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(** * Lax Comma Category *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Category.Dual. Require Import InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Pseudofunctors. Require Import Cat.Core. Require Pseudofunctor.Identity. Require Import Category.Strict. Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths. Require Import Pseudofunctor.Core. Require LaxComma.CoreLaws. Import Functor.Identity.FunctorIdentityNotations. Import Pseudofunctor.Identity.PseudofunctorIdentityNotations. Import LaxComma.CoreLaws.LaxCommaCategory. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. (** Quoting David Spivak: David: ok so an object of [FC ⇓ D] is a pair [(X, G)], where [X] is a finite category (or a small category or whatever you wanted) and [G : X --> D] is a functor. a morphism in [FC ⇓ D] is a ``natural transformation diagram'' (as opposed to a commutative diagram, in which the natural transformation would be ``identity'') so a map in [FC ⇓ D] from [(X, G)] to [(X', G')] is a pair [(F, α)] where [F : X --> X'] is a functor and [α : G --> G' ∘ F] is a natural transformation and the punchline is that there is a functor [colim : FC ⇓ D --> D] David: consider for yourself the case where [F : X --> X'] is identity ([X = X']) and (separately) the case where [α : G --> G ∘ F] is identity. the point is, you've already done the work to get this colim functor. because every map in [FC ⇓ D] can be written as a composition of two maps, one where the [F]-part is identity and one where the [α]-part is identity. and you've worked both of those cases out already. *) (** ** Definition of Lax Comma Category *) Definition lax_comma_category `{Funext} A B (S : Pseudofunctor A) (T : Pseudofunctor B) `{forall a b, IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))} : PreCategory := @Build_PreCategory (@object _ _ _ S T) (@morphism _ _ _ S T) (@identity _ _ _ S T) (@compose _ _ _ S T) (@associativity _ _ _ S T) (@left_identity _ _ _ S T) (@right_identity _ _ _ S T) _. Definition oplax_comma_category `{Funext} A B (S : Pseudofunctor A) (T : Pseudofunctor B) `{forall a b, IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))} : PreCategory := (lax_comma_category S T)^op.
H: Funext
A, B: PreCategory
S: Pseudofunctor A
T: Pseudofunctor B
IsStrictCategory0: IsStrictCategory A
IsStrictCategory1: IsStrictCategory B
H0: forall (a : A) (b : B), IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))

IsStrictCategory (lax_comma_category S T)
H: Funext
A, B: PreCategory
S: Pseudofunctor A
T: Pseudofunctor B
IsStrictCategory0: IsStrictCategory A
IsStrictCategory1: IsStrictCategory B
H0: forall (a : A) (b : B), IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))

IsStrictCategory (lax_comma_category S T)
typeclasses eauto. Qed. Global Instance isstrict_oplax_comma_category `{fs : Funext} A B S T HA HB H : IsStrictCategory (@oplax_comma_category fs A B S T H) := @isstrict_lax_comma_category fs A B S T HA HB H. (* Section category. Context `{IsCategory A, IsCategory B}. (*Context `{Funext}. *) Definition comma_category_isotoid (x y : comma_category) : x ≅ y -> x = y. Proof. intro i. destruct i as [i [i' ? ?]]. hnf in *. destruct i, i'. simpl in *. Global Instance comma_category_IsCategory `{IsCategory A, IsCategory B} : IsCategory comma_category. Proof. hnf. unfold IsStrictCategory in *. typeclasses eauto. Qed. End category. *) (** ** Definition of Lax (Co)Slice Category *) Section lax_slice_category. Context `{Funext}. Variables A a : PreCategory. Variable S : Pseudofunctor A. Context `{forall a0, IsHSet (Functor (S a0) a)}. Context `{forall a0, IsHSet (Functor a (S a0))}. Definition lax_slice_category : PreCategory := lax_comma_category S !a. Definition lax_coslice_category : PreCategory := lax_comma_category !a S. Definition oplax_slice_category : PreCategory := oplax_comma_category S !a. Definition oplax_coslice_category : PreCategory := oplax_comma_category !a S. (** [x ↓ F] is a coslice category; [F ↓ x] is a slice category; [x ↓ F] deals with morphisms [x -> F y]; [F ↓ x] has morphisms [F y -> x] *) End lax_slice_category. Arguments lax_slice_category {_} [A] a S {_}. Arguments lax_coslice_category {_} [A] a S {_}. Arguments oplax_slice_category {_} [A] a S {_}. Arguments oplax_coslice_category {_} [A] a S {_}. (** ** Definition of Lax (Co)Slice Category Over *) Section lax_slice_category_over. Local Open Scope type_scope. Context `{Funext}. Variable P : PreCategory -> Type. Context `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)}. Local Notation cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF). Variable a : PreCategory. Context `{forall a0 : cat, IsHSet (Functor a0.1 a)}. Context `{forall a0 : cat, IsHSet (Functor a a0.1)}. Definition lax_slice_category_over : PreCategory := @lax_slice_category _ cat a (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) _. Definition lax_coslice_category_over : PreCategory := @lax_coslice_category _ cat a (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) _. Definition oplax_slice_category_over : PreCategory := @oplax_slice_category _ cat a (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) _. Definition oplax_coslice_category_over : PreCategory := @oplax_coslice_category _ cat a (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) _. End lax_slice_category_over. Arguments lax_slice_category_over {_} P {HF} a {_}. Arguments lax_coslice_category_over {_} P {HF} a {_}. Arguments