Timings for integers.v

Require Import
  HoTT.Classes.theory.rings (* for Ring -> SemiRing *).

Class IntegersToRing@{i j} (A:Type@{i})
  := integers_to_ring: forall (R:Type@{j}) `{IsCRing R}, A -> R.
Arguments integers_to_ring A {_} R {_ _ _ _ _ _} _.

Class Integers A {Aap:Apart A} {Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Ale Alt}
  `{U : IntegersToRing A} :=
  { integers_ring : @IsCRing A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate
  ; integers_order : FullPseudoSemiRingOrder Ale Alt
  ; integers_to_ring_mor : forall {B} `{IsCRing B}, IsSemiRingPreserving (integers_to_ring A B)
  ; integers_initial: forall {B} `{IsCRing B} {h : A -> B} `{!IsSemiRingPreserving h} x,
      integers_to_ring A B x = h x}.
#[export] Existing Instances integers_ring integers_order integers_to_ring_mor.

Section specializable.
  Context (Z N : Type) `{Integers Z} `{Naturals N}.

  Class IntAbs := int_abs_sig : forall x,
    { n : N | naturals_to_semiring N Z n = x } |_|
    { n : N | naturals_to_semiring N Z n = -x }.

  Definition int_abs `{ia : IntAbs} (x : Z) : N :=
    match int_abs_sig x with
    | inl (n;_) => n
    | inr (n;_) => n

  Definition int_to_nat `{Zero N} `{ia : IntAbs} (x : Z) : N :=
    match int_abs_sig x with
    | inl (n;_) => n
    | inr (n;_) => 0
End specializable.