?B |- @sig (?B = ?A) _ ] => constr:(H) end in (exists (inverse ex_hyp)); simpl; rewrite ?transport_Fc_to_idtoiso, ?transport_cF_to_idtoiso; rewrite ?idtoiso_inv, ?ap_V, ?inv_V; simpl; let rew_hyp := match goal with | [ H' : context[ex_hyp] |- _ ] => constr:(H') end in rewrite rew_hyp; clear rew_hyp ex_hyp; before_commutes_tac; repeat first [ reflexivity | progress rewrite ?Category.Core.left_identity, ?Category.Core.right_identity | try_associativity_quick (f_ap; []) ]; match goal with | _ => reflexivity | [ |- context[?F _1 ?m o components_of ?T ?x] ] => simpl rewrite <- (commutes T _ _ m); try reflexivity | [ |- context[components_of ?T ?x o ?F _1 ?m] ] => simpl rewrite (commutes T _ _ m); try reflexivity end. (* The goal for, e.g., the following associativity helper was made with the following code: << intros a b c d [f f'] [g g'] [h h']; simpl. pose proof (apD10 (ap components_of (p_composition_ofCoherent_for_rewrite F _ _ _ _ f g h))) as rew_hyp. revert rew_hyp. generalize dependent (Category.Core.associativity C _ _ _ _ f g h). intros fst_hyp ?. simpl in *. hnf in rew_hyp. simpl in *. Local Ltac gen_x x := generalize dependent (X x); generalize dependent (C x); repeat (let x1 := fresh "x" in intro x1). gen_x a. gen_x b. gen_x c. gen_x d. repeat match goal with | [ |- context[p_identity_of ?F ?x] ] => generalize dependent (p_identity_of F x) | [ |- context[p_composition_of ?F ?x ?y ?z ?f ?g] ] => generalize dependent (p_composition_of F x y z f g) | [ |- context[p_morphism_of ?F ?m] ] => generalize dependent (p_morphism_of F m) | [ |- context[p_object_of ?F ?x] ] => generalize dependent (p_object_of F x) | [ H : context[p_morphism_of ?F ?m] |- _ ] => generalize dependent (p_morphism_of F m) | [ |- context[@p_morphism_of _ _ ?F ?x ?y] ] => generalize dependent (@p_morphism_of _ _ F x y) end. simpl. intros. lazymatch goal with | [ H : context[ap ?f ?H'] |- _ ] => rename H' into fst_hyp; rename H into rew_hyp; move rew_hyp at top end. generalize dependent fst_hyp. clear. intros. move rew_hyp at top. move H at top. repeat match goal with | [ H : Isomorphic _ _ |- _ ] => let x := fresh "x" in let H' := fresh "H" in destruct H as [x H']; simpl in * end. move rew_hyp at top. repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => revert H end. intro H. intro C. >> *)
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

forall (x x0 : C) (x2 : Core.morphism C x x0) (x1 : C) (x5 : Core.morphism C x0 x1) (x4 : C) (x7 : Core.morphism C x1 x4) (p p0 : PreCategory) (f : Core.morphism C x x4 -> Functor p0 p) (p1 p2 : PreCategory) (f0 : Functor p2 p) (f1 : Functor p1 p2) (f2 : Functor p0 p2) (f3 : Functor p0 p1) (f4 : Functor p1 p) (x16 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f (x7 o x5 o x2)) (f4 o f3)%functor) (x15 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p2) f2 (f1 o f3)%functor) (H2 : IsIsomorphism x15) (x11 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f (x7 o (x5 o x2))) (f0 o f2)%functor) (H1 : IsIsomorphism x11) (x9 : Core.morphism (p1 -> p) f4 (f0 o f1)%functor) (fst_hyp : x7 o x5 o x2 = x7 o (x5 o x2)), (forall x3 : p0, (idtoiso (p0 -> p) (ap f fst_hyp) : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f (x7 o x5 o x2)) (f (x7 o (x5 o x2)))) x3 = x11^-1 x3 o (f0 _1 (x15^-1 x3) o (1 o (x9 (f3 _0 x3)%object o x16 x3)))) -> IsIsomorphism x16 -> IsIsomorphism x9 -> forall (x13 : p) (x3 : p0) (x6 : p1) (x10 : p2) (x14 : Core.morphism p (f0 _0 x10)%object x13) (x12 : Core.morphism p2 (f1 _0 x6)%object x10) (x8 : Core.morphism p1 (f3 _0 x3)%object x6), (x7 o x5 o x2; x14 o (f0 _1 x12 o x9 x6) o (f4 _1 x8 o x16 x3)) = (x7 o (x5 o x2); x14 o (f0 _1 (x12 o (f1 _1 x8 o x15 x3)) o x11 x3))
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

