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(** * Discrete categories on [n] objects *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Unit Trunc Types.Sum Types.Empty. Require Import Basics.Nat. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope nat_scope. Module Export Core. (** ** [Fin n] types, or [CardinalityRepresentative] *) (** We use [Empty] for [0] and [Unit] for [1] so that we get nice judgmental behavior. TODO: this should be unified with [Spaces.Finite.Fin]. *) Fixpoint CardinalityRepresentative (n : nat) : Type0 := match n with | 0 => Empty | 1 => Unit | S n' => (CardinalityRepresentative n' + Unit)%type end. Coercion CardinalityRepresentative : nat >-> Sortclass. (** ** [Fin n] is an hSet *)
n: nat

IsHSet n
n: nat

IsHSet n
n: nat
IHn: IsHSet n

IsHSet n.+1
n: nat
IHn: IsHSet n.+1
IHn0: IsHSet n -> IsHSet n.+1

IsHSet n.+2
n: nat
IHn: IsHSet n.+1
IHn0: IsHSet n -> IsHSet n.+1

is_mere_relation n.+2 paths
intros [x|x] [y|y]; typeclasses eauto. Qed. (** ** Define the categories [n] *) Definition nat_category (n : nat) := match n with | 0 => indiscrete_category 0 | 1 => indiscrete_category 1 | S (S n') => discrete_category (S (S n')) end. Module Export NatCategoryCoreNotations. Notation "0" := (nat_category 0) : category_scope. Notation "1" := (nat_category 1) : category_scope. Notation "2" := (nat_category 2) : category_scope. Notation "3" := (nat_category 3) : category_scope. Notation "4" := (nat_category 4) : category_scope. Notation "5" := (nat_category 5) : category_scope. Notation "6" := (nat_category 6) : category_scope. Notation "7" := (nat_category 7) : category_scope. Notation "8" := (nat_category 8) : category_scope. Notation "9" := (nat_category 9) : category_scope. End NatCategoryCoreNotations. #[export] Typeclasses Transparent nat_category. #[export] Hint Unfold nat_category : core. Arguments nat_category / . End Core. Module Notations. Include Core.NatCategoryCoreNotations. End Notations.