Timings for Subgroup.v

Require Import Basics Types HFiber WildCat.Core.
Require Import Truncations.Core.
Require Import Algebra.Groups.Group TruncType.

Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.

Generalizable Variables G H A B C N f g.

(** * Subgroups *)

(** A subgroup H of a group G is a predicate (i.e. an hProp-valued type family) on G which is closed under the group operations. The group underlying H is given by the total space { g : G & H g }, defined in [subgroup_group] below. *)
Class IsSubgroup {G : Group} (H : G -> Type) := {
  issubgroup_predicate : forall x, IsHProp (H x) ;
  issubgroup_in_unit : H mon_unit ;
  issubgroup_in_op : forall x y, H x -> H y -> H (x * y) ;
  issubgroup_in_inv : forall x, H x -> H (- x) ;

Global Existing Instance issubgroup_predicate.

(** Smart constructor for subgroups.  *)
Definition Build_IsSubgroup' {G : Group}
  (H : G -> Type) `{forall x, IsHProp (H x)}
  (unit : H mon_unit)
  (c : forall x y, H x -> H y -> H (x * -y))
  : IsSubgroup H.
  refine (Build_IsSubgroup G H _ unit _ _).
 intros x y.
    intros hx hy.
    pose (c' := c mon_unit y).
    specialize (c' unit).
    specialize (c x (-y)).
    rewrite (negate_involutive y) in c.
    rewrite left_identity in c'.
    apply c.
    1: assumption.
    exact (c' hy).
 intro g.
    specialize (c _ g unit).
    rewrite left_identity in c.

(** Additional lemmas about being elements in a subgroup *)
Section IsSubgroupElements.
  Context  {G : Group} {H : G -> Type} `{IsSubgroup G H}.

  Definition issubgroup_in_op_inv (x y : G) : H x -> H y -> H (x * -y).
    intros p q.
    apply issubgroup_in_op.
    1: assumption.
    by apply issubgroup_in_inv.

  Definition issubgroup_in_inv' (x : G) : H (- x) -> H x.
    intros p; rewrite <- (negate_involutive x); revert p.
    apply issubgroup_in_inv.

  Definition issubgroup_in_inv_op (x y : G) : H x -> H y -> H (-x * y).
    intros p q.
    rewrite <- (negate_involutive y).
    apply issubgroup_in_op_inv.
    1,2: by apply issubgroup_in_inv.

  Definition issubgroup_in_op_l (x y : G) : H (x * y) -> H y -> H x.
    intros p q.
    rewrite <- (grp_unit_r x).
    revert p q.
    rewrite <- (grp_inv_r y).
    rewrite grp_assoc.
    apply issubgroup_in_op_inv.

  Definition issubgroup_in_op_r (x y : G) : H (x * y) -> H x -> H y.
    intros p q.
    rewrite <- (grp_unit_l y).
    revert q p.
    rewrite <- (grp_inv_l x).
    rewrite <- grp_assoc.
    apply issubgroup_in_inv_op.

End IsSubgroupElements.

Definition issig_issubgroup {G : Group} (H : G -> Type) : _ <~> IsSubgroup H
  := ltac:(issig).

(** Given a predicate H on a group G, being a subgroup is a property. *)
Global Instance ishprop_issubgroup `{F : Funext} {G : Group} {H : G -> Type}
  : IsHProp (IsSubgroup H).
  exact (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (issig_issubgroup H)).

(** The type (set) of subgroups of a group G. *)
Record Subgroup (G : Group) := {
  subgroup_pred : G -> Type ;
  subgroup_issubgroup : IsSubgroup subgroup_pred ;

Coercion subgroup_pred : Subgroup >-> Funclass.
Global Existing Instance subgroup_issubgroup.

Definition Build_Subgroup' {G : Group}
  (H : G -> Type) `{forall x, IsHProp (H x)}
  (unit : H mon_unit)
  (c : forall x y, H x -> H y -> H (x * -y))
  : Subgroup G.
  refine (Build_Subgroup G H _).
  rapply Build_IsSubgroup'; assumption.

