Library HoTT.Categories.Category


We collect here all of the files about categories. Since there are only notations in Category.Notations, we can just export those.
Require Export Category.Notations.

Definition of precategories

Require Category.Core.

Opposite precategories

Require Category.Dual.

Morphisms in precategories

Classification of path space

Require Category.Paths.

Universal objects

Require Category.Objects.

Product precategories

Require Category.Prod.

Dependent product precategories

Require Category.Pi.


Require Category.Sigma.

Strict categories

Require Category.Strict.

Coproduct precategories

Require Category.Sum.

Categories (univalent or saturated)

Require Category.Univalent.

Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden".
Include Category.Core.
Include Category.Dual.
Include Category.Morphisms.
Include Category.Paths.
Include Category.Objects.
Include Category.Prod.
Include Category.Pi.
We use the Sigma folder only to allow us to split up the various files and group conceptually similar lemmas, but not for namespacing. So we include the main file in it.
Include Category.Sigma.
Include Category.Strict.
Include Category.Sum.
Include Category.Univalent.
We don't want to make utf-8 notations the default, so we don't export them.


For the subfolders, we need to re-create the module structure. Alas, namespacing in Coq is kind-of broken (see, e.g.,, so we don't get the ability to rename subfolders by Including into other modules.