Timings for Pullback.v

Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import HSet Limits.Pullback.
Require Import WildCat Pointed.Core Homotopy.ExactSequence.
Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Require Import AbGroups.AbelianGroup AbGroups.AbPullback AbGroups.Biproduct.
Require Import AbSES.Core AbSES.DirectSum.

Local Open Scope abses_scope.

(** * Pullbacks of short exact sequences *)

(** A short exact sequence [A -> E -> B] can be pulled back along a map [B' -> B]. We start by defining the underlying map, then the pointed version. *)
Definition abses_pullback {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : AbSES B A -> AbSES B' A.
  intro E.
  snrapply (Build_AbSES (ab_pullback (projection E) f)
                        (grp_pullback_corec _ _ (inclusion _) grp_homo_const _)
                        (grp_pullback_pr2 (projection _) f)).
 intro x.
    nrefine (_ @ (grp_homo_unit f)^).
    apply isexact_inclusion_projection.
 exact (cancelL_isembedding (g:= grp_pullback_pr1 _ _)).
 rapply conn_map_pullback'.
 snrapply Build_IsExact.
 snrapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
 exact _.
 nrefine (cancelL_equiv_conn_map
                 _ _ (hfiber_pullback_along_pointed f (projection _) (grp_homo_unit _))).
      nrefine (conn_map_homotopic _ _ _ _ (conn_map_isexact (IsExact:=isexact_inclusion_projection _))).
      intro a.
      by apply path_sigma_hprop.

(** ** The universal property of [abses_pullback_morphism] *)

(** The natural map from the pulled back sequence. *)
Definition abses_pullback_morphism {A B B' : AbGroup@{u}}
  (E : AbSES B A) (f : B' $-> B)
  : AbSESMorphism (abses_pullback f E) E.
  snrapply (Build_AbSESMorphism grp_homo_id _ f).
 apply grp_pullback_pr1.
 apply pullback_commsq.

(** Any map [f : E -> F] of short exact sequences factors (uniquely) through [abses_pullback F f3]. *)
Definition abses_pullback_morphism_corec {A B X Y : AbGroup@{u}}
  {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X} (f : AbSESMorphism E F)
  : AbSESMorphism E (abses_pullback (component3 f) F).
  snrapply (Build_AbSESMorphism (component1 f) _ grp_homo_id).
 apply (grp_pullback_corec (projection F) (component3 f)
                              (component2 f) (projection E)).
    apply right_square.
 intro x; cbn.
    apply equiv_path_pullback_hset; cbn; split.
 apply left_square.
 symmetry; apply iscomplex_abses.

(** The original map factors via the induced map. *)
Definition abses_pullback_morphism_corec_beta `{Funext}
  {A B X Y : AbGroup@{u}} {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X}
  (f : AbSESMorphism E F)
  : f = absesmorphism_compose (abses_pullback_morphism F (component3 f))
                              (abses_pullback_morphism_corec f).
  apply (equiv_ap issig_AbSESMorphism^-1 _ _).
  srapply path_sigma_hprop.
  apply path_prod.
  1: apply path_prod.
  all: by apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism.

Definition abses_pullback_component1_id'
  {A B B' : AbGroup@{u}} {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES B' A}
  (f : AbSESMorphism E F) (h : component1 f == grp_homo_id)
  : E $== abses_pullback (component3 f) F.
  pose (g := abses_pullback_morphism_corec f).
  nrapply abses_path_data_to_iso.
  exists (component2 g); split.
 exact (fun a => (left_square g a)^ @ ap _ (h a)).

(** In particular, if [component1] of a morphism is the identity, then it exhibits the domain as the pullback of the codomain. *)
Definition abses_pullback_component1_id `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
  {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES B' A}
  (f : AbSESMorphism E F) (h : component1 f == grp_homo_id)
  : E = abses_pullback (component3 f) F
  := equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pullback_component1_id' f h).

