Timings for abstract_algebra.v

Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.
Require Export HoTT.Classes.interfaces.canonical_names.
Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse.

Local Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.

Generalizable Variables A B f g x y.

For various structures we omit declaration of substructures. For example, if we 

Class Setoid_Morphism :=
  { setoidmor_a : Setoid A
  ; setoidmor_b : Setoid B
  ; sm_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (=)) f }.
#[export] Existing Instances setoidmor_a setoidmor_b sm_proper.

then each time a Setoid instance is required, Coq will try to prove that a
Setoid_Morphism exists. This obviously results in an enormous blow-up of the
search space. Moreover, one should be careful to declare a Setoid_Morphisms
as a substructure. Consider [f t1 t2], now if we want to perform setoid rewriting
in [t2] Coq will first attempt to prove that [f t1] is Proper, for which it will 
attempt to prove [Setoid_Morphism (f t1)]. If many structures declare
Setoid_Morphism as a substructure, setoid rewriting will become horribly slow.

(* An unbundled variant of the former CoRN CSetoid. We do not 
  include a proof that A is a Setoid because it can be derived. *)
Class IsApart A {Aap : Apart A} : Type :=
  { apart_set : IsHSet A
  ; apart_mere : is_mere_relation _ apart
  ; apart_symmetric : Symmetric (≶)
  ; apart_cotrans : CoTransitive (≶)
  ; tight_apart : forall x y, ~(x ≶ y) <-> x = y }.
#[export] Existing Instances

Global Instance apart_irrefl `{IsApart A} : Irreflexive (≶).
intros x ap.
apply (tight_apart x x).

Arguments tight_apart {A Aap IsApart} _ _.

Section setoid_morphisms.
  Context {A B} {Aap : Apart A} {Bap : Apart B} (f : A -> B).

  Class StrongExtensionality := strong_extensionality : forall x y, f x ≶ f y -> x ≶ y.
End setoid_morphisms.

(* HOTT TODO check if this is ok/useful *)
Hint Extern 4 (?f _ = ?f _) => eapply (ap f) : core.

Section setoid_binary_morphisms.
  Context {A B C} {Aap: Apart A} 
    {Bap : Apart B} {Cap : Apart C} (f : A -> B -> C).

  Class StrongBinaryExtensionality := strong_binary_extensionality
    : forall x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂, f x₁ y₁ ≶ f x₂ y₂ -> hor (x₁ ≶ x₂) (y₁ ≶ y₂).
End setoid_binary_morphisms.

Since apartness usually only becomes relevant when considering fields (e.g. the 
real numbers), we do not include it in the lower part of the algebraic hierarchy
(as opposed to CoRN).
Section upper_classes.
  Universe i.
  Context (A : Type@{i}).

  Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.

  Class IsSemiGroup {Aop: SgOp A} :=
    { sg_set : IsHSet A
    ; sg_ass : Associative (.*.) }.
    #[export] Existing Instances sg_set sg_ass.

  Class IsCommutativeSemiGroup {Aop : SgOp A} :=
    { comsg_sg : @IsSemiGroup (.*.)
    ; comsg_comm : Commutative (.*.) }.
  #[export] Existing Instances comsg_sg comsg_comm.

  Class IsSemiLattice {Aop : SgOp A} :=
    { semilattice_sg : @IsCommutativeSemiGroup (.*.)
    ; semilattice_idempotent : BinaryIdempotent (.*.)}.
  #[export] Existing Instances semilattice_sg semilattice_idempotent.

