Timings for NatTrans.v

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics.
Require Import WildCat.Core.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import WildCat.Square.
Require Import WildCat.Opposite.

(** ** Natural transformations *)

Definition Transformation {A : Type} {B : A -> Type} `{forall x, IsGraph (B x)}
  (F G : forall (x : A), B x)
  := forall (a : A), F a $-> G a.

(** This lets us apply transformations to things. Identity Coercion tells coq that this coercion is in fact definitionally the identity map so it doesn't need to insert it, but merely rewrite definitionally when typechecking. *)
Identity Coercion fun_trans : Transformation >-> Funclass.

Notation "F $=> G" := (Transformation F G).

(** A 1-natural transformation is natural up to a 2-cell, so its codomain must be a 1-category. *)
Class Is1Natural {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B}
      (F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F} (G : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor G}
      (alpha : F $=> G) :=
  isnat : forall a a' (f : a $-> a'),
     (alpha a') $o (fmap F f) $== (fmap G f) $o (alpha a).

Arguments Is1Natural {A B} {isgraph_A}
  {isgraph_B} {is2graph_B} {is01cat_B} {is1cat_B}
  F {is0functor_F} G {is0functor_G} alpha : rename.
Arguments isnat {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} alpha {alnat _ _} f : rename.

Record NatTrans {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} {F G : A -> B}
  {ff : Is0Functor F} {fg : Is0Functor G} :=
  trans_nattrans : F $=> G ;
  is1natural_nattrans : Is1Natural F G trans_nattrans ;

Arguments NatTrans {A B} {isgraph_A}
  {isgraph_B} {is2graph_B} {is01cat_B} {is1cat_B}
  F G {is0functor_F} {is0functor_G} : rename.
Arguments Build_NatTrans {A B} {isgraph_A}
  {isgraph_B} {is2graph_B} {is01cat_B} {is1cat_B}
  F G {is0functor_F} {is0functor_G} alpha isnat_alpha: rename.

Global Existing Instance is1natural_nattrans.
Coercion trans_nattrans : NatTrans >-> Transformation.

Definition issig_NatTrans {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} (F G : A -> B)
  {ff : Is0Functor F} {fg : Is0Functor G}
  : _ <~> NatTrans F G := ltac:(issig).

(** The transposed natural square *)
Definition isnat_tr {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B}
      {F : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F} {G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor G}
      (alpha : F $=> G) `{!Is1Natural F G alpha}
      {a a' : A} (f : a $-> a')
  : (fmap G f) $o (alpha a) $== (alpha a') $o (fmap F f)
  := (isnat alpha f)^$.

Definition id_transformation {A B : Type} `{Is01Cat B} (F : A -> B)
  : F $=> F
  := fun a => Id (F a).

Global Instance is1natural_id {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B}
       (F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F}
  : Is1Natural F F (id_transformation F).
  intros a b f; cbn.
  refine (cat_idl _ $@ (cat_idr _)^$).

Definition nattrans_id {A B : Type} (F : A -> B)
  `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, !Is0Functor F}
  : NatTrans F F.
  nrapply Build_NatTrans.
  rapply is1natural_id.

Definition trans_comp {A B : Type} `{Is01Cat B}
           {F G K : A -> B} (gamma : G $=> K) (alpha : F $=> G)
  : F $=> K
  := fun a => gamma a $o alpha a.

Definition trans_prewhisker {A B : Type} {C : B -> Type} {F G : forall x, C x}
  `{Is01Cat B} `{!forall x, IsGraph (C x)}
  `{!forall x, Is01Cat (C x)} (gamma : F $=> G) (K : A -> B) 
  : F o K $=> G o K
  := gamma o K.

Definition trans_postwhisker {A B C : Type} {F G : A -> B}
  (K : B -> C) `{Is01Cat B, Is01Cat C, !Is0Functor K} (gamma : F $=> G)
  : K o F $=> K o G
  := fun a => fmap K (gamma a).

Global Instance is1natural_comp {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B}
       {F G K : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F} `{!Is0Functor G} `{!Is0Functor K}
       (gamma : G $=> K) `{!Is1Natural G K gamma}
       (alpha : F $=> G) `{!Is1Natural F G alpha}
  : Is1Natural F K (trans_comp gamma alpha).
  intros a b f; unfold trans_comp; cbn.
  refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L isnat alpha f) $@ _).
  refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ (isnat gamma f $@R _) $@ _).
  apply cat_assoc.

