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(** * Natural isomorphisms *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core. Require Import Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import Category.Morphisms. Require Import FunctorCategory.Core. Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths. Require Import Basics.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope category_scope. Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Ltac iso_whisker_t := path_natural_transformation; try rewrite <- composition_of, <- identity_of; try f_ap; match goal with | [ H : IsIsomorphism _ |- context[components_of ?T0 ?x o components_of ?T1 ?x] ] => change (T0 x o T1 x) with (components_of ((T0 : morphism (_ -> _) _ _) o (T1 : morphism (_ -> _) _ _))%morphism x); progress rewrite ?(@left_inverse _ _ _ _ H), ?(@right_inverse _ _ _ _ H) end; reflexivity. Section composition. Context `{Funext}. (** ** Natural isomorphism respects composition *) Global Instance isisomorphism_compose `(T' : @NaturalTransformation C D F' F'') `(T : @NaturalTransformation C D F F') `{@IsIsomorphism (C -> D) F' F'' T'} `{@IsIsomorphism (C -> D) F F' T} : @IsIsomorphism (C -> D) F F'' (T' o T)%natural_transformation := @isisomorphism_compose (C -> D) _ _ T' _ _ T _. (** ** Left whiskering preserves natural isomorphisms *)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor D E
G, G': Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation G G'
H0: IsIsomorphism T

IsIsomorphism (F oL T)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor D E
G, G': Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation G G'
H0: IsIsomorphism T

IsIsomorphism (F oL T)
exists (whisker_l F (T : morphism (_ -> _) _ _)^-1); abstract iso_whisker_t. Defined. (** ** Right whiskering preserves natural isomorphisms *)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F, F': Functor D E
T: NaturalTransformation F F'
G: Functor C D
H0: IsIsomorphism T

IsIsomorphism (T oR G)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F, F': Functor D E
T: NaturalTransformation F F'
G: Functor C D
H0: IsIsomorphism T

IsIsomorphism (T oR G)
exists (whisker_r (T : morphism (_ -> _) _ _)^-1 G); abstract iso_whisker_t. Defined. (** ** action of [idtoiso] on objects *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T': F = G
x: C

(idtoiso (C -> D) T' : morphism (C -> D) F G) x = idtoiso D (ap10 (ap object_of T') x)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T': F = G
x: C

(idtoiso (C -> D) T' : morphism (C -> D) F G) x = idtoiso D (ap10 (ap object_of T') x)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
x: C

idtoiso (C -> D) 1 x = idtoiso D (ap10 (ap object_of 1) x)
reflexivity. Defined. (** ** [idtoiso] respsects composition *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, F', F'': Functor C D
T': F' = F''
T: F = F'

((idtoiso (C -> D) T' : morphism (C -> D) F' F'') o (idtoiso (C -> D) T : morphism (C -> D) F F'))%natural_transformation = (idtoiso (C -> D) (T @ T') : morphism (C -> D) F F'')
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, F', F'': Functor C D
T': F' = F''
T: F = F'

((idtoiso (C -> D) T' : morphism (C -> D) F' F'') o (idtoiso (C -> D) T : morphism (C -> D) F F'))%natural_transformation = (idtoiso (C -> D) (T @ T') : morphism (C -> D) F F'')
path_natural_transformation; path_induction; simpl; auto with morphism. Defined. (** ** left whiskering respects [idtoiso] *)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor D E
G, G': Functor C D
T: G = G'

F oL (idtoiso (C -> D) T : morphism (C -> D) G G') = (idtoiso (C -> E) (ap (compose F) T) : morphism (C -> E) (F o G)%functor (F o G')%functor)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor D E
G, G': Functor C D
T: G = G'

F oL (idtoiso (C -> D) T : morphism (C -> D) G G') = (idtoiso (C -> E) (ap (compose F) T) : morphism (C -> E) (F o G)%functor (F o G')%functor)
path_natural_transformation; path_induction; simpl; auto with functor. Defined. (** ** right whiskering respects [idtoiso] *)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F, F': Functor D E
T: F = F'
G: Functor C D

(idtoiso (D -> E) T : morphism (D -> E) F F') oR G = (idtoiso (C -> E) (ap (fun H : Functor D E => (H o G)%functor) T) : morphism (C -> E) (F o G)%functor (F' o G)%functor)
H: Funext
C, D, E: PreCategory
F, F': Functor D E
T: F = F'
G: Functor C D

(idtoiso (D -> E) T : morphism (D -> E) F F') oR G = (idtoiso (C -> E) (ap (fun H : Functor D E => (H o G)%functor) T) : morphism (C -> E) (F o G)%functor (F' o G)%functor)
path_natural_transformation; path_induction; simpl; auto with functor. Defined. End composition. Arguments isisomorphism_compose {H C D F' F''} T' {F} T {H0 H1}. Arguments iso_whisker_l {H} C D E F G G' T {H0}. Arguments iso_whisker_r {H} C D E F F' T G {H0}. (** ** Equalities induced by isomorphisms of objects *) Section object_isomorphisms.
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

(G _1 m)^-1 o (T d o F _1 m) = T s
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

(G _1 m)^-1 o (T d o F _1 m) = T s
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

T d o F _1 m = G _1 m o T s
apply commutes. Qed.
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

G _1 m o T s o (F _1 m)^-1 = T d
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

G _1 m o T s o (F _1 m)^-1 = T d
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

G _1 m o T s = T d o F _1 m
C: PreCategory
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d
H: IsIsomorphism m
D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G

T d o F _1 m = G _1 m o T s
apply commutes. Qed. Definition path_components_of_isomorphic `(m : @Isomorphic C s d) D (F G : Functor C D) (T : NaturalTransformation F G) : (G _1 m)^-1 o (T d o F _1 m) = T s := @path_components_of_isisomorphism _ _ _ m m D F G T. Definition path_components_of_isomorphic' `(m : @Isomorphic C s d) D (F G : Functor C D) (T : NaturalTransformation F G) : (G _1 m o T s) o (F _1 m)^-1 = T d := @path_components_of_isisomorphism' _ _ _ m m D F G T. End object_isomorphisms.