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(** * Composition of natural transformations *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope path_scope. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope. (** ** Vertical composition *) Section composition. (** We have the diagram << F C -------> D | | | T | V C -------> D F' | | T' | V C ------> D F'' >> And we want the commutative diagram << F m F A -------> F B | | | | | T A | T B | | V F' m V F' A -------> F' B | | | | | T' A | T' B | | V F'' m V F'' A ------> F'' B >> *) Section compose. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variables F F' F'' : Functor C D. Variable T' : NaturalTransformation F' F''. Variable T : NaturalTransformation F F'. Local Notation CO c := (T' c o T c). Definition compose_commutes s d (m : morphism C s d) : CO d o F _1 m = F'' _1 m o CO s := (associativity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) @ ap (fun x => _ o x) (commutes T _ _ m) @ (associativity_sym _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) @ ap (fun x => x o _) (commutes T' _ _ m) @ (associativity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _). (** We define the symmetrized version separately so that we can get more unification in the functor [(C → D)á”’á”– → (Cá”’á”– → Dá”’á”–)] *) Definition compose_commutes_sym s d (m : morphism C s d) : F'' _1 m o CO s = CO d o F _1 m := (associativity_sym _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) @ ap (fun x => x o _) (commutes_sym T' _ _ m) @ (associativity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) @ ap (fun x => _ o x) (commutes_sym T _ _ m) @ (associativity_sym _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _). Global Arguments compose_commutes : simpl never. Global Arguments compose_commutes_sym : simpl never. Definition compose : NaturalTransformation F F'' := Build_NaturalTransformation' F F'' (fun c => CO c) compose_commutes compose_commutes_sym. End compose. (** ** Whiskering *) Section whisker. Variables C D E : PreCategory. Section L. Variable F : Functor D E. Variables G G' : Functor C D. Variable T : NaturalTransformation G G'. Local Notation CO c := (F _1 (T c)). Definition whisker_l_commutes s d (m : morphism C s d) : F _1 (T d) o (F o G) _1 m = (F o G') _1 m o F _1 (T s) := ((composition_of F _ _ _ _ _)^) @ (ap (fun m => F _1 m) (commutes T _ _ _)) @ (composition_of F _ _ _ _ _). Definition whisker_l_commutes_sym s d (m : morphism C s d) : (F o G') _1 m o F _1 (T s) = F _1 (T d) o (F o G) _1 m := ((composition_of F _ _ _ _ _)^) @ (ap (fun m => F _1 m) (commutes_sym T _ _ _)) @ (composition_of F _ _ _ _ _). Global Arguments whisker_l_commutes : simpl never. Global Arguments whisker_l_commutes_sym : simpl never. Definition whisker_l := Build_NaturalTransformation' (F o G) (F o G') (fun c => CO c) whisker_l_commutes whisker_l_commutes_sym. End L. Section R. Variables F F' : Functor D E. Variable T : NaturalTransformation F F'. Variable G : Functor C D. Local Notation CO c := (T (G c)). Definition whisker_r_commutes s d (m : morphism C s d) : T (G d) o (F o G) _1 m = (F' o G) _1 m o T (G s) := commutes T _ _ _. Definition whisker_r_commutes_sym s d (m : morphism C s d) : (F' o G) _1 m o T (G s) = T (G d) o (F o G) _1 m := commutes_sym T _ _ _. Global Arguments whisker_r_commutes : simpl never. Global Arguments whisker_r_commutes_sym : simpl never. Definition whisker_r := Build_NaturalTransformation' (F o G) (F' o G) (fun c => CO c) whisker_r_commutes whisker_r_commutes_sym. End R. End whisker. End composition. Module Export NaturalTransformationCompositionCoreNotations. Infix "o" := compose : natural_transformation_scope. Infix "oL" := whisker_l : natural_transformation_scope. Infix "oR" := whisker_r : natural_transformation_scope. End NaturalTransformationCompositionCoreNotations.