Library HoTT.Categories.Comma.Utf8
Local Set Warnings "-notation-overridden".
Require Import Basics.Notations.
Require Import Comma.Core.
Require Export Comma.Notations.
Require Import Basics.Utf8.
Require Import Basics.Notations.
Require Import Comma.Core.
Require Export Comma.Notations.
Require Import Basics.Utf8.
Set some notations for printing
Notation "C ↓ a" := (@slice_category_over C a) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "a ↓ C" := (@coslice_category_over C a) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "x ↓ F" := (coslice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "F ↓ x" := (slice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "S ↓ T" := (comma_category S T) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "a ↓ C" := (@coslice_category_over C a) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "x ↓ F" := (coslice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "F ↓ x" := (slice_category x F) (only printing) : category_scope.
Notation "S ↓ T" := (comma_category S T) (only printing) : category_scope.
Set the notation for parsing; coercions will automatically decide which of the arguments are functors and which are objects, i.e., functors from the terminal category.
Notation "S ↓ T" := (comma_category (S : CC_Functor' _ _)
(T : CC_Functor' _ _)) : category_scope.
(*Set Printing All.
Check (fun (C : PreCategory)(D : PreCategory)(E : PreCategory)(S : Functor C D) (T : Functor E D) => (S ↓ T)category).
Check (fun (D : PreCategory)(E : PreCategory)(S : Functor E D) (x : D) => (S ↓ x)*)
(T : CC_Functor' _ _)) : category_scope.
(*Set Printing All.
Check (fun (C : PreCategory)(D : PreCategory)(E : PreCategory)(S : Functor C D) (T : Functor E D) => (S ↓ T)category).
Check (fun (D : PreCategory)(E : PreCategory)(S : Functor E D) (x : D) => (S ↓ x)*)