Global Instance is1natural_prewhisker {A B C : Type} {F G : B -> C} (K : A -> B)
  `{IsGraph A, Is01Cat B, Is1Cat C, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor K}
  (gamma : F $=> G) `{L : !Is1Natural F G gamma}
  : Is1Natural (F o K) (G o K) (trans_prewhisker gamma K).
  intros x y f; unfold trans_prewhisker; cbn.
  exact (L _ _ _).

Global Instance is1natural_postwhisker {A B C : Type} {F G : A -> B} (K : B -> C)
 `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor K, !Is1Functor K}
  (gamma : F $=> G) `{L : !Is1Natural F G gamma}
  : Is1Natural (K o F) (K o G) (trans_postwhisker K gamma).
  intros x y f; unfold trans_postwhisker; cbn.
  refine (_^$ $@ _ $@ _).
  1,3: rapply fmap_comp.
  rapply fmap2.
  exact (L _ _ _).

Definition nattrans_comp {A B : Type} {F G K : A -> B}
  `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor K}
  : NatTrans G K -> NatTrans F G -> NatTrans F K.
  intros alpha beta.
  nrapply Build_NatTrans.
  rapply (is1natural_comp alpha beta).

Definition nattrans_prewhisker {A B C : Type} {F G : B -> C}
  `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
  (alpha : NatTrans F G) (K : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor K} 
  : NatTrans (F o K) (G o K).
  nrapply Build_NatTrans.
  rapply (is1natural_prewhisker K alpha).

Definition nattrans_postwhisker {A B C : Type} {F G : A -> B} (K : B -> C)
  `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G,
    !Is0Functor K, !Is1Functor K} 
  : NatTrans F G -> NatTrans (K o F) (K o G).
  intros alpha.
  nrapply Build_NatTrans.
  rapply (is1natural_postwhisker K alpha).

(** Modifying a transformation to something pointwise equal preserves naturality. *)
Definition is1natural_homotopic {A B : Type} `{Is01Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
      {F : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F} {G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor G}
      {alpha : F $=> G} (gamma : F $=> G) `{!Is1Natural F G gamma}
      (p : forall a, alpha a $== gamma a)
  : Is1Natural F G alpha.
  intros a b f.
  exact ((p b $@R _) $@ isnat gamma f $@ (_ $@L (p a)^$)).

(** Opposite natural transformations *)

Definition transformation_op {A} {B} `{Is01Cat B}
           (F : A -> B) (G : A -> B) (alpha : F $=> G)
  : @Transformation A^op (fun _ => B^op) _
                     (G : A^op -> B^op) (F : A^op -> B^op).
  unfold op in *.
  cbn in *.
  intro a.
  apply (alpha a).

Global Instance is1nat_op A B `{Is01Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
       (F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F}
       (G : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor G}
       (alpha : F $=> G) `{!Is1Natural F G alpha}
  : Is1Natural (G : A^op -> B^op) (F : A^op -> B^op) (transformation_op F G alpha).
  unfold op.
  unfold transformation_op.
  intros a b f.
  srapply isnat_tr.

(** Natural equivalences *)

Record NatEquiv {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  {F G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G} :=
  cat_equiv_natequiv : forall a, F a $<~> G a ;
  is1natural_natequiv : Is1Natural F G (fun a => cat_equiv_natequiv a) ;

Arguments NatEquiv {A B} {isgraph_A}
  {isgraph_B} {is2graph_B} {is01cat_B} {is1cat_B} {hasequivs_B}
  F G {is0functor_F} {is0functor_G} : rename.
Arguments Build_NatEquiv {A B} {isgraph_A}
  {isgraph_B} {is2graph_B} {is01cat_B} {is1cat_B} {hasequivs_B}
  F G {is0functor_F} {is0functor_G} e isnat_e: rename.

Definition issig_NatEquiv {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  (F G : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
  : _ <~> NatEquiv F G := ltac:(issig).

Global Existing Instance is1natural_natequiv.
Coercion cat_equiv_natequiv : NatEquiv >-> Funclass.

Lemma nattrans_natequiv {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  {F G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
  : NatEquiv F G -> NatTrans F G.
  intros alpha.
  nrapply Build_NatTrans.
  rapply (is1natural_natequiv alpha).

(** Throws a warning, but can probably be ignored. *)
Global Set Warnings "-ambiguous-paths".
Coercion nattrans_natequiv : NatEquiv >-> NatTrans.

(** The above coercion doesn't trigger when it should, so we add the following. *)
Definition isnat_natequiv {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  {F G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G} (alpha : NatEquiv F G)
  {a a' : A} (f : a $-> a')
  := isnat (nattrans_natequiv alpha) f.