Section SubgroupElements.
  Context {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G) (x y : G).
  Definition subgroup_in_unit : H mon_unit := issubgroup_in_unit.
  Definition subgroup_in_inv : H x -> H (- x) := issubgroup_in_inv x.
  Definition subgroup_in_inv' : H (- x) -> H x := issubgroup_in_inv' x.
  Definition subgroup_in_op : H x -> H y -> H (x * y) := issubgroup_in_op x y.
  Definition subgroup_in_op_inv : H x -> H y -> H (x * -y) := issubgroup_in_op_inv x y.
  Definition subgroup_in_inv_op : H x -> H y -> H (-x * y) := issubgroup_in_inv_op x y.
  Definition subgroup_in_op_l : H (x * y) -> H y -> H x := issubgroup_in_op_l x y.
  Definition subgroup_in_op_r : H (x * y) -> H x -> H y := issubgroup_in_op_r x y.
End SubgroupElements.

Global Instance isequiv_subgroup_in_inv `(H : Subgroup G) (x : G)
  : IsEquiv (subgroup_in_inv H x).
  srapply isequiv_iff_hprop.
  apply subgroup_in_inv'.

Definition equiv_subgroup_inverse {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G) (x : G)
  : H x <~> H (-x) := Build_Equiv _ _ (subgroup_in_inv H x) _.

(** The group given by a subgroup *)
Definition subgroup_group {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G) : Group.
  apply (Build_Group
      (** The underlying type is the sigma type of the predicate. *)
      (sig H)
      (** The operation is the group operation on the first projection with the proof  of being in the subgroup given by the subgroup data. *)
      (fun '(x ; p) '(y ; q) => (x * y ; issubgroup_in_op x y p q))
      (** The unit *)
      (mon_unit ; issubgroup_in_unit)
      (** Inverse *)
      (fun '(x ; p) => (- x ; issubgroup_in_inv _ p))).
  (** Finally we need to prove our group laws. *)
repeat split.
  1: exact _.
  all: grp_auto.

Coercion subgroup_group : Subgroup >-> Group.

Definition subgroup_incl {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G)
  : subgroup_group H $-> G.
  snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism'.
  1: exact pr1.
  repeat split.

Global Instance isembedding_subgroup_incl {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G)
  : IsEmbedding (subgroup_incl H)
  := fun _ => istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (hfiber_fibration _ _).

Definition issig_subgroup {G : Group} : _ <~> Subgroup G
  := ltac:(issig).

(** Trivial subgroup *)
Definition trivial_subgroup {G} : Subgroup G.
  rapply (Build_Subgroup' (fun x => x = mon_unit)).
  1: reflexivity.
  intros x y p q.
  rewrite p, q.
  rewrite left_identity.
  apply negate_mon_unit.

(** Every group is a (maximal) subgroup of itself *)
Definition maximal_subgroup {G} : Subgroup G.
  rapply (Build_Subgroup G (fun x => Unit)).
  split; auto; exact _.

(** Paths between subgroups correspond to homotopies between the underlying predicates. *) 
Proposition equiv_path_subgroup `{F : Funext} {G : Group} (H K : Subgroup G)
  : (H == K) <~> (H = K).
  refine ((equiv_ap' issig_subgroup^-1%equiv _ _)^-1%equiv oE _); cbn.
  refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop _ _ oE _); cbn.
  apply equiv_path_arrow.

Proposition equiv_path_subgroup' `{U : Univalence} {G : Group} (H K : Subgroup G)
  : (forall g:G, H g <-> K g) <~> (H = K).
  refine (equiv_path_subgroup _ _ oE _).
  apply equiv_functor_forall_id; intro g.
  exact equiv_path_iff_ishprop.

Global Instance ishset_subgroup `{Univalence} {G : Group} : IsHSet (Subgroup G).
  nrefine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ issig_subgroup).
  nrefine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_functor_sigma_id _)).
 intro P; apply issig_issubgroup.
 nrefine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_sigma_assoc' _ _)^-1%equiv).
    nrapply istrunc_sigma.
    2: intros []; apply istrunc_hprop.
    nrefine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc
               _ (equiv_sig_coind (fun g:G => Type) (fun g x => IsHProp x))^-1%equiv).
    apply istrunc_forall.

Section Cosets.

  (** Left and right cosets give equivalence relations. *)

Context {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G).