(** For any two [E, F : AbSES B A] and [f, g : B' $-> B], there is a morphism [Ef + Fg -> E + F] induced by the universal properties of the pullbacks of E and F, respectively. *)
Definition abses_directsum_pullback_morphism `{Funext}
  {A B B' C D D' : AbGroup@{u}} {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES D C}
  (f : B' $-> B) (g : D' $-> D)
  : AbSESMorphism
      (abses_direct_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback g F))
      (abses_direct_sum E F)
  := functor_abses_directsum
       (abses_pullback_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism F g).

(** For any two [E, F : AbSES B A] and [f, g : B' $-> B], we have (E + F)(f + g) = Ef + Eg, where + denotes the direct sum. *)
Definition abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks `{Univalence}
  {A B B' C D D' : AbGroup@{u}}
  {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES D C} (f : B' $-> B) (g : D' $-> D)
  : abses_pullback (functor_ab_biprod f g) (abses_direct_sum E F)
    = abses_direct_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback g F)
  := (abses_pullback_component1_id (abses_directsum_pullback_morphism f g)
        (fun _ => idpath))^.

Definition abses_path_pullback_projection_commsq
  {A B B' : AbGroup@{u}} (bt : B' $-> B)
  (E : AbSES B A) (F : AbSES B' A) (p : abses_pullback bt E = F)
  : exists phi : middle F $-> E, projection E o phi == bt o projection F.
  induction p.
  exists (grp_pullback_pr1 _ _); intro x.
  nrapply pullback_commsq.

(** ** Functoriality of [abses_pullback f] for [f : B' $-> B] *)

(** As any function, [abses_pullback f] acts on paths. By explicitly describing the analogous action on path data we get an action which computes, this turn out to be useful. *)

Global Instance is0functor_abses_pullback {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : Is0Functor (abses_pullback (A:=A) f).
  srapply Build_Is0Functor;
    intros E F p.
  snrefine (_; (_,_)).
 srapply equiv_functor_grp_pullback.
    1,3: exact grp_iso_id.
    1: exact p.1.
    2: reflexivity.
    intro x.
    exact (snd p.2 x)^.
 intro x.
    srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split; cbn.
    2: reflexivity.
    exact (fst p.2 x).

Global Instance is1functor_abses_pullback {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : Is1Functor (abses_pullback (A:=A) f).
  snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
 intros E F p q h x.
    srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split; cbn.
    2: reflexivity.
    exact (h _).
 intros E x.
    by srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset.
 intros E F G p q x.
    by srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset.

Lemma ap_abses_pullback `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  {E F : AbSES B A} (p : E = F)
  : ap (abses_pullback f) p
    = equiv_path_abses_iso (fmap (abses_pullback f) (equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 p)).
  induction p.
  nrefine (_ @ ap equiv_path_abses_iso _).
  2: refine ((fmap_id_strong _ _)^ @ ap _ equiv_path_absesV_1^).
  exact equiv_path_abses_1^.

Lemma ap_abses_pullback_data `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B) {E F : AbSES B A}
  (p : abses_path_data_iso E F)
  : ap (abses_pullback f) (equiv_path_abses_iso p)
    = equiv_path_abses_iso (fmap (abses_pullback f) p).
  refine (ap_abses_pullback _ _ @ _).
  apply (ap (equiv_path_abses_iso o _)).
  apply eissect.

Definition abses_pullback_point' {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : (abses_pullback f pt) $== (point (AbSES B' A)).
  snrefine (_; (_, _)).
 snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism.
 srapply ab_biprod_corec.
 refine (ab_biprod_pr1 $o _).
        apply grp_pullback_pr1.
 apply projection.
 srapply isequiv_adjointify.
 snrapply grp_pullback_corec.
 exact (functor_ab_biprod grp_homo_id f).
 exact ab_biprod_pr2.
 intros [[a b] [b' c]].
        srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split; cbn.
        2: reflexivity.
        exact (path_prod' idpath c^).

