Library HoTT.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Prod

Natural transformations involving product categories

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core Category.Prod Functor.Prod.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Types.Prod.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Product of natural transformations

Section prod.
  Context {A : PreCategory}.
  Context {B : PreCategory}.
  Context {C : PreCategory}.
  Variables F F' : Functor A B.
  Variables G G' : Functor A C.
  Variable T : NaturalTransformation F F'.
  Variable U : NaturalTransformation G G'.

  Definition prod
  : NaturalTransformation (F × G) (F' × G')
    := Build_NaturalTransformation
         (F × G) (F' × G')
         (fun x : A(T x, U x))
         (fun _ _ _path_prod' (commutes T _ _ _) (commutes U _ _ _)).
End prod.

Local Infix "×" := prod : natural_transformation_scope.

Natural transformations between partially applied functors

Section induced.
  Variables C D E : PreCategory.

  Variable F : Functor (C × D) E.

  Local Ltac t :=
    simpl; intros;
    rewrite <- !composition_of;
    rewrite ?left_identity, ?right_identity;

  Definition induced_fst s d (m : morphism C s d)
  : NaturalTransformation (Functor.Prod.Core.induced_snd F s)
                          (Functor.Prod.Core.induced_snd F d).
    let F0 := match goal with |- NaturalTransformation ?F0 ?G0constr:(F0) end in
    let G0 := match goal with |- NaturalTransformation ?F0 ?G0constr:(G0) end in
    refine (Build_NaturalTransformation
              F0 G0
              (fun d ⇒ @morphism_of _ _ F (_, _) (_, _) (m, @identity D d))
    abstract t.

  Definition induced_snd s d (m : morphism D s d)
  : NaturalTransformation (Functor.Prod.Core.induced_fst F s)
                          (Functor.Prod.Core.induced_fst F d).
    let F0 := match goal with |- NaturalTransformation ?F0 ?G0constr:(F0) end in
    let G0 := match goal with |- NaturalTransformation ?F0 ?G0constr:(G0) end in
    refine (Build_NaturalTransformation
              F0 G0
              (fun c ⇒ @morphism_of _ _ F (_, _) (_, _) (@identity C c, m))
    abstract t.
End induced.

Module Export NaturalTransformationProdNotations.
  Infix "×" := prod : natural_transformation_scope.
End NaturalTransformationProdNotations.