  (** The relation of being in a left coset represented by an element. *)
Definition in_cosetL : Relation G := fun x y => H (-x * y).
  (** The relation of being in a right coset represented by an element. *)
Definition in_cosetR : Relation G := fun x y => H (x * -y).

  Hint Extern 4 => progress unfold in_cosetL : typeclass_instances.
  Hint Extern 4 => progress unfold in_cosetR : typeclass_instances.

  Global Arguments in_cosetL /.
  Global Arguments in_cosetR /.

  (** These are props *)
Global Instance ishprop_in_cosetL : is_mere_relation G in_cosetL := _.
  Global Instance ishprop_in_cosetR : is_mere_relation G in_cosetR := _.

  (** In fact, they are both equivalence relations. *)
Global Instance reflexive_in_cosetL : Reflexive in_cosetL.
    intro x; hnf.
    rewrite left_inverse.
    apply issubgroup_in_unit.

  Global Instance reflexive_in_cosetR : Reflexive in_cosetR.
    intro x; hnf.
    rewrite right_inverse.
    apply issubgroup_in_unit.

  Global Instance symmetric_in_cosetL : Symmetric in_cosetL.
    intros x y h; cbn; cbn in h.
    rewrite <- (negate_involutive x).
    rewrite <- negate_sg_op.
    apply issubgroup_in_inv; assumption.

  Global Instance symmetric_in_cosetR : Symmetric in_cosetR.
    intros x y h; cbn; cbn in h.
    rewrite <- (negate_involutive y).
    rewrite <- negate_sg_op.
    apply issubgroup_in_inv; assumption.

  Global Instance transitive_in_cosetL : Transitive in_cosetL.
    intros x y z h k; cbn; cbn in h; cbn in k.
    rewrite <- (right_identity (-x)).
    rewrite <- (right_inverse y : y * -y = mon_unit).
    rewrite (associativity (-x) _ _).
    rewrite <- simple_associativity.
    apply issubgroup_in_op; assumption.

  Global Instance transitive_in_cosetR : Transitive in_cosetR.
    intros x y z h k; cbn; cbn in h; cbn in k.
    rewrite <- (right_identity x).
    rewrite <- (left_inverse y : -y * y = mon_unit).
    rewrite (simple_associativity x).
    rewrite <- (associativity _ _ (-z)).
    apply issubgroup_in_op; assumption.

End Cosets.

(** Identities related to the left and right cosets. *)

Definition in_cosetL_unit {G : Group} {N : Subgroup G}
  : forall x y, in_cosetL N (-x * y) mon_unit <~> in_cosetL N x y.
  intros x y; cbn.
  rewrite (right_identity (- _)).
  rewrite (negate_sg_op _).
  rewrite (negate_involutive _).
  apply equiv_iff_hprop; apply symmetric_in_cosetL.

Definition in_cosetR_unit {G : Group} {N : Subgroup G}
  : forall x y, in_cosetR N (x * -y) mon_unit <~> in_cosetR N x y.
  intros x y; cbn.
  rewrite negate_mon_unit.
  rewrite (right_identity (x * -y)).

(** Symmetry is an equivalence. *)
Definition equiv_in_cosetL_symm {G : Group} {N : Subgroup G}
  : forall x y, in_cosetL N x y <~> in_cosetL N y x.
  intros x y.
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.
  all: by intro.

Definition equiv_in_cosetR_symm {G : Group} {N : Subgroup G}
  : forall x y, in_cosetR N x y <~> in_cosetR N y x.
  intros x y.
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.
  all: by intro.

(** A subgroup is normal if being in a left coset is equivalent to being in a right coset represented by the same element. *)
Class IsNormalSubgroup {G : Group} (N : Subgroup G)
  := isnormal : forall {x y}, in_cosetL N x y <~> in_cosetR N x y.

Record NormalSubgroup (G : Group) := {
  normalsubgroup_subgroup : Subgroup G ;
  normalsubgroup_isnormal : IsNormalSubgroup normalsubgroup_subgroup ;

Coercion normalsubgroup_subgroup : NormalSubgroup >-> Subgroup.
Global Existing Instance normalsubgroup_isnormal.