oplax_slice_category_over {_} P {HF} a {_}. Arguments oplax_coslice_category_over {_} P {HF} a {_}. (** ** Definition of Lax (Co)Slice Arrow Category *) Section lax_arrow_category. Local Open Scope type_scope. Context `{Funext}. Variable P : PreCategory -> Type. Context `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)}. Local Notation cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF). Definition lax_arrow_category : PreCategory := @lax_comma_category _ cat cat (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) (fun C D => HF C.2 D.2). Definition oplax_arrow_category : PreCategory := @oplax_comma_category _ cat cat (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) (Pseudofunctor.Identity.identity P) (fun C D => HF C.2 D.2). End lax_arrow_category. Arguments lax_arrow_category {_} P {_}. Arguments oplax_arrow_category {_} P {_}. Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug #5567, https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5567, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *) Module Export LaxCommaCoreNotations. (** We play some games to get nice notations for lax comma categories. *) Section tc_notation_boiler_plate. Local Open Scope type_scope. Class LCC_Builder {A B C} (x : A) (y : B) (z : C) : Set := lcc_builder_dummy : Unit. Definition get_LCC `{@LCC_Builder A B C x y z} : C := z. Global Arguments get_LCC / {A B C} x y {z} {_}. Global Instance LCC_comma `{Funext} A B (S : Pseudofunctor A) (T : Pseudofunctor B) {_ : forall a b, IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))} : LCC_Builder S T (lax_comma_category S T) | 1000 := tt. Global Instance LCC_slice `{Funext} A x (F : Pseudofunctor A) `{forall a0, IsHSet (Functor (F a0) x)} : LCC_Builder F x (lax_slice_category x F) | 100 := tt. Global Instance LCC_coslice `{Funext} A x (F : Pseudofunctor A) `{forall a0, IsHSet (Functor x (F a0))} : LCC_Builder x F (lax_coslice_category x F) | 100 := tt. Global Instance LCC_slice_over `{Funext} P `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)} a `{forall a0 : @sub_pre_cat _ P HF, IsHSet (Functor a0.1 a)} : LCC_Builder a (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF) (@lax_slice_category_over _ P HF a _) | 10 := tt. Global Instance LCC_coslice_over `{Funext} P `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)} a `{forall a0 : @sub_pre_cat _ P HF, IsHSet (Functor a a0.1)} : LCC_Builder (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF) a (@lax_coslice_category_over _ P HF a _) | 10 := tt. Class OLCC_Builder {A B C} (x : A) (y : B) (z : C) : Set := olcc_builder_dummy : Unit. Definition get_OLCC `{@OLCC_Builder A B C x y z} : C := z. Global Arguments get_OLCC / {A B C} x y {z} {_}. Global Instance OLCC_comma `{Funext} A B (S : Pseudofunctor A) (T : Pseudofunctor B) {_ : forall a b, IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))} : OLCC_Builder S T (lax_comma_category S T) | 1000 := tt. Global Instance OLCC_slice `{Funext} A x (F : Pseudofunctor A) `{forall a0, IsHSet (Functor (F a0) x)} : OLCC_Builder F x (lax_slice_category x F) | 100 := tt. Global Instance OLCC_coslice `{Funext} A x (F : Pseudofunctor A) `{forall a0, IsHSet (Functor x (F a0))} : OLCC_Builder x F (lax_coslice_category x F) | 100 := tt. Global Instance OLCC_slice_over `{Funext} P `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)} a `{forall a0 : @sub_pre_cat _ P HF, IsHSet (Functor a0.1 a)} : OLCC_Builder a (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF) (@lax_slice_category_over _ P HF a _) | 10 := tt. Global Instance OLCC_coslice_over `{Funext} P `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)} a `{forall a0 : @sub_pre_cat _ P HF, IsHSet (Functor a a0.1)} : OLCC_Builder (@sub_pre_cat _ P HF) a (@lax_coslice_category_over _ P HF a _) | 10 := tt. End tc_notation_boiler_plate. (** We really want to use infix [⇓] and [⇑] for lax comma categories, but that's unicode. Infix [,] might also be reasonable, but I can't seem to get it to work without destroying the [(_, _)] notation for ordered pairs. So I settle for the ugly ASCII rendition [//] of [⇓] and [\\] for [⇑]. *) (** Set some notations for printing *) Notation "'CAT' // a" := (@lax_slice_category_over _ _ _ a _) : category_scope. Notation "a // 'CAT'" := (@lax_coslice_category_over _ _ _ a _) : category_scope. Notation "x // F" := (lax_coslice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope. Notation "F // x" := (lax_slice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope. Notation "S // T" := (lax_comma_category S T) (only printing) : category_scope. (** Set the notation for parsing; typeclasses will automatically decide which of the arguments are functors and which are objects, i.e., functors from the terminal category. *) Notation "S // T" := (get_LCC S T) : category_scope. Notation "'CAT' \\ a" := (@oplax_slice_category_over _ _ _ a _) : category_scope. Notation "a \\ 'CAT'" := (@oplax_coslice_category_over _ _ _ a _) : category_scope. Notation "x \\ F" := (oplax_coslice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope. Notation "F \\ x" := (oplax_slice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope. Notation "S \\ T" := (oplax_comma_category S T) (only printing) : category_scope. (** Set the notation for parsing; typeclasses will automatically decide which of the arguments are functors and which are objects, i.e., functors from the terminal category. *) Notation "S \\ T" := (get_OLCC S T) : category_scope. End LaxCommaCoreNotations.