Library HoTT.BoundedSearch

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import HoTT.Truncations.Core.
Require Import HoTT.Spaces.Nat.Core.

Section bounded_search.

  Context (P : nat Type)
          (P_dec : n, Decidable (P n))
          (P_inhab : hexists (fun nP n)).

We open type_scope again after nat_scope in order to use the product type notation.
  Local Open Scope nat_scope.
  Local Open Scope type_scope.

  Local Definition minimal (n : nat) : Type := m : nat, P m n m.

If we assume Funext, then minimal n is a proposition. But to avoid needing Funext, we propositionally truncate it.
  Local Definition min_n_Type : Type := { n : nat & merely (P n) × merely (minimal n) }.

  Local Instance ishpropmin_n : IsHProp min_n_Type.
    apply ishprop_sigma_disjoint.
    intros n n' [p m] [p' m'].
    apply leq_antisym.
    - exact (m n' p').
    - exact (m' n p).

  Local Definition smaller (n : nat) := { l : nat & P l × minimal l × (l n) }.

  Local Definition smaller_S (n : nat) (k : smaller n) : smaller (S n).
    destruct k as [l [[p m] z]].
    repeat split.
    1,2: assumption.
    exact _.

  Local Definition bounded_search (n : nat) : smaller n + l : nat, (l n) not (P l).
    induction n as [|n IHn].
    - assert (P 0 + not (P 0)) as X; [apply P_dec |].
      destruct X as [h|].
      + left.
        refine (0;(h,_,_)).
        × intros ? ?. exact _.
      + right.
        intros l lleq0.
        assert (l0 : l = 0) by rapply leq_antisym.
        rewrite l0; assumption.
    - destruct IHn as [|n0].
      + left. apply smaller_S. assumption.
      + assert (P (n.+1) + not (P (n.+1))) as X by apply P_dec.
        destruct X as [h|].
        × left.
          refine (n.+1;(h,_,_)).
          -- intros m pm.
             assert ((n.+1 m)+(n.+1>m)) as X by apply leq_dichot.
             destruct X as [leqSnm|ltmSn].
             ++ assumption.
             ++ unfold gt, lt in ltmSn.
                assert (m n) as X by rapply leq_S_n.
                destruct (n0 m X pm).
        × right. intros l q.
          assert ((l n) + (l > n)) as X by apply leq_dichot.
          destruct X as [h|h].
          -- exact (n0 l h).
          -- unfold lt in h.
             assert (eqlSn : l = n.+1) by (apply leq_antisym; assumption).
             rewrite eqlSn; assumption.

  Local Definition n_to_min_n (n : nat) (Pn : P n) : min_n_Type.
    assert (smaller n + l, (l n) not (P l)) as X by apply bounded_search.
    destruct X as [[l [[Pl ml] leqln]]|none].
    - exact (l;(tr Pl,tr ml)).
    - destruct (none n (leq_refl n) Pn).

  Local Definition prop_n_to_min_n : min_n_Type.
    refine (Trunc_rec _ P_inhab).
    intros [n Pn]. exact (n_to_min_n n Pn).

  Definition minimal_n : { n : nat & P n }.
    destruct prop_n_to_min_n as [n pl]. destruct pl as [p _].
    exact (n; fst merely_inhabited_iff_inhabited_stable p).

End bounded_search.

Section bounded_search_alt_type.

  Context (X : Type)
          (e : nat <~> X)
          (P : X Type)
          (P_dec : x, Decidable (P x))
          (P_inhab : hexists (fun xP x)).

Bounded search works for types equivalent to the naturals even without full univalence.
  Definition minimal_n_alt_type : {x : X & P x}.
    set (P' n := P (e n)).
    assert (P'_dec : n, Decidable (P' n)) by apply _.
    assert (P'_inhab : hexists (fun nP' n)).
      strip_truncations. apply tr.
      destruct P_inhab as [x p].
       (e ^-1 x).
      unfold P'.
      rewrite (eisretr e). exact p.
    destruct (minimal_n P' P'_dec P'_inhab) as [n p'].
     (e n). exact p'.

End bounded_search_alt_type.