(* Inverses are then respected *)
Definition in_cosetL_inverse {G : Group} {N : NormalSubgroup G}
  : forall x y : G, in_cosetL N (-x) (-y) <~> in_cosetL N x y.
  intros x y.
  unfold in_cosetL.
  rewrite negate_involutive.
  symmetry; apply isnormal.

Definition in_cosetR_inverse {G : Group} {N : NormalSubgroup G}
  : forall x y : G, in_cosetR N (-x) (-y) <~> in_cosetR N x y.
  intros x y.
  refine (_ oE (in_cosetR_unit _ _)^-1).
  refine (_ oE isnormal^-1).
  refine (_ oE in_cosetL_unit _ _).
  refine (_ oE isnormal).
  by rewrite negate_involutive.

(** This lets us prove that left and right coset relations are congruences. *)
Definition in_cosetL_cong {G : Group} {N : NormalSubgroup G}
  (x x' y y' : G)
  : in_cosetL N x y -> in_cosetL N x' y' -> in_cosetL N (x * x') (y * y').
  cbn; intros p q.
  (** rewrite goal before applying subgroup_op *)
rewrite negate_sg_op, <- simple_associativity.
  apply symmetric_in_cosetL; cbn.
  rewrite simple_associativity.
  apply isnormal; cbn.
  rewrite <- simple_associativity.
  apply subgroup_in_op.
  1: assumption.
  by apply isnormal, symmetric_in_cosetL.

Definition in_cosetR_cong  {G : Group} {N : NormalSubgroup G}
  (x x' y y' : G)
  : in_cosetR N x y -> in_cosetR N x' y' -> in_cosetR N (x * x') (y * y').
  cbn; intros p q.
  (** rewrite goal before applying subgroup_op *)
rewrite negate_sg_op, simple_associativity.
  apply symmetric_in_cosetR; cbn.
  rewrite <- simple_associativity.
  apply isnormal; cbn.
  rewrite simple_associativity.
  apply subgroup_in_op.
  2: assumption.
  by apply isnormal, symmetric_in_cosetR.

(** The property of being the trivial subgroup is useful. *)
Definition IsTrivialSubgroup {G : Group} (H : Subgroup G) : Type :=
  forall x, H x <-> trivial_subgroup x.
Existing Class IsTrivialSubgroup.

Global Instance istrivialsubgroup_trivial_subgroup {G : Group}
  : IsTrivialSubgroup (@trivial_subgroup G)
  := ltac:(hnf; reflexivity).

(** Intersection of two subgroups *)
Definition subgroup_intersection {G : Group} (H K : Subgroup G) : Subgroup G.
  snrapply Build_Subgroup'.
  1: exact (fun g => H g /\ K g).
  1: exact _.
  1: split; apply subgroup_in_unit.
  intros x y [] [].
  split; by apply subgroup_in_op_inv.

(** *** The subgroup generated by a subset *)

(** Underlying type family of a subgroup generated by subset *)
Inductive subgroup_generated_type {G : Group} (X : G -> Type) : G -> Type :=
(** The subgroup should contain all elements of the original family. *)
| sgt_in (g : G) : X g -> subgroup_generated_type X g
(** It should contain the unit. *)
| sgt_unit : subgroup_generated_type X mon_unit
(** Finally, it should be closed under inverses and operation. *)
| sgt_op (g h : G)
  : subgroup_generated_type X g
  -> subgroup_generated_type X h
  -> subgroup_generated_type X (g * - h)

Arguments sgt_in {G X g}.
Arguments sgt_unit {G X}.
Arguments sgt_op {G X g h}.

(** Note that [subgroup_generated_type] will not automatically land in [HProp]. For example, if [X] already "contains" the unit of the group, then there are at least two different inhabitants of this family at the unit (given by [sgt_unit] and [sgt_in group_unit _]). Therefore, we propositionally truncate in [subgroup_generated] below. *)

(** Subgroups are closed under inverses. *)
Definition sgt_inv {G : Group} {X} {g : G}
  : subgroup_generated_type X g -> subgroup_generated_type X (- g).
  intros p.
  rewrite <- left_identity.
  exact (sgt_op sgt_unit p).

