Library HoTT.Categories.Adjoint.UniversalMorphisms.Core

Adjunctions as universal morphisms

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core.
Require Import Functor.Dual Category.Dual.
Require Import Adjoint.Core Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.UnitCounitCoercions Adjoint.Dual.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden".
Require Import UniversalProperties Comma.Dual InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.

Section adjunction_universal.

F G gives an initial object of (Y / G) for all Y : C

  Section initial.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.
    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Variable G : Functor D C.
    Variable A : F -| G.
    Variable Y : C.

    Definition initial_morphism__of__adjunction
    : object (Y / G)
      := @CommaCategory.Build_object
           _ D C
           (! Y) G
           (center _)
           (F Y)
           ((unit A) Y).

    Definition is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction
    : IsInitialMorphism initial_morphism__of__adjunction
      := Build_IsInitialMorphism
           ((A : AdjunctionUnit _ _).2 _).
  End initial.

  Global Arguments initial_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A Y.
  Global Arguments is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A Y _.

F G gives a terminal object of (F / X) for all X : D

  Section terminal.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.
    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Variable G : Functor D C.
    Variable A : F -| G.
    Variable X : D.

    Definition terminal_morphism__of__adjunction
    : object (F / X)
      := Eval simpl in
            (! X)^op F^op
            (initial_morphism__of__adjunction A^op X).

    Definition is_terminal_morphism__of__adjunction
    : IsTerminalMorphism terminal_morphism__of__adjunction
      := is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction A^op X.
  End terminal.

  Global Arguments terminal_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A X.
  Global Arguments is_terminal_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A X _.
End adjunction_universal.

Section adjunction_from_universal.

an initial object of (Y / G) for all Y : C gives a left adjoint to G

  Section initial.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.

    Variable G : Functor D C.
    Context `(HM : Y, @IsInitialMorphism _ _ Y G (M Y)).

    Local Notation obj_of Y :=
      (IsInitialMorphism_object (@HM Y))
        (only parsing).

    Local Notation mor_of Y0 Y1 f :=
      (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (@HM Y1) in
       IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (@HM Y0) _ (etaY1 o f))
        (only parsing).

    Lemma identity_of Y : mor_of Y Y 1 = 1.
      erewrite IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique; [ reflexivity | ].
      rewrite ?identity_of, ?left_identity, ?right_identity.

    Lemma composition_of x y z g f
    : mor_of _ _ (f o g) = mor_of y z f o mor_of x y g.
      erewrite IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique; [ reflexivity | ].
      rewrite ?composition_of.
        rewrite IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property.

    Definition functor__of__initial_morphism : Functor C D
      := Build_Functor
           C D
           (fun xobj_of x)
           (fun s d mmor_of s d m)

    Definition adjunction__of__initial_morphism
    : functor__of__initial_morphism -| G.
      refine (adjunction_unit_counit__of__adjunction_unit _).
      eexists (Build_NaturalTransformation
                (G o functor__of__initial_morphism)
                (fun xIsInitialMorphism_morphism (@HM x))
                (fun s d m
                     _ _
                     (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property (@HM s) _ _))).
      exact (fun c ⇒ @IsInitialMorphism_property _ _ c G (M c) (@HM c)).
  End initial.

a terminal object of (F / X) for all X : D gives a right adjoint to F

  Section terminal.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.

    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Context `(HM : X, @IsTerminalMorphism _ _ F X (M X)).

    Definition functor__of__terminal_morphism : Functor D C
      := (@functor__of__initial_morphism
            (D^op) (C^op)
            (fun x : Ddual_functor F !x (M x)) HM)^op.

    Definition adjunction__of__terminal_morphism
    : F -| functor__of__terminal_morphism
      := ((@adjunction__of__initial_morphism
             (D^op) (C^op)
             (fun x : Ddual_functor F !x (M x)) HM)^op)%adjunction.
  End terminal.
End adjunction_from_universal.