Definition Build_NatEquiv' {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  {F G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
  (alpha : NatTrans F G) `{forall a, CatIsEquiv (alpha a)}
  : NatEquiv F G.
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
 intro a.
    refine (Build_CatEquiv (alpha a)).
 intros a a' f.
    refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@R _ $@ _ $@ (_ $@L cate_buildequiv_fun _)^$).
    apply (isnat alpha).

Definition natequiv_compose {A B} {F G H : A -> B} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor H}
  (alpha : NatEquiv G H) (beta : NatEquiv F G)
  : NatEquiv F H
  := Build_NatEquiv' (nattrans_comp alpha beta).

Definition natequiv_prewhisker {A B C} {H K : B -> C}
  `{IsGraph A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C, !Is0Functor H, !Is0Functor K}
  (alpha : NatEquiv H K) (F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F}
  : NatEquiv (H o F) (K o F)
  := Build_NatEquiv' (nattrans_prewhisker alpha F).

Definition natequiv_postwhisker {A B C} {F G : A -> B}
  `{IsGraph A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
   (K : B -> C) (alpha : NatEquiv F G) `{!Is0Functor K, !Is1Functor K}
  : NatEquiv (K o F) (K o G).
  srefine (Build_NatEquiv' (nattrans_postwhisker K alpha)).
  2: unfold nattrans_postwhisker, trans_postwhisker; cbn.
  all: exact _.

Definition natequiv_inverse {A B : Type} `{IsGraph A} `{HasEquivs B}
  {F G : A -> B} `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
  : NatEquiv F G -> NatEquiv G F.
  intros [alpha I].
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
  1: intro a; symmetry; apply alpha.
  intros X Y f.
  apply vinverse, I.

(** This lemma might seem unnecessery since as functions ((F o G) o K) and (F o (G o K)) are definitionally equal. But the functor instances of both sides are different. This can be a nasty trap since you cannot see this difference clearly. *)
Definition natequiv_functor_assoc_ff_f {A B C D : Type}
  `{IsGraph A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C, HasEquivs D} (** These are a lot of instances... *)
  (F : C -> D) (G : B -> C) (K : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor K}
  : NatEquiv ((F o G) o K) (F o (G o K)).
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
  1: intro; reflexivity.
  intros X Y f.
  refine (cat_prewhisker (id_cate_fun _) _ $@ cat_idl _ $@ _^$).
  refine (cat_postwhisker _ (id_cate_fun _) $@ cat_idr _).

Lemma natequiv_op {A B : Type} `{Is01Cat A} `{HasEquivs B}
  (F G : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
  : NatEquiv F G -> NatEquiv (G : A^op -> B^op) F.
  intros [a n].
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
  1: exact a.
  rapply is1nat_op.

(** *** Pointed natural transformations *)

Definition PointedTransformation {B C : Type} `{Is1Cat B, Is1Gpd C}
           `{IsPointed B, IsPointed C} (F G : B -->* C)
  := {eta : F $=> G & eta (point _) $== bp_pointed F $@ (bp_pointed G)^$}.

Notation "F $=>* G" := (PointedTransformation F G) (at level 70).

Definition ptransformation_inverse {B C : Type} `{Is1Cat B, Is1Gpd C}
           `{IsPointed B, IsPointed C} (F G : B -->* C)
  : (F $=>* G) -> (G $=>* F).
  intros [h p].
  exists (fun x => (h x)^$).
  refine (gpd_rev2 p $@ _).
  refine (gpd_rev_pp _ _ $@ _).
  refine (_ $@L _).
  apply gpd_rev_rev.

Notation "h ^*$" := (ptransformation_inverse _ _ h) (at level 5).

Definition ptransformation_compose {B C : Type} `{Is1Cat B, Is1Gpd C}
           `{IsPointed B, IsPointed C} {F0 F1 F2 : B -->* C}
  : (F0 $=>* F1) -> (F1 $=>* F2) -> (F0 $=>* F2).
  intros [h0 p0] [h1 p1].
  exists (trans_comp h1 h0).
  refine ((p1 $@R _) $@ (_ $@L p0) $@ _);
    unfold gpd_comp; cbn.
  refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
  rapply (fmap _).
  apply gpd_h_Vh.

Notation "h $@* k" := (ptransformation_compose h k) (at level 40).

(* TODO: *)
(* Morphisms of natural transformations - Modifications *)
(* Since [Transformation] is dependent, we can define a modification to be a transformation together with a cylinder condition. This doesn't seem to be too useful as of yet however. We would also need better ways to write down cylinders. *)