  Class IsMonoid {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} :=
    { monoid_semigroup : IsSemiGroup
    ; monoid_left_id : LeftIdentity (.*.) mon_unit
    ; monoid_right_id : RightIdentity (.*.) mon_unit }.
  #[export] Existing Instances

  Class IsCommutativeMonoid {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} :=
    { commonoid_mon : @IsMonoid (.*.) Aunit
    ; commonoid_commutative : Commutative (.*.) }.
  #[export] Existing Instances

  Class IsGroup {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} {Anegate : Negate A} :=
    { group_monoid : @IsMonoid (.*.) Aunit
    ; negate_l : LeftInverse (.*.) (-) mon_unit
    ; negate_r : RightInverse (.*.) (-) mon_unit }.
  #[export] Existing Instances 

  Class IsBoundedSemiLattice {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} :=
    { bounded_semilattice_mon : @IsCommutativeMonoid (.*.) Aunit
    ; bounded_semilattice_idempotent : BinaryIdempotent (.*.)}.
  #[export] Existing Instances

  Class IsAbGroup {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} {Anegate : Negate A} :=
    { abgroup_group : @IsGroup (.*.) Aunit Anegate
    ; abgroup_commutative : Commutative (.*.) }.
  #[export] Existing Instances abgroup_group abgroup_commutative.

  Close Scope mc_mult_scope.

  Context {Aplus : Plus A} {Amult : Mult A} {Azero : Zero A} {Aone : One A}.

  Class IsSemiCRing :=
    { semiplus_monoid : @IsCommutativeMonoid plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit
    ; semimult_monoid : @IsCommutativeMonoid mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit
    ; semiring_distr : LeftDistribute (.*.) (+)
    ; semiring_left_absorb : LeftAbsorb (.*.) 0 }.
  #[export] Existing Instances semiplus_monoid semimult_monoid semiring_distr semiring_left_absorb.

  Context {Anegate : Negate A}.

  Class IsRing := {
    ring_abgroup :: @IsAbGroup plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit _;
    ring_monoid :: @IsMonoid mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit;
    ring_dist_left :: LeftDistribute (.*.) (+);
    ring_dist_right :: RightDistribute (.*.) (+);

  Class IsCRing :=
    { cring_group : @IsAbGroup plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit _
    ; cring_monoid : @IsCommutativeMonoid mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit
    ; cring_dist : LeftDistribute (.*.) (+) }.

  #[export] Existing Instances cring_group cring_monoid cring_dist.
  Global Instance isring_iscring : IsCRing -> IsRing.
    intros H.
    econstructor; try exact _.
    intros a b c.
    lhs rapply commutativity.
    lhs rapply distribute_l.
    f_ap; apply commutativity.
  Class IsIntegralDomain :=
    { intdom_ring : IsCRing
    ; intdom_nontrivial : PropHolds (not (1 = 0))
    ; intdom_nozeroes : NoZeroDivisors A }.
  #[export] Existing Instances intdom_nozeroes.

  (* We do not include strong extensionality for (-) and (/)
    because it can de derived *)
Class IsField {Aap: Apart A} {Arecip: Recip A} :=
    { field_ring : IsCRing
    ; field_apart : IsApart A
    ; field_plus_ext : StrongBinaryExtensionality (+)
    ; field_mult_ext : StrongBinaryExtensionality (.*.)
    ; field_nontrivial : PropHolds (1 ≶ 0)
    ; recip_inverse : forall x, x.1 // x = 1 }.
  #[export] Existing Instances

  (* We let /0 = 0 so properties as Injective (/),
    f (/x) = / (f x), / /x = x, /x * /y = /(x * y) 
    hold without any additional assumptions *)
Class IsDecField {Adec_recip : DecRecip A} :=
    { decfield_ring : IsCRing
    ; decfield_nontrivial : PropHolds (1 <> 0)
    ; dec_recip_0 : /0 = 0
    ; dec_recip_inverse : forall x, x <> 0 -> x / x = 1 }.
  #[export] Existing Instances decfield_ring.

  Class FieldCharacteristic@{j} {Aap : Apart@{i j} A} (k : nat) : Type@{j}
    := field_characteristic : forall n : nat,
        Nat.Core.lt 0 n ->
        iff@{j j j} (forall m : nat, not@{j} (paths@{Set} n
                                                  (Nat.Core.mul k m)))
        (@apart A Aap (nat_iter n (1 +) 0) 0).

End upper_classes.

