Library HoTT.Algebra.Rings.CRing

Require Import WildCat.
(* Some of the material in abstract_algebra and canonical names could be selectively exported to the user, as is done in Groups/Group.v. *)
Require Import Classes.interfaces.abstract_algebra.
Require Import Algebra.AbGroups.
Require Export Algebra.Rings.Ring Algebra.Rings.Ideal.

Commutative Rings

Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope wc_iso_scope.

A commutative ring consists of the following data:
Record CRing := {
An underlying ring.
  cring_ring :> Ring;
Such that they satisfy the axioms of a commutative ring.
  cring_commutative :: Commutative (A:=cring_ring) (.*.);

Definition issig_CRing : _ <~> CRing := ltac:(issig).

Global Instance cring_plus {R : CRing} : Plus R := plus_abgroup R.
Global Instance cring_zero {R : CRing} : Zero R := zero_abgroup R.
Global Instance cring_negate {R : CRing} : Negate R := negate_abgroup R.

Definition Build_CRing' (R : AbGroup)
  `(!One R, !Mult R, !Commutative (.*.), !LeftDistribute (.*.) (+), @IsMonoid R (.*.) 1)
  : CRing.
  snrapply Build_CRing.
  - snrapply (Build_Ring R).
    1-3,5: exact _.
    intros x y z.
    lhs rapply commutativity.
    lhs rapply simple_distribute_l.
  - exact _.

Properties of commutative rings

Definition rng_mult_comm {R : CRing} (x y : R) : x × y = y × x := commutativity x y.

Powers commute with multiplication
Lemma rng_power_mult {R : CRing} (x y : R) (n : nat)
  : rng_power (R:=R) (x × y) n = rng_power (R:=R) x n × rng_power (R:=R) y n.
  induction n.
  1: symmetry; rapply rng_mult_one_l.
  rewrite (rng_mult_assoc (A:=R)).
  rewrite <- (rng_mult_assoc (A:=R) x _ y).
  rewrite (rng_mult_comm (rng_power (R:=R) x n) y).
  rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
  rewrite <- (rng_mult_assoc _ (rng_power (R:=R) x n)).

Ideals in commutative rings

Section IdealCRing.
  Context {R : CRing}.

The section is meant to complement the IdealLemmas section in Algebra.Rings.Ideal. Since the results here only hold in commutative rings, they have to be kept here.
We import ideal notations as used in Algebra.Rings.Ideal but only for this section. Important to note is that corresponds to equality of ideals.
  Import Ideal.Notation.
  Local Open Scope ideal_scope.

In a commutative ring, the product of two ideals is a subset of the reversed product.
  Lemma ideal_product_subset_product_commutative (I J : Ideal R)
    : I J J I.
    intros r p.
    induction p as [r p | |].
    2: apply ideal_in_zero.
    2: by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.
    destruct p as [s t p q].
    rewrite rng_mult_comm.
    apply tr.
    apply sgt_in.
    by rapply ipn_in.

Ideal products are commutative in commutative rings. Note that we are using ideal notations here and corresponds to equality of ideals. Essentially a subset in each direction.
  Lemma ideal_product_comm (I J : Ideal R) : I J J I.
    apply ideal_subset_antisymm;
    apply ideal_product_subset_product_commutative.

Product of intersection and sum is a subset of product. Note that this is a generalization of lcm * gcd = product
  Lemma ideal_product_intersection_sum_subset' (I J : Ideal R)
    : (I J) (I + J) I J.
    2: rapply ideal_sum_self.
    2: rapply ideal_sum_subset_pres_r.
    2: rapply ideal_product_comm.
    apply ideal_product_intersection_sum_subset.

If the sum of ideals is the whole ring then their intersection is a subset of their product.
  Lemma ideal_intersection_subset_product (I J : Ideal R)
    : ideal_unit R (I + J) I J I J.
    intros p.
    { apply ideal_eq_subset.
      apply ideal_product_unit_r. }
    1: rapply (ideal_product_subset_pres_r _ _ _ p).
    rapply ideal_product_intersection_sum_subset'.

This can be combined into a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for equality of intersections and products.
  Lemma ideal_intersection_is_product (I J : Ideal R)
    : Coprime I J I J I J.
    intros p.
    apply ideal_subset_antisymm.
    - apply ideal_intersection_subset_product.
      unfold Coprime in p.
      apply symmetry in p.
      rapply p.
    - apply ideal_product_subset_intersection.

  Lemma ideal_quotient_product (I J K : Ideal R)
    : (I :: J) :: K (I :: (J K)).
    apply ideal_subset_antisymm.
    - intros x [p q]; strip_truncations; split; apply tr;
      intros r; rapply Trunc_rec; intros jk.
      + induction jk as [y [z z' j k] | | ? ? ? ? ? ? ].
        × rewrite (rng_mult_comm z z').
          rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
          destruct (p z' k) as [p' ?].
          revert p'; apply Trunc_rec; intros p'.
          exact (p' z j).
        × change (I (x × 0)).
          rewrite rng_mult_zero_r.
          apply ideal_in_zero.
        × change (I (x × (g - h))).
          rewrite rng_dist_l.
          rewrite rng_mult_negate_r.
          by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.
      + induction jk as [y [z z' j k] | | ? ? ? ? ? ? ].
        × change (I (z × z' × x)).
          rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
          rewrite (rng_mult_comm z).
          destruct (q z' k) as [q' ?].
          revert q'; apply Trunc_rec; intros q'.
          exact (q' z j).
        × change (I (0 × x)).
          rewrite rng_mult_zero_l.
          apply ideal_in_zero.
        × change (I ((g - h) × x)).
          rewrite rng_dist_r.
          rewrite rng_mult_negate_l.
          by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.
    - intros x [p q]; strip_truncations; split; apply tr;
      intros r k; split; apply tr; intros z j.
      + rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm r z).
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
      + cbn in z.
        change (I (z × (x × r))).
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm x).
        rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
        by apply q, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
      + cbn in r.
        change (I (r × x × z)).
        rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm r).
        rewrite <- rng_mult_assoc.
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
      + cbn in r, z.
        change (I (z × (r × x))).
        rewrite rng_mult_assoc.
        rewrite rng_mult_comm.
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.

The ideal quotient is a right adjoint to the product in the monoidal lattice of ideals.
  Lemma ideal_quotient_subset_prod (I J K : Ideal R)
    : I J K I (K :: J).
    - intros p r i; split; apply tr; intros s j; cbn in s, r.
      + by apply p, tr, sgt_in, ipn_in.
      + change (K (s × r)).
        rewrite (rng_mult_comm s r).
        by apply p, tr, sgt_in; rapply ipn_in.
    - intros p x.
      apply Trunc_rec.
      intros q.
      induction q as [r x | | ].
      { destruct x.
        specialize (p x s); destruct p as [p q].
        revert p; apply Trunc_rec; intros p.
        by apply p. }
      1: apply ideal_in_zero.
      by apply ideal_in_plus_negate.

Ideal quotients partially cancel
  Lemma ideal_quotient_product_left (I J : Ideal R)
    : (I :: J) J I.
    by apply ideal_quotient_subset_prod.

End IdealCRing.

Category of commutative rings.