Library HoTT.Categories.Category.Paths

Classification of path spaces of precategories

Require Import Category.Core.
Require Import HoTT.Basics.Equivalences HoTT.Basics.PathGroupoids HoTT.Basics.Trunc HoTT.Basics.Tactics.
Require Import HoTT.Types.Sigma HoTT.Types.Arrow HoTT.Types.Forall.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.

Section path_category.
  Local Open Scope path_scope.

We add a prime (') as an arbitrary convention to denote that we are talking about equality of functions (less convenient for use) rather than pointwise equality of functions (more convenient for use, but more annoying for proofs). We add two primes to denote the even less convenient version, which requires an identity equality proof.
  Local Notation path_precategory''_T C D
    := { Hobj : object C = object D
       | { Hmor : transport (fun objobj obj Type)
                            (morphism C)
                  = morphism D
         | transport _
                     (transportD (fun objobj obj Type)
                                 (fun obj mor s d d', mor d d' mor s d mor s d')
                                 (morphism C)
                                 (@compose C))
           = @compose D
            transport _
                        (transportD (fun objobj obj Type)
                                    (fun obj mor x, mor x x)
                                    (morphism C)
                                    (@identity C))
              = @identity D }}.

  Local Notation path_precategory'_T C D
    := { Hobj : object C = object D
       | { Hmor : transport (fun objobj obj Type)
                            (morphism C)
                  = morphism D
         | transport _
                     (transportD (fun objobj obj Type)
                                 (fun obj mor s d d', mor d d' mor s d mor s d')
                                 (morphism C)
                                 (@compose C))
           = @compose D }}.

Classify sufficient conditions to prove precategories equal

  Lemma path_precategory_uncurried__identity_helper `{Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
        (Heq : path_precategory'_T C D)
  : transport _
              (transportD (fun objobj obj Type)
                          (fun obj mor x, mor x x)
                          (morphism C)
                          (@identity C))
    = @identity D.
    destruct Heq as [? [? ?]]; cbn in ×.
    repeat (intro || apply path_forall).
    apply identity_unique; cbn in *; auto with morphism.
    destruct C, D; cbn in ×.
    path_induction; cbn in ×.

  Definition path_precategory''_T__of__path_precategory'_T `{Funext} C D
  : path_precategory'_T C D path_precategory''_T C D
    := fun H(H.1; (H.2.1; (H.2.2, path_precategory_uncurried__identity_helper C D H))).

  Lemma eta2_sigma_helper A B P Q `{ a b, IsHProp (Q a b)}
        (x : { a : A & { b : B a & P a b Q a b }})
  : (x.1; (x.2.1; (fst x.2.2, q'))) = x.
    destruct x as [? [? [? ?]]]; cbn in ×.
    repeat f_ap; apply path_ishprop.

  Global Instance isequiv__path_precategory''_T__of__path_precategory'_T `{fs : Funext} C D
  : IsEquiv (@path_precategory''_T__of__path_precategory'_T fs C D)
    := isequiv_adjointify
         (@path_precategory''_T__of__path_precategory'_T fs C D)
         (fun H(H.1; (H.2.1; fst H.2.2)))
         (fun xeta2_sigma_helper _ _ _ x _)

  Definition path_precategory_uncurried' `{fs : Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
  : path_precategory''_T C D C = D.
    intros [? [? [? ?]]].
    destruct C, D; cbn in ×.
    path_induction; cbn in ×.
      eapply @center; abstract exact _.

Said proof respects object

  Lemma path_precategory_uncurried'_fst `{Funext} C D HO HM HC HI
  : ap object (@path_precategory_uncurried' _ C D (HO; (HM; (HC, HI)))) = HO.
    destruct C, D; cbn in ×.

Said proof respects idpath

  Lemma path_precategory_uncurried'_idpath `{Funext} C
  : @path_precategory_uncurried' _ C C (idpath; (idpath; (idpath, idpath))) = idpath.
    destruct C; cbn in ×.
    rewrite !(contr idpath).

Equality of precategorys gives rise to an inhabitant of the path-classifying-type

  Definition path_precategory_uncurried'_inv (C D : PreCategory)
  : C = D path_precategory''_T C D.
    intro H'.
     (ap object H').
     ((transport_compose _ object _ _) ^ @ apD (@morphism) H').
    - refine (_ @ apD (@compose) H'); cbn.
      refine (transport_pp _ _ _ _ @ _).
      refine ((ap _ (transportD_compose
                       (fun objobj obj Type)
                       (fun obj mor
                           s d d' : obj, mor d d' mor s d mor s d') object H'
                       (morphism C) (@compose C))^)
                @ (transport_apD_transportD
                     (fun x mor s d d' : x, mor d d' mor s d mor s d') H'
                     (@compose C))).
    - refine (_ @ apD (@identity) H'); cbn.
      refine (transport_pp _ _ _ _ @ _).
      refine ((ap _ (transportD_compose
                       (fun objobj obj Type)
                       (fun obj mor
                           x : obj, mor x x) object H'
                       (morphism C) (@identity C))^)
                @ (transport_apD_transportD
                     (fun x mor s : x, mor s s) H'
                     (@identity C))).