(* Due to bug #2528 *)
Hint Extern 4 (PropHolds (1 <> 0)) =>
  eapply @intdom_nontrivial : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 5 (PropHolds (1 ≶ 0)) =>
  eapply @field_nontrivial : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 5 (PropHolds (1 <> 0)) =>
  eapply @decfield_nontrivial : typeclass_instances.

For a strange reason IsCRing instances of Integers are sometimes obtained by
Integers -> IntegralDomain -> Ring and sometimes directly. Making this an
instance with a low priority instead of using intdom_ring:> IsCRing forces Coq to
take the right way 
Hint Extern 10 (IsCRing _) => apply @intdom_ring : typeclass_instances.

Arguments recip_inverse {A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Aap Arecip IsField} _.
Arguments dec_recip_inverse
  {A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Adec_recip IsDecField} _ _.
Arguments dec_recip_0 {A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Adec_recip IsDecField}.

Section lattice.
  Context A {Ajoin: Join A} {Ameet: Meet A} {Abottom : Bottom A} {Atop : Top A}.

  Class IsJoinSemiLattice := 
    join_semilattice : @IsSemiLattice A join_is_sg_op.
  #[export] Existing Instance join_semilattice.
  Class IsBoundedJoinSemiLattice := 
    bounded_join_semilattice : @IsBoundedSemiLattice A
      join_is_sg_op bottom_is_mon_unit.
  #[export] Existing Instance bounded_join_semilattice.
  Class IsMeetSemiLattice :=
    meet_semilattice : @IsSemiLattice A meet_is_sg_op.
  #[export] Existing Instance meet_semilattice.
  Class IsBoundedMeetSemiLattice :=
    bounded_meet_semilattice : @IsBoundedSemiLattice A
      meet_is_sg_op top_is_mon_unit.
  #[export] Existing Instance bounded_meet_semilattice.

  Class IsLattice := 
    { lattice_join : IsJoinSemiLattice
    ; lattice_meet : IsMeetSemiLattice
    ; join_meet_absorption : Absorption (⊔) (⊓) 
    ; meet_join_absorption : Absorption (⊓) (⊔) }.
  #[export] Existing Instances

  Class IsBoundedLattice :=
    { boundedlattice_join : IsBoundedJoinSemiLattice
    ; boundedlattice_meet : IsBoundedMeetSemiLattice
    ; boundedjoin_meet_absorption : Absorption (⊔) (⊓)
    ; boundedmeet_join_absorption : Absorption (⊓) (⊔)}.
  #[export] Existing Instances

  Class IsDistributiveLattice := 
    { distr_lattice_lattice : IsLattice
    ; join_meet_distr_l : LeftDistribute (⊔) (⊓) }.
  #[export] Existing Instances distr_lattice_lattice join_meet_distr_l.
End lattice.

Section morphism_classes.

  Section sgmorphism_classes.
  Context {A B : Type} {Aop : SgOp A} {Bop : SgOp B}
    {Aunit : MonUnit A} {Bunit : MonUnit B}.

  Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.

  Class IsSemiGroupPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    preserves_sg_op : forall x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y.

  Class IsUnitPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    preserves_mon_unit : f mon_unit = mon_unit.

  Class IsMonoidPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    { monmor_sgmor : IsSemiGroupPreserving f
    ; monmor_unitmor : IsUnitPreserving f }.
  #[export] Existing Instances monmor_sgmor monmor_unitmor.
  End sgmorphism_classes.

  Section ringmorphism_classes.
  Context {A B : Type} {Aplus : Plus A} {Bplus : Plus B}
    {Amult : Mult A} {Bmult : Mult B} {Azero : Zero A} {Bzero : Zero B}
    {Aone : One A} {Bone : One B}.

  Class IsSemiRingPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    { semiringmor_plus_mor : @IsMonoidPreserving A B
        plus_is_sg_op plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit zero_is_mon_unit f
    ; semiringmor_mult_mor : @IsMonoidPreserving A B
        mult_is_sg_op mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit one_is_mon_unit f }.
  #[export] Existing Instances semiringmor_plus_mor semiringmor_mult_mor.

