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(** * Classify the path space of natural transformations *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Equivalences HoTT.Types Trunc Basics.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope. Section path_natural_transformation. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variables F G : Functor C D. (** ** Equivalence between record and sigma versions of natural transformation *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D

{CO : forall x : C, morphism D (F _0 x)%object (G _0 x)%object & forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), CO d o F _1 m = G _1 m o CO s} <~> NaturalTransformation F G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D

{CO : forall x : C, morphism D (F _0 x)%object (G _0 x)%object & forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), CO d o F _1 m = G _1 m o CO s} <~> NaturalTransformation F G
let build := constr:(@Build_NaturalTransformation _ _ F G) in let pr1 := constr:(@components_of _ _ F G) in let pr2 := constr:(@commutes _ _ F G) in apply (equiv_adjointify (fun u => build u.1 u.2) (fun v => (pr1 v; pr2 v))); hnf; [ intros []; intros; simpl; expand; f_ap; exact (center _) | intros; apply eta_sigma ]. Defined. (** ** The type of natural transformations is an hSet *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D

IsHSet (NaturalTransformation F G)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D

IsHSet (NaturalTransformation F G)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D

IsHSet {CO : forall x : C, morphism D (F _0 x)%object (G _0 x)%object & forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), CO d o F _1 m = G _1 m o CO s}
typeclasses eauto. Qed. Section path. Variables T U : NaturalTransformation F G. (** ** Equality of natural transformations is implied by equality of components *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G

T = U -> T = U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G

T = U -> T = U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
X: T = U

T = U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
components_of: forall c : C, morphism D (F _0 c)%object (G _0 c)%object
commutes: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), components_of d o F _1 m = G _1 m o components_of s
commutes_sym: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), G _1 m o components_of s = components_of d o F _1 m
components_of0: forall c : C, morphism D (F _0 c)%object (G _0 c)%object
commutes0: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), components_of0 d o F _1 m = G _1 m o components_of0 s
commutes_sym0: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), G _1 m o components_of0 s = components_of0 d o F _1 m
X: components_of = components_of0

{| components_of := components_of; commutes := commutes; commutes_sym := commutes_sym |} = {| components_of := components_of0; commutes := commutes0; commutes_sym := commutes_sym0 |}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
components_of: forall c : C, morphism D (F _0 c)%object (G _0 c)%object
commutes: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), components_of d o F _1 m = G _1 m o components_of s
commutes_sym: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), G _1 m o components_of s = components_of d o F _1 m
commutes0: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), components_of d o F _1 m = G _1 m o components_of s
commutes_sym0: forall (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d), G _1 m o components_of s = components_of d o F _1 m

{| components_of := components_of; commutes := commutes; commutes_sym := commutes_sym |} = {| components_of := components_of; commutes := commutes0; commutes_sym := commutes_sym0 |}
f_ap; refine (center _). Qed.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G

T == U -> T = U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G

T == U -> T = U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
X: T == U

T = U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
X: T == U

T = U
apply path_forall; assumption. Qed. Let path_inv : T = U -> components_of T == components_of U := (fun H _ => match H with idpath => idpath end).
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

path_inv o path_natural_transformation == idmap
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

path_inv o path_natural_transformation == idmap
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U
x: T == U

path_inv (path_natural_transformation x) = x
refine (center _). Qed.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

path_natural_transformation o path_inv == idmap
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

path_natural_transformation o path_inv == idmap
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U
x: T = U

path_natural_transformation (path_inv x) = x
refine (center _). Qed.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

forall x : T = U, eisretr_path_natural_transformation (path_inv x) = ap path_inv (eissect_path_natural_transformation x)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

forall x : T = U, eisretr_path_natural_transformation (path_inv x) = ap path_inv (eissect_path_natural_transformation x)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U
x: T = U

eisretr_path_natural_transformation (path_inv x) = ap path_inv (eissect_path_natural_transformation x)
refine (center _). Qed. (** ** Equality of natural transformations is equivalent to equality of components *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

T = U <~> T == U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

T = U <~> T == U
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

IsEquiv ?equiv_fun
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T, U: NaturalTransformation F G
path_inv:= fun (H : T = U) (x : C) => match H in (_ = n) return (T x = n x) with | 1%path => 1%path end: T = U -> T == U

forall x : T = U, ?eisretr (?equiv_fun x) = ap ?equiv_fun (?eissect x)
exact eisadj_path_natural_transformation. Defined. End path. End path_natural_transformation. (** ** Tactic for proving equality of natural transformations *) Ltac path_natural_transformation := repeat match goal with | _ => intro | _ => apply path_natural_transformation; simpl end.