Library HoTT.Algebra.AbGroups.Cyclic

Cyclic groups

The free group on one generator

We can define the integers as the free group on one generator, which we denote Z1 below. Results from Centralizer.v and Groups.FreeGroup let us show that Z1 is abelian.
We define Z as the free group with a single generator.
Definition Z1 := FreeGroup Unit.
Definition Z1_gen : Z1 := freegroup_in tt. (* The generator *)

The recursion principle of Z1 and its computation rule.
Definition Z1_rec {G : Group@{u}} (g : G) : Z1 $-> G
  := FreeGroup_rec Unit G (unit_name g).

Definition Z1_rec_beta {G : Group} (g : G) : Z1_rec g Z1_gen = g
  := FreeGroup_rec_beta _ _ _.

The free group Z on one generator is isomorphic to the subgroup of Z generated by the generator. And such cyclic subgroups are known to be commutative, by commutative_cyclic_subgroup.
Global Instance Z1_commutative `{Funext} : Commutative (@group_sgop Z1)
  := commutative_iso_commutative iso_subgroup_incl_freegroupon.
(* TODO: Funext is used in isfreegroupon_freegroup, but there is a comment there saying that it can be removed.  If that is done, can remove it from many results in this file. A different proof of this result, directly using the construction of the free group, could probably also avoid Funext. *)

Definition ab_Z1 `{Funext} : AbGroup
  := Build_AbGroup Z1 _.

The universal property of ab_Z1.
Lemma equiv_Z1_hom@{u v | u < v} `{Funext} (A : AbGroup@{u})
  : GroupIsomorphism (ab_hom@{u v} ab_Z1@{u v} A) A.
  snrapply Build_GroupIsomorphism'.
  - refine (_ oE (equiv_freegroup_rec@{u u u v} A Unit)^-1).
    symmetry. refine (Build_Equiv _ _ (fun aunit_name a) _).
  - intros f g. cbn. reflexivity.

Definition nat_to_Z1 : nat Z1
  := fun ngrp_pow Z1_gen n.

Definition Z1_mul_nat `{Funext} (n : nat) : ab_Z1 $-> ab_Z1
  := Z1_rec (nat_to_Z1 n).

Lemma Z1_mul_nat_beta {A : AbGroup} (a : A) (n : nat)
  : Z1_rec a (nat_to_Z1 n) = ab_mul_nat n a.
  induction n as [|n H].
  1: easy.
  refine (grp_pow_homo _ _ _ @ _); simpl.
  by rewrite grp_unit_r.

ab_Z1 is projective.
Global Instance ab_Z1_projective `{Funext}
  : IsAbProjective ab_Z1.
  intros A B p f H1.
  pose proof (a := @center _ (H1 (f Z1_gen))).
  snrefine (tr (Z1_rec a.1; _)).
  cbn beta. apply ap10.
  apply ap. (* of the coercion grp_homo_map *)
  apply path_homomorphism_from_free_group.
  intros [].
  refine (_ @ a.2).
  exact (ap p (grp_unit_r _)).

The map sending the generator to 1 : Int.
Definition Z1_to_Z `{Funext} : ab_Z1 $-> abgroup_Z
  := Z1_rec (G:=abgroup_Z) 1%int.

TODO: Prove that Z1_to_Z is a group isomorphism.

Finite cyclic groups

The n-th cyclic group is the cokernel of Z1_mul_nat n.
Definition cyclic@{u v | u < v} `{Funext} (n : nat) : AbGroup@{u}
  := ab_cokernel@{u v} (Z1_mul_nat n).