  Context {Aap : Apart A} {Bap : Apart B}.
  Class IsSemiRingStrongPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    { strong_semiringmor_sr_mor : IsSemiRingPreserving f
    ; strong_semiringmor_strong_mor : StrongExtensionality f }.
  #[export] Existing Instances strong_semiringmor_sr_mor strong_semiringmor_strong_mor.
  End ringmorphism_classes.

  Section latticemorphism_classes.
  Context {A B : Type} {Ajoin : Join A} {Bjoin : Join B}
    {Ameet : Meet A} {Bmeet : Meet B}.

  Class IsJoinPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    join_slmor_sgmor : @IsSemiGroupPreserving A B join_is_sg_op join_is_sg_op f.
  #[export] Existing Instances join_slmor_sgmor.

  Class IsMeetPreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    meet_slmor_sgmor : @IsSemiGroupPreserving A B meet_is_sg_op meet_is_sg_op f.
  #[export] Existing Instances meet_slmor_sgmor.

  Context {Abottom : Bottom A} {Bbottom : Bottom B}.
  Class IsBoundedJoinPreserving (f : A -> B) := bounded_join_slmor_monmor
      : @IsMonoidPreserving A B join_is_sg_op join_is_sg_op
         bottom_is_mon_unit bottom_is_mon_unit f.
  #[export] Existing Instances bounded_join_slmor_monmor.

  Class IsLatticePreserving (f : A -> B) :=
    { latticemor_join_mor : IsJoinPreserving f
    ; latticemor_meet_mor : IsMeetPreserving f }.
  #[export] Existing Instances
  End latticemorphism_classes.
End morphism_classes.

Section jections.
  Context {A B} (f : A -> B).

  Class IsInjective := injective : forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y.

  Lemma isinjective_ne `{!IsInjective} x y :
    x <> y -> f x <> f y.
    intros E1 E2.
 apply E1.
    apply injective.

End jections.

Global Instance isinj_idmap A : @IsInjective A A idmap
  := fun x y => idmap.

Hint Unfold IsInjective : typeclass_instances.

Instance isinjective_mapinO_tr {A B : Type} (f : A -> B)
  {p : MapIn (Tr (-1)) f} : IsInjective f
  := fun x y pfeq => ap pr1 (@center _ (p (f y) (x; pfeq) (y; idpath))).
Section strong_injective.
  Context {A B} {Aap : Apart A} {Bap : Apart B} (f : A -> B) .
  Class IsStrongInjective :=
    { strong_injective : forall x y, x ≶ y -> f x ≶ f y
    ; strong_injective_mor : StrongExtensionality f }.
End strong_injective.

Section extras.

Class CutMinusSpec A (cm : CutMinus A) `{Zero A} `{Plus A} `{Le A} := {
  cut_minus_le : forall x y, y ≤ x -> x ∸ y + y = x ;
  cut_minus_0 : forall x y, x ≤ y -> x ∸ y = 0

Global Instance ishprop_issemigrouppreserving `{Funext} {A B : Type} `{IsHSet B}
  `{SgOp A} `{SgOp B} {f : A -> B} : IsHProp (IsSemiGroupPreserving f).
  unfold IsSemiGroupPreserving; exact _.

Definition issig_IsSemiRingPreserving {A B : Type}
  `{Plus A, Plus B, Mult A, Mult B, Zero A, Zero B, One A, One B} {f : A -> B}
  : _ <~> IsSemiRingPreserving f := ltac:(issig).

Definition issig_IsMonoidPreserving {A B : Type} `{SgOp A} `{SgOp B}
  `{MonUnit A} `{MonUnit B} {f : A -> B} : _ <~> IsMonoidPreserving f
  := ltac:(issig).

