Timings for CRing.v

Require Import WildCat.
(* Some of the material in abstract_algebra and canonical names could be selectively exported to the user, as is done in Groups/Group.v. *)
Require Import Classes.interfaces.abstract_algebra.
Require Import Algebra.AbGroups.
Require Export Algebra.Rings.Ring Algebra.Rings.Ideal.

(** * Commutative Rings *)

Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope wc_iso_scope.

(** A commutative ring consists of the following data: *)
Record CRing := {
  (** An underlying ring. *)
  cring_ring :> Ring;
  (** Such that they satisfy the axioms of a commutative ring. *)
  cring_commutative :: Commutative (A:=cring_ring) (.*.);

Definition issig_CRing : _ <~> CRing := ltac:(issig).

Global Instance cring_plus {R : CRing} : Plus R := plus_abgroup R.
Global Instance cring_zero {R : CRing} : Zero R := zero_abgroup R.
Global Instance cring_negate {R : CRing} : Negate R := negate_abgroup R.

Definition Build_CRing' (R : AbGroup)
  `(!One R, !Mult R, !Commutative (.*.), !LeftDistribute (.*.) (+), @IsMonoid R (.*.) 1)
  : CRing.
  snrapply Build_CRing.
 snrapply (Build_Ring R).
    1-3,5: exact _.
    intros x y z.
    lhs rapply commutativity.
    lhs rapply simple_distribute_l.
 exact _.

(** ** Properties of commutative rings *)

Definition rng_mult_comm {R : CRing} (x y : R) : x * y = y * x := commutativity x y.

(** Powers commute with multiplication *)
Lemma rng_power_mult {R : CRing} (x y : R) (n : nat)
  : rng_power (R:=R) (x * y) n = rng_power (R:=R) x n * rng_power (R:=R) y n.
  induction n.
  1: symmetry; rapply rng_mult_one_l.
  rewrite (rng_mult_assoc (A:=R)).
  rewrite <- (rng_mult_assoc (A:=R) x _ y).
  rewrite (rng_mult_comm (rng_power (R:=R) x n) y).
  rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
  rewrite <- (rng_mult_assoc _ (rng_power (R:=R) x n)).

(** ** Ideals in commutative rings *)
Section IdealCRing.
  Context {R : CRing}.
  (** The section is meant to complement the IdealLemmas section in Algebra.Rings.Ideal. Since the results here only hold in commutative rings, they have to be kept here. *)
  (** We import ideal notations as used in Algebra.Rings.Ideal but only for this section. Important to note is that [↔] corresponds to equality of ideals. *)
Import Ideal.Notation.
  Local Open Scope ideal_scope.

  (** In a commutative ring, the product of two ideals is a subset of the reversed product. *)
Lemma ideal_product_subset_product_commutative (I J : Ideal R)
    : I ⋅ J ⊆ J ⋅ I.
    intros r p.
    induction p as [r p | |].
    2: apply ideal_in_zero.
    2: by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.
    destruct p as [s t p q].
    rewrite rng_mult_comm.
    apply tr.
    apply sgt_in.
    by rapply ipn_in.

  (** Ideal products are commutative in commutative rings. Note that we are using ideal notations here and [↔] corresponds to equality of ideals. Essentially a subset in each direction. *)
Lemma ideal_product_comm (I J : Ideal R) : I ⋅ J ↔ J ⋅ I.
    apply ideal_subset_antisymm;
    apply ideal_product_subset_product_commutative.
  (** Product of intersection and sum is a subset of product. Note that this is a generalization of lcm * gcd = product *)
Lemma ideal_product_intersection_sum_subset' (I J : Ideal R)
    : (I ∩ J) ⋅ (I + J) ⊆ I ⋅ J.
    2: rapply ideal_sum_self.
    2: rapply ideal_sum_subset_pres_r.
    2: rapply ideal_product_comm.
    apply ideal_product_intersection_sum_subset.
  (** If the sum of ideals is the whole ring then their intersection is a subset of their product. *)
Lemma ideal_intersection_subset_product (I J : Ideal R)
    : ideal_unit R ⊆ (I + J) -> I ∩ J ⊆ I ⋅ J.
    intros p.
 apply ideal_eq_subset.
      apply ideal_product_unit_r.
    1: rapply (ideal_product_subset_pres_r _ _ _ p).
    rapply ideal_product_intersection_sum_subset'.