Classify equality of precategorys up to equivalence

  Lemma equiv_path_precategory_uncurried'__eissect `{Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
  : x : path_precategory''_T C D,
      path_precategory_uncurried'_inv (path_precategory_uncurried' C D x) = x.
    destruct C, D; cbn in ×.
    intros [H0' [H1' [H2' H3']]].
    repeat (edestruct (center (_ = _)); try reflexivity).

  Lemma equiv_path_precategory_uncurried' `{Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
  : path_precategory''_T C D <~> C = D.
    apply (equiv_adjointify (@path_precategory_uncurried' _ C D)
                            (@path_precategory_uncurried'_inv C D)).
    - hnf.
      intros [].
      apply path_precategory_uncurried'_idpath.
    - hnf.
      apply equiv_path_precategory_uncurried'__eissect.

  Definition equiv_path_precategory_uncurried `{Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
  : path_precategory'_T C D <~> C = D
    := ((equiv_path_precategory_uncurried' C D)
          oE (Build_Equiv
                _ _ _
                (isequiv__path_precategory''_T__of__path_precategory'_T C D))).

  Definition path_precategory_uncurried `{Funext} C D : _ _
    := equiv_path_precategory_uncurried C D.

Curried version of path classifying lemma

  Lemma path_precategory' `{fs : Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
  : (Hobj : object C = object D)
           (Hmor : transport (fun objobj obj Type)
                             (morphism C)
                   = morphism D),
      transport _
                (transportD (fun objobj obj Type)
                            (fun obj mor s d d', mor d d' mor s d mor s d')
                            (morphism C)
                            (@compose C))
      = @compose D
       C = D.
    apply path_precategory_uncurried.
    repeat esplit; eassumption.

Curried version of path classifying lemma, using in place of equality of functions

  Lemma path_precategory `{fs : Funext} (C D : PreCategory)
  : (Hobj : object C = object D)
           (Hmor : s d,
                     morphism C (transport idmap Hobj^ s) (transport idmap Hobj^ d)
                     = morphism D s d),
      ( s d d' m m',
         transport idmap (Hmor _ _)
                   (@compose C _ _ _
                             (transport idmap (Hmor _ _)^ m)
                             (transport idmap (Hmor _ _)^ m'))
         = @compose D s d d' m m')
       C = D.
    intros Hobj Hmor Hcomp.
    pose (path_forall
            _ _
            (fun s
                 _ _
                 (fun d
                    (ap10 (@transport_arrow Type idmap (fun xx Type) _ _ Hobj (@morphism C) _) _)
                      @ (@transport_arrow Type idmap _ _ _ Hobj (@morphism C _) _)
                      @ (transport_const _ _)
                      @ Hmor s d)))
      as Hmor'.
    eapply (path_precategory' C D Hobj Hmor').
    repeat (apply path_forall; intro).
    refine (_ @ Hcomp _ _ _ _ _); clear Hcomp.
    subst Hmor'.
    abstract (
        destruct C, D;
        cbn in *;
          destruct Hobj;
        cbn in *;
          repeat match goal with
                   | _reflexivity
                   | _rewrite !concat_1p
                   | _rewrite !transport_forall_constant, !transport_arrow
                   | _progress transport_path_forall_hammer
                   | [ |- transport ?P ?p^ ?u = ?v ]
                     ⇒ (apply (@moveR_transport_V _ P _ _ p u v); progress transport_path_forall_hammer)
                   | [ |- ?u = transport ?P ?p^ ?v ]
                     ⇒ (apply (@moveL_transport_V _ P _ _ p u v); progress transport_path_forall_hammer)
                   | [ |- context[?H ?x ?y] ]
                     ⇒ (destruct (H x y); clear H)
                   | _progress f_ap
End path_category.

Tactic for proving equality of precategories

We move the funext inference outside the loop.
Ltac path_category :=
  let lem := constr:(@path_precategory _) in
  repeat match goal with
           | _intro
           | _reflexivity
           | _simple refine (lem _ _ _ _ _); cbn