Definition abses_pullback_point `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : abses_pullback f pt = pt :> AbSES B' A
  := equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pullback_point' f).

Definition abses_pullback' {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : AbSES B A -->* AbSES B' A
  := Build_BasepointPreservingFunctor (abses_pullback f) (abses_pullback_point' f).

(** Pullback of short exact sequences as a pointed map. *)
Definition abses_pullback_pmap `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B)
  : AbSES B A ->* AbSES B' A
  := to_pointed (abses_pullback' f).

(** ** Functoriality of [abses_pullback] *)

(** [abses_pullback] is psuedo-functorial, and we can state this in terms of actual homotopies or "path data homotopies." We decorate the latter with the suffix ('). *)

(** For every [E : AbSES B A], the pullback of [E] along [id_B] is [E]. *)
Definition abses_pullback_id `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup}
  : abses_pullback (A:=A) (@grp_homo_id B) == idmap.
  intro E.
  apply equiv_path_abses_iso; srefine (_; (_, _)).
  1: rapply (Build_GroupIsomorphism _ _ (grp_pullback_pr1 _ _)).
  1: reflexivity.
  intros [a [p q]]; cbn.
  exact q^.

Definition abses_pullback_pmap_id `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup}
  : abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A) (@grp_homo_id B) ==* pmap_idmap.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: apply abses_pullback_id.
  refine (_ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
  nrapply (ap equiv_path_abses_iso).
  apply path_sigma_hprop.
  apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
  intros [[a b] [b' p]]; cbn; cbn in p.
  by apply path_prod'.

Definition abses_pullback_compose' {A B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup@{u}}
  (f : B0 $-> B1) (g : B1 $-> B2)
  : abses_pullback (A:=A) f o abses_pullback g $=> abses_pullback (g $o f).
  intro E; srefine (_; (_,_)).
 apply equiv_grp_pullback_compose_r.
 intro a.
    by srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset.

(** The analog of [abses_pullback_compose'] with actual homotopies. *)
Definition abses_pullback_compose `{Univalence}
  {A B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup@{u}} (f : B0 $-> B1) (g : B1 $-> B2)
  : abses_pullback (A:=A) f o abses_pullback g == abses_pullback (g $o f)
  := fun x => equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pullback_compose' f g x).

(** We now work towards *pointed* composition of pullback ([abses_pullback_pcompose]). The proof of pointedness will matter when we later prove that pulling back along a short exact sequence is exact (i.e. that the complex [iscomplex_pullback_abses] below is exact). For this reason we carefully construct the proof of pointedness in terms of the analog [abses_pullback_pcompose'] on path data, which computes. *)

Definition abses_pullback_pcompose' {B0 B1 B2 A : AbGroup}
  (f : B0 $-> B1) (g : B1 $-> B2)
  : abses_pullback' f $o* abses_pullback' g $=>* abses_pullback' (A:=A) (g $o f).
  exists (abses_pullback_compose' f g).
  intros [[[a b2] [b1 c]] [b0 c']]; cbn in c, c'.
  srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split; cbn.
  2: reflexivity.
  exact (path_prod' idpath (c @ ap g c')).

Definition abses_pullback_pcompose `{Univalence} {A B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup}
  (f : B0 $-> B1) (g : B1 $-> B2)
  : abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A) f o* abses_pullback_pmap g ==* abses_pullback_pmap (g $o f).
  refine (to_pointed_compose _ _ @* _).
  apply equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy.
  apply abses_pullback_pcompose'.

(** *** Pulling back along constant maps *)

Lemma abses_pullback_const' {A B B' : AbGroup}
  : const pt $=> (@abses_pullback A B B' grp_homo_const).
  intro E.
  nrapply abses_path_data_to_iso.
  srefine (_;(_,_)); cbn.
 srapply grp_pullback_corec.
 exact (inclusion _ $o ab_biprod_pr1).
 exact ab_biprod_pr2.
 intro x; cbn.
      apply iscomplex_abses.
 intro a; cbn.
    by srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split.

