Library HoTT.Algebra.Universal.Algebra

This file defines Algebra, which is a generalization of group, ring, module, etc. An Algebra moreover generalizes structures with infinitary operations, such as infinite complete lattice.

Local Unset Elimination Schemes.

Require Export HoTT.Basics.

Require Import

Declare Scope Algebra_scope.
Delimit Scope Algebra_scope with Algebra.

The below definition SymbolTypeOf is used to specify algebra operations. See SymbolType and Operation below.

Record SymbolTypeOf {Sort : Type} := Build_SymbolTypeOf
  { Arity : Type
  ; sorts_dom : Arity Sort
  ; sort_cod : Sort }.

Arguments SymbolTypeOf : clear implicits.
Arguments Build_SymbolTypeOf {Sort}.

A Signature is used to specify Algebras. A signature describes which operations (functions) an algebra for the signature is expected to provide. A signature consists of
  • A type of Sorts. An algebra for the signature provides a type for each Sort element.
  • A type of function symbols Symbol. For each function symbol u : Symbol, an algebra for the signature provides a corresponding operation.
  • The field symbol_types σ u indicates which type the operation corresponding to u is expected to have.

Record Signature := Build_Signature
  { Sort : Type
  ; Symbol : Type
  ; symbol_types : Symbol SymbolTypeOf Sort
  ; hset_sort : IsHSet Sort
  ; hset_symbol : IsHSet Symbol }.

Notation SymbolType σ := (SymbolTypeOf (Sort σ)).

Global Existing Instance hset_sort.

Global Existing Instance hset_symbol.

Global Coercion symbol_types : Signature >-> Funclass.

Each Algebra has a collection of carrier types Carriers σ, indexed by the type of sorts Sort σ.

Notation Carriers σ := (Sort σ Type).

Given A : Carriers σ and w : SymbolType σ, the domain of an algebra operation DomOperation A w is a product of carrier types from A, indexed by Arity w.

Notation DomOperation A w
  := ( i : Arity w, A (sorts_dom w i)) (only parsing).

Given a symbol type w : SymbolType σ, an algebra with carriers A : Carriers σ provides a corresponding operation of type Operation A w. See below for definition Algerba.
Algebra operations are developed further in HoTT.Algebra.Universal.Operation.

Definition Operation {σ} (A : Carriers σ) (w : SymbolType σ) : Type
  := DomOperation A w A (sort_cod w).

An Algebra σ for a signature σ consists of a collection of carriers Carriers σ, and for each symbol u : Symbol σ, an operation/function of type Operation carriers u), where σ u : SymbolType σ is the symbol type of u. Notice that Algebra does not specify equations involving carriers and operations. Equations are defined elsewhere.

Record Algebra {σ : Signature} : Type := Build_Algebra
  { carriers : Carriers σ
  ; operations : (u : Symbol σ), Operation carriers (σ u)
  ; hset_algebra : (s : Sort σ), IsHSet (carriers s) }.

Arguments Algebra : clear implicits.

Arguments Build_Algebra {σ} carriers operations {hset_algebra}.

Global Existing Instance hset_algebra.

Global Coercion carriers : Algebra >-> Funclass.

Bind Scope Algebra_scope with Algebra.

Definition SigAlgebra (σ : Signature) : Type
  := {c : Carriers σ
        | { _ : (u : Symbol σ), Operation c (σ u)
              | (s : Sort σ), IsHSet (c s) } }.

Lemma issig_algebra (σ : Signature) : SigAlgebra σ <~> Algebra σ.

Lemma path_algebra `{Funext} {σ : Signature} (A B : Algebra σ)
  (p : carriers A = carriers B)
  (q : transport (fun i u, Operation i (σ u)) p (operations A)
       = operations B)
  : A = B.
  apply (ap (issig_algebra σ)^-1)^-1; cbn.
  apply (path_sigma' _ p).
  refine (transport_sigma p _ @ _).
  apply path_sigma_hprop.
  exact q.

Arguments path_algebra {_} {_} (A B)%Algebra_scope (p q)%path_scope.

Lemma path_ap_carriers_path_algebra `{Funext} {σ} (A B : Algebra σ)
  (p : carriers A = carriers B)
  (q : transport (fun i u, Operation i (σ u)) p (operations A)
       = operations B)
  : ap carriers (path_algebra A B p q) = p.
  destruct A as [A a ha], B as [B b hb]; cbn in p, q.
  destruct p, q.
  unfold path_algebra, path_sigma_hprop, path_sigma_uncurried.
  cbn -[center].
  now destruct (center (ha = hb)).

Arguments path_ap_carriers_path_algebra {_} {_} (A B)%Algebra_scope (p q)%path_scope.

Lemma path_path_algebra_issig {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ} (p q : A = B)
  (r : ap (issig_algebra σ)^-1 p = ap (issig_algebra σ)^-1 q)
  : p = q.
  set (e := (equiv_ap (issig_algebra σ)^-1 A B)).
  by apply (@equiv_inv _ _ (ap e) (Equivalences.isequiv_ap _ _)).

Arguments path_path_algebra_issig {_} {A B}%Algebra_scope (p q r)%path_scope.

Lemma path_path_algebra `{Funext} {σ} {A B : Algebra σ}
  (p q : A = B) (r : ap carriers p = ap carriers q)
  : p = q.
  apply path_path_algebra_issig.
  unshelve eapply path_path_sigma.
  - transitivity (ap carriers p); [by destruct p |].
    transitivity (ap carriers q); [exact r | by destruct q].
  - apply path_ishprop.

Arguments path_path_algebra {_} {σ} {A B}%Algebra_scope (p q r)%path_scope.

Global Notation "u .# A" := (operations A u) : Algebra_scope.