Global Instance ishprop_ismonoidpreserving `{Funext} {A B : Type} `{SgOp A}
  `{SgOp B} `{IsHSet B} `{MonUnit A} `{MonUnit B} (f : A -> B)
  : IsHProp (IsMonoidPreserving f).
  srapply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ issig_IsMonoidPreserving).
  srapply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1).
  srapply istrunc_prod.
  unfold IsUnitPreserving.
  exact _.

Global Instance ishprop_issemiringpreserving `{Funext} {A B : Type} `{IsHSet B}
  `{Plus A, Plus B, Mult A, Mult B, Zero A, Zero B, One A, One B}
  (f : A -> B)
  : IsHProp (IsSemiRingPreserving f).
  snrapply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ issig_IsSemiRingPreserving).
  exact _.

Definition issig_issemigroup x y : _ <~> @IsSemiGroup x y := ltac:(issig).

Global Instance ishprop_issemigroup `{Funext}
  : forall x y, IsHProp (@IsSemiGroup x y).
  intros x y; apply istrunc_S; intros a b.
  rewrite <- (eisretr (issig_issemigroup x y) a).
  rewrite <- (eisretr (issig_issemigroup x y) b).
  set (a' := (issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 a).
  set (b' := (issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 b).
  clearbody a' b'; clear a b.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (issig_issemigroup x y))).
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) a').
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) b').
  set (a := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ a').
  set (b := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ b').
  clearbody a b; clear a' b'.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1)).
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (equiv_path_prod _ _)).
  srapply contr_prod.
  destruct a as [a' a], b as [b' b].
  do 3 (nrefine (contr_equiv' _ (@equiv_path_forall H _ _ _ _));
  nrefine (@contr_forall H _ _ _); intro).
  exact _.

Definition issig_ismonoid x y z : _ <~> @IsMonoid x y z := ltac:(issig).

Global Instance ishprop_ismonoid `{Funext} x y z : IsHProp (@IsMonoid x y z).
  apply istrunc_S.
  intros a b.
  rewrite <- (eisretr (issig_ismonoid x y z) a).
  rewrite <- (eisretr (issig_ismonoid x y z) b).
  set (a' := (issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 a).
  set (b' := (issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 b).
  clearbody a' b'; clear a b.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (issig_ismonoid x y z))).
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) a').
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) b').
  set (a := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ a').
  set (b := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ b').
  clearbody a b; clear a' b'.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1)).
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (equiv_path_prod _ _)).
  srapply contr_prod.
  destruct a as [a' a], b as [b' b]; cbn.
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) a).
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) b).
  set (a'' := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ a).
  set (b'' := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ b).
  clearbody a'' b''; clear a b.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1)).
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (equiv_path_prod _ _)).
  destruct a'' as [a a''], b'' as [b b'']; cbn.
  snrapply contr_prod.
  all: srapply contr_paths_contr.
  all: srapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
  all: srapply istrunc_forall.

Definition issig_isgroup w x y z : _ <~> @IsGroup w x y z := ltac:(issig).

Global Instance ishprop_isgroup `{Funext} w x y z : IsHProp (@IsGroup w x y z).
  apply istrunc_S.
  intros a b.
  rewrite <- (eisretr (issig_isgroup w x y z) a).
  rewrite <- (eisretr (issig_isgroup w x y z) b).
  set (a' := (issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 a).
  set (b' := (issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 b).
  clearbody a' b'; clear a b.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (issig_isgroup w x y z))).
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) a').
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) b').
  set (a := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ a').
  set (b := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ b').
  clearbody a b; clear a' b'.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1)).
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (equiv_path_prod _ _)).
  srapply contr_prod.
  destruct a as [a' a], b as [b' b]; cbn.
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) a).
  rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _) b).
  set (a'' := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ a).
  set (b'' := equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ b).
  clearbody a'' b''; clear a b.
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (ap (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)^-1)).
  srapply (contr_equiv _ (equiv_path_prod _ _)).
  destruct a'' as [a a''], b'' as [b b'']; cbn.
  srapply contr_prod.
  all: srapply contr_paths_contr.
  all: srapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
  all: srapply istrunc_forall.

End extras.