forall (x x0 : C) (x2 : Core.morphism C x x0) (x1 : C) (x5 : Core.morphism C x0 x1) (x4 : C) (x7 : Core.morphism C x1 x4) (p p0 : PreCategory) (f : Core.morphism C x x4 -> Functor p0 p) (p1 p2 : PreCategory) (f0 : Functor p2 p) (f1 : Functor p1 p2) (f2 : Functor p0 p2) (f3 : Functor p0 p1) (f4 : Functor p1 p) (x16 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f (x7 o x5 o x2)) (f4 o f3)%functor) (x15 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p2) f2 (f1 o f3)%functor) (H2 : IsIsomorphism x15) (x11 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f (x7 o (x5 o x2))) (f0 o f2)%functor) (H1 : IsIsomorphism x11) (x9 : Core.morphism (p1 -> p) f4 (f0 o f1)%functor) (fst_hyp : x7 o x5 o x2 = x7 o (x5 o x2)), (forall x3 : p0, (idtoiso (p0 -> p) (ap f fst_hyp) : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f (x7 o x5 o x2)) (f (x7 o (x5 o x2)))) x3 = x11^-1 x3 o (f0 _1 (x15^-1 x3) o (1 o (x9 (f3 _0 x3)%object o x16 x3)))) -> IsIsomorphism x16 -> IsIsomorphism x9 -> forall (x13 : p) (x3 : p0) (x6 : p1) (x10 : p2) (x14 : Core.morphism p (f0 _0 x10)%object x13) (x12 : Core.morphism p2 (f1 _0 x6)%object x10) (x8 : Core.morphism p1 (f3 _0 x3)%object x6), (x7 o x5 o x2; x14 o (f0 _1 x12 o x9 x6) o (f4 _1 x8 o x16 x3)) = (x7 o (x5 o x2); x14 o (f0 _1 (x12 o (f1 _1 x8 o x15 x3)) o x11 x3))
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C
x0, x1: C
x2: Core.morphism C x0 x1
x3: C
x5: Core.morphism C x1 x3
x4: C
x7: Core.morphism C x3 x4
p, p0: PreCategory
f: Core.morphism C x0 x4 -> Functor p0 p
p1, p2: PreCategory
f0: Functor p2 p
f1: Functor p1 p2
f2: Functor p0 p2
f3: Functor p0 p1
f4: Functor p1 p
x16: NaturalTransformation (f (x7 o x5 o x2)) (f4 o f3)
x15: NaturalTransformation f2 (f1 o f3)
H2: IsIsomorphism x15
x11: NaturalTransformation (f (x7 o (x5 o x2))) (f0 o f2)
H1: IsIsomorphism x11
x9: NaturalTransformation f4 (f0 o f1)
H0': IsIsomorphism x16
H1': IsIsomorphism x9
x13: p
x6: p0
x8: p1
x10: p2
x14: Core.morphism p (f0 _0 x10)%object x13
x12: Core.morphism p2 (f1 _0 x8)%object x10
x17: Core.morphism p1 (f3 _0 x6)%object x8

f0 _1 (f1 _1 x17) o (f0 _1 (x15 x6) o (x11 x6 o (x11^-1 x6 o (f0 _1 (x15^-1 x6) o x9 (f3 _0 x6)%object)))) = f0 _1 (f1 _1 x17) o x9 (f3 _0 x6)%object
assoc_fin_tac. Qed.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