Definition abses_pullback_const `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
  : const pt == @abses_pullback A B B' grp_homo_const
  := fun x => (equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pullback_const' x)).

Lemma abses_pullback_pconst' {A B B' : AbGroup}
  : @pmap_abses_const B' A B A $=>* abses_pullback' grp_homo_const.
  srefine (_; _).
  1: rapply abses_pullback_const'.
  lazy beta.
  intro x; reflexivity.

Definition abses_pullback_pconst `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
  : pconst ==* @abses_pullback_pmap _ A B B' grp_homo_const.
  refine (pmap_abses_const_to_pointed @* _).
  rapply equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy.
  exact abses_pullback_pconst'.

(** *** Pulling [E] back along [projection E] is trivial *)

Definition abses_pullback_projection_morphism {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : AbSESMorphism (pt : AbSES E A) E.
  srapply (Build_AbSESMorphism grp_homo_id _ (projection E)).
 exact (ab_biprod_rec (inclusion E) grp_homo_id).
 intro x; cbn.
    exact (right_identity _)^.
 intros [a e]; cbn.
    refine (grp_homo_op _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (ap (fun x => sg_op x _) _ @ _).
    1: apply isexact_inclusion_projection.
    apply left_identity.

Definition abses_pullback_projection `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : pt = abses_pullback (projection E) E
  := abses_pullback_component1_id
       (abses_pullback_projection_morphism E) (fun _ => idpath).

(** *** Pulling back along homotopic maps *)

Lemma abses_pullback_homotopic' {A B B' : AbGroup}
  (f f' : B $-> B') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pullback (A:=A) f $=> abses_pullback f'.
  intro E.
  srefine (_; (_, _)).
 srapply equiv_functor_grp_pullback.
    1-3: exact grp_iso_id.
    1: reflexivity.
    apply h.
 intro a; cbn.
    by srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split.

Lemma abses_pullback_homotopic `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
  (f f' : B $-> B') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pullback (A:=A) f == abses_pullback f'.
  intro E.
  apply equiv_path_abses_iso.
  exact (abses_pullback_homotopic' _ _ h _).

Lemma abses_pullback_phomotopic' {A B B' : AbGroup}
  (f f' : B $-> B') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pullback' (A:=A) f $=>* abses_pullback' f'.
  exists (abses_pullback_homotopic' f f' h); cbn.
  intros [[a b'] [b c]]; cbn in c.
  srapply equiv_path_pullback_hset; split; cbn.
  2: reflexivity.
  exact (path_prod' idpath (c @ h b)).

Definition abses_pullback_phomotopic `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
  (f f' : B $-> B') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A) f ==* abses_pullback_pmap f'
  := equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy (abses_pullback_phomotopic' f f' h).

(** *** Pulling back along a complex *)

Definition iscomplex_abses_pullback' {A B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup}
  (f : B0 $-> B1) (g : B1 $-> B2) (h : g $o f == grp_homo_const)
  : abses_pullback' f $o* abses_pullback' g $=>* @pmap_abses_const _ _ _ A.
  refine (abses_pullback_pcompose' _ _ $@* _).
  refine (abses_pullback_phomotopic' _ _ h $@* _).
  exact abses_pullback_pconst'^*$.

Definition iscomplex_abses_pullback `{Univalence} {A B0 B1 B2 : AbGroup}
  (f : B0 $-> B1) (g : B1 $-> B2) (h : g $o f == grp_homo_const)
  : IsComplex (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A) g) (abses_pullback_pmap f).
  refine (_ @* _).
  2: symmetry; exact pmap_abses_const_to_pointed.
  refine (to_pointed_compose _ _ @* _).
  apply equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy.
  by rapply iscomplex_abses_pullback'.

