Library HoTT.Categories.Comma.Functorial

Functoriality of the comma category construction

Require Import Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.
Require Import Functor.Paths.
Require Import Category.Strict.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden".
Import Functor.Identity.FunctorIdentityNotations NaturalTransformation.Identity.NaturalTransformationIdentityNotations.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics PathGroupoids Types.Forall.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.

The comma category construction is functorial in its category arguments. We really should be using ∏ (dependent product) here, but I'm lazy, and will instead expand it out.

Local Ltac helper_t fwd_tac bak_tac fin :=
    first [ fin
          | rewrite <- ?Category.Core.associativity;
            progress repeat first [ bak_tac
                                  | apply ap10; apply ap ]
          | rewrite → ?Category.Core.associativity;
            progress repeat first [ fwd_tac
                                  | apply ap ]
          | rewrite <- !composition_of ].

Local Tactic Notation "helper" tactic(fin) constr(hyp_fwd) constr(hyp_bak) :=
  let H := fresh in
  let H' := fresh in
  pose proof hyp_fwd as H;
    pose proof hyp_bak as H';
    simpl in *;
    helper_t ltac:(rewriteH) ltac:(rewrite <- H') fin.

Local Ltac functorial_helper_t unfold_lem :=
  repeat (apply path_forall || intro); simpl;
  rewrite !transport_forall_constant; simpl;
  transport_path_forall_hammer; simpl;
  apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; simpl;
  unfold unfold_lem; simpl;
  repeat match goal with
           | _exact idpath
           | [ |- context[CommaCategory.g (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
             ⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ @CommaCategory.g _ _ _ _ _ _ _) z)
           | [ |- context[CommaCategory.h (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
             ⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ @CommaCategory.h _ _ _ _ _ _ _) z)
           | [ |- context[transport (fun y ⇒ ?f (?g y) ?z)] ]
             ⇒ simpl rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun yf y z) g)
           | [ |- context[transport (fun y ⇒ ?f (?g y))] ]
             ⇒ simpl rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun yf y) g)
           | _rewrite !CommaCategory.ap_a_path_object'; simpl
           | _rewrite !CommaCategory.ap_b_path_object'; simpl

Section functorial.
  Section single_source.
    Variables A B C : PreCategory.
    Variable S : Functor A C.
    Variable T : Functor B C.

    Section morphism_of.
      Variables A' B' C' : PreCategory.
      Variable S' : Functor A' C'.
      Variable T' : Functor B' C'.

      Variable AF : Functor A A'.
      Variable BF : Functor B B'.
      Variable CF : Functor C C'.

      Variable TA : NaturalTransformation (S' o AF) (CF o S).
      Variable TB : NaturalTransformation (CF o T) (T' o BF).

      Definition functorial_morphism_of_object_of : (S / T) (S' / T')
        := fun xCommaCategory.Build_object
                      S' T'
                      (AF (CommaCategory.a x))
                      (BF (CommaCategory.b x))
                      (TB (CommaCategory.b x) o CF _1 (CommaCategory.f x) o TA (CommaCategory.a x)).

      Definition functorial_morphism_of_morphism_of
                 s d (m : morphism (S / T) s d)
      : morphism (S' / T') (functorial_morphism_of_object_of s) (functorial_morphism_of_object_of d).
        simpl in ×.
        refine (CommaCategory.Build_morphism
                  (functorial_morphism_of_object_of s)
                  (functorial_morphism_of_object_of d)
                  (AF _1 (CommaCategory.g m))
                  (BF _1 (CommaCategory.h m))
        unfold functorial_morphism_of_object_of; simpl.
        abstract helper (exact (CommaCategory.p m)) (commutes TA) (commutes TB).

      Definition functorial_morphism_of : Functor (S / T) (S' / T').
        refine (Build_Functor
                  (S / T) (S' / T')
        abstract (
            apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; simpl;
            auto with functor
    End morphism_of.

    Section identity_of.
      Definition functorial_identity_of_helper x
      : @functorial_morphism_of_object_of _ _ _ S T 1 1 1 1 1 x = x.
        let A := match goal with |- ?A = ?Bconstr:(A) end in
        let B := match goal with |- ?A = ?Bconstr:(B) end in
        refine (@CommaCategory.path_object' _ _ _ _ _ A B 1%path 1%path _).
        exact (Category.Core.right_identity _ _ _ _ @ Category.Core.left_identity _ _ _ _)%path.

      Definition functorial_identity_of `{Funext}
      : @functorial_morphism_of
          _ _ _ S T
          1 1 1 1 1
        = 1%functor.
        path_functor; simpl.
         (path_forall _ _ functorial_identity_of_helper).
        functorial_helper_t functorial_identity_of_helper.
    End identity_of.
  End single_source.

  Section composition_of.
    Variables A B C : PreCategory.
    Variable S : Functor A C.
    Variable T : Functor B C.

    Variables A' B' C' : PreCategory.
    Variable S' : Functor A' C'.
    Variable T' : Functor B' C'.

    Variables A'' B'' C'' : PreCategory.
    Variable S'' : Functor A'' C''.
    Variable T'' : Functor B'' C''.

    Variable AF : Functor A A'.
    Variable BF : Functor B B'.
    Variable CF : Functor C C'.

    Variable TA : NaturalTransformation (S' o AF) (CF o S).
    Variable TB : NaturalTransformation (CF o T) (T' o BF).

    Variable AF' : Functor A' A''.
    Variable BF' : Functor B' B''.
    Variable CF' : Functor C' C''.

    Variable TA' : NaturalTransformation (S'' o AF') (CF' o S').
    Variable TB' : NaturalTransformation (CF' o T') (T'' o BF').

    Let AF'' := (AF' o AF)%functor.
    Let BF'' := (BF' o BF)%functor.
    Let CF'' := (CF' o CF)%functor.

    Let TA'' : NaturalTransformation (S'' o AF'') (CF'' o S)
      := ((associator_2 _ _ _)
            o (CF' oL TA)
            o (associator_1 _ _ _)
            o (TA' oR AF)
            o associator_2 _ _ _)%natural_transformation.
    Let TB'' : NaturalTransformation (CF'' o T) (T'' o BF'')
      := ((associator_1 _ _ _)
            o (TB' oR BF)
            o (associator_2 _ _ _)
            o (CF' oL TB)
            o associator_1 _ _ _)%natural_transformation.

    Definition functorial_composition_of_helper x
    : (functorial_morphism_of TA' TB' o functorial_morphism_of TA TB)%functor x
      = functorial_morphism_of TA'' TB'' x.
      let A := match goal with |- ?A = ?Bconstr:(A) end in
      let B := match goal with |- ?A = ?Bconstr:(B) end in
      refine (@CommaCategory.path_object' _ _ _ _ _ A B 1%path 1%path _).
      subst AF'' BF'' CF'' TA'' TB''.
      simpl in ×.
      abstract (
          autorewrite with morphism; simpl;
          helper (exact idpath) (commutes TA') (commutes TB')

    Definition functorial_composition_of `{Funext}
    : (functorial_morphism_of TA' TB' o functorial_morphism_of TA TB)%functor
      = functorial_morphism_of TA'' TB''.
      path_functor; simpl.
       (path_forall _ _ functorial_composition_of_helper).
      functorial_helper_t functorial_composition_of_helper.
  End composition_of.
End functorial.