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(** * Kan extensions assemble into functors *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import KanExtensions.Core. Require Import Adjoint.UniversalMorphisms.Core. Require Import FunctorCategory.Core. Require Import Adjoint.Core. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Section kan_extension_functors. Context `{Funext}. Variables C C' D : PreCategory. Variable p : object (C -> C'). (** ** Left Kan extension functor *) Section lan. Context `(has_left_kan_extensions : forall h : object (C -> D), @IsLeftKanExtensionAlong _ _ _ _ p h (left_kan_extensions h)). Definition left_kan_extension_functor : Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D) := functor__of__initial_morphism has_left_kan_extensions. Definition left_kan_extension_adjunction : left_kan_extension_functor -| pullback_along D p := adjunction__of__initial_morphism has_left_kan_extensions. End lan. (** ** Right Kan extension functor *) Section ran. Context `(has_right_kan_extensions : forall h : object (C -> D), @IsRightKanExtensionAlong _ _ _ _ p h (right_kan_extensions h)). Definition right_kan_extension_functor : Functor (C -> D) (C' -> D) := functor__of__terminal_morphism has_right_kan_extensions. Definition right_kan_extension_adjunction : pullback_along D p -| right_kan_extension_functor := adjunction__of__terminal_morphism has_right_kan_extensions. End ran. End kan_extension_functors.