  (** This can be combined into a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for equality of intersections and products. *)
Lemma ideal_intersection_is_product (I J : Ideal R)
    : Coprime I J -> I ∩ J ↔ I ⋅ J.
    intros p.
    apply ideal_subset_antisymm.
 apply ideal_intersection_subset_product.
      unfold Coprime in p.
      apply symmetry in p.
      rapply p.
 apply ideal_product_subset_intersection.

  Lemma ideal_quotient_product (I J K : Ideal R)
    : (I :: J) :: K ↔ (I :: (J ⋅ K)).
    apply ideal_subset_antisymm.
 intros x [p q]; strip_truncations; split; apply tr;
      intros r; rapply Trunc_rec; intros jk.
 induction jk as [y [z z' j k] | | ? ? ? ? ? ? ].
 rewrite (rng_mult_comm z z').
          rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
          destruct (p z' k) as [p' ?].
          revert p'; apply Trunc_rec; intros p'.
          exact (p' z j).
 change (I (x * 0)).
          rewrite rng_mult_zero_r.
          apply ideal_in_zero.
 change (I (x * (g - h))).
          rewrite rng_dist_l.
          rewrite rng_mult_negate_r.
          by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.
 induction jk as [y [z z' j k] | | ? ? ? ? ? ? ].
 change (I (z * z' * x)).
          rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
          rewrite (rng_mult_comm z).
          destruct (q z' k) as [q' ?].
          revert q'; apply Trunc_rec; intros q'.
          exact (q' z j).
 change (I (0 * x)).
          rewrite rng_mult_zero_l.
          apply ideal_in_zero.
 change (I ((g - h) * x)).
          rewrite rng_dist_r.
          rewrite rng_mult_negate_l.
          by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.
 intros x [p q]; strip_truncations; split; apply tr;
      intros r k; split; apply tr; intros z j.
 rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm r z).
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
 cbn in z.
        change (I (z * (x * r))).
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm x).
        rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
        by apply q, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
 cbn in r.
        change (I (r * x * z)).
        rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm r).
        rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
 cbn in r, z.
        change (I (z * (r * x))).
        rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
        rewrite rng_mult_comm.
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
  (** The ideal quotient is a right adjoint to the product in the monoidal lattice of ideals. *)
Lemma ideal_quotient_subset_prod (I J K : Ideal R)
    : I ⋅ J ⊆ K <-> I ⊆ (K :: J).
 intros p r i; split; apply tr; intros s j; cbn in s, r.
 by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
 change (K (s * r)).
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm s r).
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in; rapply ipn_in.
 intros p x.
      apply Trunc_rec.
      intros q.
      induction q as [r x | | ].
 destruct x.
        specialize (p x s); destruct p as [p q].
        revert p; apply Trunc_rec; intros p.
        by apply p.
      1: apply ideal_in_zero.
      by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.

  (** Ideal quotients partially cancel *)
Lemma ideal_quotient_product_left (I J : Ideal R)
    : (I :: J) ⋅ J ⊆ I.
    by apply ideal_quotient_subset_prod.

End IdealCRing.

(** ** Category of commutative rings. *)

Global Instance isgraph_CRing : IsGraph CRing := isgraph_induced cring_ring.
Global Instance is01cat_CRing : Is01Cat CRing := is01cat_induced cring_ring.
Global Instance is2graph_CRing : Is2Graph CRing := is2graph_induced cring_ring.
Global Instance is1cat_CRing : Is1Cat CRing := is1cat_induced cring_ring.
Global Instance hasequiv_CRing : HasEquivs CRing := hasequivs_induced cring_ring.