Library HoTT.Categories.Functor.Prod.Universal

Universal properties of product categories

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core Category.Prod Functor.Composition.Core Functor.Prod.Core.
Require Import Functor.Paths.
Require Import Types.Prod HoTT.Tactics Types.Forall Types.Sigma.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Notation fst_type := Basics.Overture.fst.
Local Notation snd_type := Basics.Overture.snd.
Local Notation pair_type := Basics.Overture.pair.
Local Notation prod_type :=

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.

Section universal.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variables A B C : PreCategory.

  Local Open Scope functor_scope.

  Section universal.
    Variable a : Functor C A.
    Variable b : Functor C B.

fst (a × b) = a

    Lemma compose_fst_prod : fst o (a × b) = a.
      path_functor; trivial.

snd (a × b) = b

    Lemma compose_snd_prod : snd o (a × b) = b.
      path_functor; trivial.

    Section unique.
      Variable F : Functor C (A × B).
      Hypothesis H1 : fst o F = a.
      Hypothesis H2 : snd o F = b.

      Lemma unique_helper c
      : (a × b) c = F c.
        pose proof (ap (fun Fobject_of F c) H1).
        pose proof (ap (fun Fobject_of F c) H2).
        simpl in ×.
        apply eta_prod.

      Lemma unique_helper2
      : transport
          (fun GO : C prod_type A B
              s d : C,
               morphism C s d
               prod_type (morphism A (fst_type (GO s)) (fst_type (GO d)))
                         (morphism B (snd_type (GO s)) (snd_type (GO d))))
          (path_forall (a × b) F unique_helper)
          (fun (s d : C) (m : morphism C s d) ⇒ pair_type (a _1 m) (b _1 m)) =
        morphism_of F.
        repeat (apply path_forall; intro).
        repeat match goal with
                 | _reflexivity
                 | _progress simpl
                 | _rewrite !transport_forall_constant
        unfold unique_helper.
        repeat match goal with
                 | [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] ⇒ case H; simpl; clear H
        repeat match goal with
                 | [ |- context[@morphism_of ?C ?D ?F ?s ?d ?m] ]
                   ⇒ destruct (@morphism_of C D F s d m); clear m
                 | [ |- context[@object_of ?C ?D ?F ?x] ]
                   ⇒ destruct (@object_of C D F x); clear x

      Lemma unique
      : a × b = F.
         (path_forall _ _ unique_helper).
        apply unique_helper2.
    End unique.

    Local Open Scope core_scope.

Universal property characterizing unique product of functors

    Global Instance contr_prod_type
           `{IsHSet (Functor C A), IsHSet (Functor C B)}
    : Contr { F : Functor C (A × B)
            | fst o F = a
               snd o F = b }.
      refine (Build_Contr _ (a × b; (compose_fst_prod, compose_snd_prod)) _).
      intro y.
      apply path_sigma_uncurried.
       (unique (fst_type y.2) (snd_type y.2)).
      exact (center _).
  End universal.

Classification of path space of functors to a product precategory

  Definition path_prod (F G : Functor C (A × B))
             (H1 : fst o F = fst o G)
             (H2 : snd o F = snd o G)
  : F = G.
    etransitivity; [ symmetry | ];
    apply unique; try eassumption; reflexivity.
End universal.