(** A consequence is that pulling back along a short exact sequence forms a complex. *)

Definition iscomplex_pullback_abses `{Univalence} {A B C : AbGroup} (E : AbSES C B)
  : IsComplex (abses_pullback_pmap (A:=A) (projection E)) (abses_pullback_pmap (inclusion E)).
  rapply iscomplex_abses_pullback.
  rapply iscomplex_abses.

(** In fact, pulling back along a short exact sequence is (purely) exact. See [AbSES.PullbackFiberSequence]. *)

(** *** Fibers of pullback in terms of path data *)

Definition equiv_hfiber_abses `{Univalence} {X : Type} {A B : AbGroup}
  (f : X -> AbSES B A) (E : AbSES B A)
  : graph_hfiber f E <~> hfiber f E
  := equiv_functor_sigma_id (fun _ => equiv_path_abses_iso).

Definition hfiber_abses_path {A B B' : AbGroup} {f : B' $-> B} {X : AbSES B' A}
  (E F : graph_hfiber (abses_pullback f) X)
  := {p : E.1 $-> F.1 & (fmap (abses_pullback f) p)^$ $@ E.2 $-> F.2}.

Definition transport_path_data_hfiber_abses_pullback_l `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup} {f : B' $-> B}
  {Y : AbSES B' A} {X0 : graph_hfiber (abses_pullback f) Y} {X1 : AbSES B A} (p : X0.1 = X1)
  : transport (fun x : AbSES B A => abses_pullback f x $== Y) p X0.2
    = fmap (abses_pullback f) (equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 p^) $@ X0.2.
  induction p.
  refine (transport_1 _ _ @ _).
  nrefine (_ @ (ap (fun x => x $@ _)) _).
  2: {
 refine (_ @ ap _ equiv_path_absesV_1^).
       exact (fmap_id_strong _ _)^.
  exact (cat_idr_strong _)^.

Definition equiv_hfiber_abses_pullback `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup} {f : B' $-> B}
  (Y : AbSES B' A) (U V : graph_hfiber (abses_pullback f) Y)
  : hfiber_abses_path U V <~> U = V.
  refine (equiv_path_sigma _ _ _ oE _).
  srapply (equiv_functor_sigma' equiv_path_abses_iso);
    intro p; lazy beta.
  refine (equiv_concat_l _ _ oE _).
 refine (transport_path_data_hfiber_abses_pullback_l _ @ _).
    refine (ap (fun x => (fmap (abses_pullback f) x) $@ _) _ @ _).
 refine (ap _ (abses_path_data_V p) @ _).
      apply eissect.
    refine (ap (fun x => x $@ _) _).
    rapply gpd_strong_1functor_V.
  refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _ oE _).
  apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.

(** *** [AbSES] and [AbSES'] become contravariant functors in the first variable by pulling back *)

Global Instance is0functor_abses'10 {A : AbGroup}
  : Is0Functor (fun B : AbGroup^op => AbSES' B A).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  exact (fun _ _ f => abses_pullback f).

Global Instance is1functor_abses'10 `{Univalence} {A : AbGroup}
  : Is1Functor (fun B : AbGroup^op => AbSES' B A).
  apply Build_Is1Functor; intros; cbn.
 by apply abses_pullback_homotopic.
 apply abses_pullback_id.
 symmetry; apply abses_pullback_compose.

Global Instance is0functor_abses10 `{Univalence} {A : AbGroup}
  : Is0Functor (fun B : AbGroup^op => AbSES B A).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  exact (fun _ _ f => abses_pullback_pmap f).

Global Instance is1functor_abses10 `{Univalence} {A : AbGroup}
  : Is1Functor (fun B : AbGroup^op => AbSES B A).
  apply Build_Is1Functor; intros; cbn.
 by apply abses_pullback_phomotopic.
 apply abses_pullback_pmap_id.
 symmetry; apply abses_pullback_pcompose.