forall (x1 x2 : C) (f : Core.morphism C x2 x1) (p p0 : PreCategory) (f0 : Core.morphism C x2 x1 -> Functor p0 p) (f1 : Functor p p) (x0 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (1 o f)) (f1 o f0 f)%functor) (x : Core.morphism (p -> p) f1 1%functor) (fst_hyp : 1 o f = f), (forall x3 : p0, (idtoiso (p0 -> p) (ap f0 fst_hyp) : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (1 o f)) (f0 f)) x3 = 1 o (x ((f0 f) _0 x3)%object o x0 x3)) -> IsIsomorphism x0 -> IsIsomorphism x -> forall (x3 : p) (x4 : p0) (f' : Core.morphism p ((f0 f) _0 x4)%object x3), (1 o f; x x3 o (f1 _1 f' o x0 x4)) = (f; f')
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

forall (x1 x2 : C) (f : Core.morphism C x2 x1) (p p0 : PreCategory) (f0 : Core.morphism C x2 x1 -> Functor p0 p) (f1 : Functor p p) (x0 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (1 o f)) (f1 o f0 f)%functor) (x : Core.morphism (p -> p) f1 1%functor) (fst_hyp : 1 o f = f), (forall x3 : p0, (idtoiso (p0 -> p) (ap f0 fst_hyp) : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (1 o f)) (f0 f)) x3 = 1 o (x ((f0 f) _0 x3)%object o x0 x3)) -> IsIsomorphism x0 -> IsIsomorphism x -> forall (x3 : p) (x4 : p0) (f' : Core.morphism p ((f0 f) _0 x4)%object x3), (1 o f; x x3 o (f1 _1 f' o x0 x4)) = (f; f')
helper_t idtac. Qed.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

forall (x1 x2 : C) (f : Core.morphism C x2 x1) (p p0 : PreCategory) (f0 : Core.morphism C x2 x1 -> Functor p0 p) (f1 : Functor p0 p0) (x0 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (f o 1)) (f0 f o f1)%functor), IsIsomorphism x0 -> forall x : Core.morphism (p0 -> p0) f1 1%functor, IsIsomorphism x -> forall fst_hyp : f o 1 = f, (forall x3 : p0, (idtoiso (p0 -> p) (ap f0 fst_hyp) : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (f o 1)) (f0 f)) x3 = 1 o ((f0 f) _1 (x x3) o x0 x3)) -> forall (x3 : p) (x4 : p0) (f' : Core.morphism p ((f0 f) _0 x4)%object x3), (f o 1; f' o ((f0 f) _1 (x x4) o x0 x4)) = (f; f')
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

forall (x1 x2 : C) (f : Core.morphism C x2 x1) (p p0 : PreCategory) (f0 : Core.morphism C x2 x1 -> Functor p0 p) (f1 : Functor p0 p0) (x0 : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (f o 1)) (f0 f o f1)%functor), IsIsomorphism x0 -> forall x : Core.morphism (p0 -> p0) f1 1%functor, IsIsomorphism x -> forall fst_hyp : f o 1 = f, (forall x3 : p0, (idtoiso (p0 -> p) (ap f0 fst_hyp) : Core.morphism (p0 -> p) (f0 (f o 1)) (f0 f)) x3 = 1 o ((f0 f) _1 (x x3) o x0 x3)) -> forall (x3 : p) (x4 : p0) (f' : Core.morphism p ((f0 f) _0 x4)%object x3), (f o 1; f' o ((f0 f) _1 (x x4) o x0 x4)) = (f; f')
helper_t idtac. Qed. (** ** Category of elements *)
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

H: Funext
C: PreCategory
F: Pseudofunctor C

refine (@Build_PreCategory Pair (fun s d => morphism s d) identity compose _ _ _ _); [ abstract ( intros ? ? ? ? [f ?] [g ?] [h ?]; exact (pseudofunctor_to_cat_assoc_helper (apD10 (ap components_of (p_composition_of_coherent_for_rewrite F _ _ _ _ f g h)))) ) | abstract ( intros ? ? [f ?]; exact (pseudofunctor_to_cat_left_identity_helper (apD10 (ap components_of (p_left_identity_of_coherent_for_rewrite F _ _ f)))) ) | abstract ( intros ? ? [f ?]; exact (pseudofunctor_to_cat_right_identity_helper (apD10 (ap components_of (p_right_identity_of_coherent_for_rewrite F _ _ f)))) ) ]. Defined. (** ** First projection functor *) Definition pr1 : Functor category C := Build_Functor category C c (fun s d => @pr1 _ _) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). End Grothendieck.