Timings for Colimit_Pushout_Flattening.v

Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Diagrams.Diagram.
Require Import Diagrams.DDiagram.
Require Import Diagrams.Span.
Require Import Diagrams.Cocone.
Require Import Colimits.Colimit.
Require Import Colimits.Colimit_Pushout.
Require Import Colimits.Colimit_Flattening.

(** * Pushout case *)

(** We deduce the flattening lemma for pushouts from the flattening lemma for general colimits. This pushout is defined as the colimit of a span and is not the pushout that appears elsewhere in the library. The flattening lemma for the pushout that appears elsewhere in the library is in Colimits/Pushout.v. *)

Section POCase.
  Context `{Univalence} {A B C} {f: A -> B} {g: A -> C}.

  Context (A0 : A -> Type) (B0 : B -> Type) (C0 : C -> Type)
          (f0 : forall x, A0 x <~> B0 (f x)) (g0 : forall x, A0 x <~> C0 (g x)).

  Definition POCase_P : PO f g -> Type.
    simple refine (PO_rec Type B0 C0 _).
    cbn; intro x.
 eapply path_universe_uncurried.
 apply f0.
 apply g0.

  Definition POCase_E : DDiagram (span f g).
    simple refine (Build_Diagram _ _ _); cbn.
 intros [[] x]; revert x.
 exact A0.
 destruct b; assumption.
 intros [[[]|[]] x] [[[]|[]] y]; cbn; intros [[] p].
 exact (fun y => p # (f0 x y)).
 exact (fun y => p # (g0 x y)).

  Global Instance POCase_HE : Equifibered POCase_E.
    apply Build_Equifibered.
    intros [[]|[]] [[]|[]] [] x; compute.
 exact (equiv_isequiv (f0 x)).
 exact (equiv_isequiv (g0 x)).

  Definition PO_flattening
    : PO (functor_sigma f f0) (functor_sigma g g0) <~> exists x, POCase_P x.
    transitivity (Colimit (diagram_sigma POCase_E)).
 apply equiv_path.
      unfold PO; apply ap.
      srapply path_diagram; cbn.
 intros [|[]]; cbn.
 all: reflexivity.
 intros [[]|[]] [[]|[]] [] x; cbn in *.
        all: reflexivity.
    transitivity (exists x, E' (span f g) POCase_E POCase_HE x).
 apply flattening_lemma.
 apply equiv_functor_sigma_id.
      intro x.
      apply equiv_path.
      unfold E', POCase_P, PO_rec.
 srapply path_cocone.
 intros [[]|[]] y; cbn.
        1: apply path_universe_uncurried; apply g0.
        all: reflexivity.
 intros [[]|[]] [[]|[]] []; cbn.
 intro y.
          rhs nrapply concat_1p.
          unfold path_universe.
          lhs nrapply (ap (fun x => x @ _) _^).
          1: nrapply path_universe_V_uncurried.
          exact (path_universe_compose (f0 y)^-1 (g0 y))^.
 intros; apply concat_Vp.

End POCase.