Definition sgt_op' {G : Group} {X} {g h : G}
  : subgroup_generated_type X g
    -> subgroup_generated_type X h
    -> subgroup_generated_type X (g * h).
  intros p q.
  rewrite <- (negate_involutive h).
  exact (sgt_op p (sgt_inv q)).

(** The subgroup generated by a subset *)
Definition subgroup_generated {G : Group} (X : G -> Type) : Subgroup G.
  refine (Build_Subgroup' (merely o subgroup_generated_type X)
            (tr sgt_unit) _).
  intros x y p q; strip_truncations.
  exact (tr (sgt_op p q)).

(** The inclusion of generators into the generated subgroup. *)
Definition subgroup_generated_gen_incl {G : Group} {X : G -> Type} (g : G) (H : X g)
  : subgroup_generated X
  := (g; tr (sgt_in H)).

(** If [f : G $-> H] is a group homomorphism and [X] and [Y] are subsets of [G] and [H] such that [f] maps [X] into [Y], then [f] sends the subgroup generated by [X] into the subgroup generated by [Y]. *)
Definition functor_subgroup_generated {G H : Group} (X : G -> Type) (Y : H -> Type)
  (f : G $-> H) (preserves : forall g, X g -> Y (f g))
  : forall g, subgroup_generated X g -> subgroup_generated Y (f g).
  intro g.
  apply Trunc_functor.
  intro p.
  induction p as [g i | | g h p1 IHp1 p2 IHp2].
 apply sgt_in, preserves, i.
 rewrite grp_homo_unit.
    apply sgt_unit.
 rewrite grp_homo_op, grp_homo_inv.
    by apply sgt_op.

(** The product of two subgroups. *)
Definition subgroup_product {G : Group} (H K : Subgroup G) : Subgroup G
  := subgroup_generated (fun x => ((H x) + (K x))%type).

(** The induction principle for the product. *)
Definition subgroup_product_ind {G : Group} (H K : Subgroup G)
  (P : forall x, subgroup_product H K x -> Type)
  (P_H_in : forall x y, P x (tr (sgt_in (inl y))))
  (P_K_in : forall x y, P x (tr (sgt_in (inr y))))
  (P_unit : P mon_unit (tr sgt_unit))
  (P_op : forall x y h k, P x (tr h) -> P y (tr k) -> P (x * - y) (tr (sgt_op h k)))
  `{forall x y, IsHProp (P x y)}
  : forall x (p : subgroup_product H K x), P x p.
  intros x p.
  induction p as [x s | | x y h IHh k IHk].
 destruct s.
 apply P_H_in.
 apply P_K_in.
 exact P_unit.
 by apply P_op.

(* **** Paths between generated subgroups *)

(* This gets used twice in [path_subgroup_generated], so we factor it out here. *)
Local Lemma path_subgroup_generated_helper {G : Group}
  (X Y : G -> Type) (K : forall g, merely (X g) -> merely (Y g))
  : forall g, Trunc (-1) (subgroup_generated_type X g)
         -> Trunc (-1) (subgroup_generated_type Y g).
  intro g; apply Trunc_rec; intro ing.
  induction ing as [g x| |g h Xg IHYg Xh IHYh].
 exact (Trunc_functor (-1) sgt_in (K g (tr x))).
 exact (tr sgt_unit).
    by apply tr, sgt_op.

(* If the predicates selecting the generators are merely equivalent, then the generated subgroups are equal. (One could probably prove that the generated subgroup are isomorphic without using univalence.) *)
Definition path_subgroup_generated `{Univalence} {G : Group}
  (X Y : G -> Type) (K : forall g, Trunc (-1) (X g) <-> Trunc (-1) (Y g))
  : subgroup_generated X = subgroup_generated Y.
  rapply equiv_path_subgroup'.
 (* Uses Univalence. *)
intro g; split.
 apply path_subgroup_generated_helper, (fun x => fst (K x)).
 apply path_subgroup_generated_helper, (fun x => snd (K x)).

(* Equal subgroups have isomorphic underlying groups. *)
Definition equiv_subgroup_group {G : Group} (H1 H2 : Subgroup G)
  : H1 = H2 -> GroupIsomorphism H1 H2
  := ltac:(intros []; exact grp_iso_id).