Library HoTT.Classes.theory.ua_first_isomorphism

This file defines the kernel of a homomorphism cong_ker, the image of a homomorphism in_image_hom, and it proves the first isomorphism theorem isomorphic_first_isomorphism. The first identification theorem id_first_isomorphism follows.
The following section defines the kernel of a homomorphism cong_ker, and shows that it is a congruence.

Section cong_ker.
    {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ} `{IsHSetAlgebra B}
    (f : s, A s B s) `{!IsHomomorphism f}.

  Definition cong_ker (s : Sort σ) : Relation (A s)
    := λ (x y : A s), f s x = f s y.

(* Leave the following results about cong_ker opaque because they
   are h-props. *)

  Global Instance equiv_rel_ker (s : Sort σ)
    : EquivRel (cong_ker s).
    repeat constructor.
    - intros x y. exact inverse.
    - intros x y z. exact concat.

  Lemma path_ap_operation_ker_related {w : SymbolType σ}
    (β : Operation B w) (a b : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w))
    (R : for_all_2_family_prod A A cong_ker a b)
    : ap_operation β (map_family_prod f a)
      = ap_operation β (map_family_prod f b).
    induction w.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct a as [x a], b as [y b], R as [r R].
      cbn. destruct r. by apply IHw.

  Global Instance ops_compatible_ker : OpsCompatible A cong_ker.
    intros u a b R.
    unfold cong_ker.
    destruct (path_homomorphism_ap_operation f u a)^.
    destruct (path_homomorphism_ap_operation f u b)^.
    by apply path_ap_operation_ker_related.

  Global Instance is_congruence_ker : IsCongruence A cong_ker
    := BuildIsCongruence A cong_ker.

End cong_ker.

The next section defines an "in image predicate", in_image_hom. It gives rise to the homomorphic image of a homomorphism.

Section in_image_hom.
    `{Funext} {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ}
    (f : s, A s B s) {hom : IsHomomorphism f}.

  Definition in_image_hom (s : Sort σ) (y : B s) : HProp
    := merely (hfiber (f s) y).

  Lemma closed_under_op_in_image_hom {w : SymbolType σ}
    (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w) (P : OpPreserving f α β)
    : ClosedUnderOp B in_image_hom β.
    induction w.
    - exact (tr (α; P)).
    - intro y.
      refine (Trunc_rec _). intros [x p].
      apply (IHw (α x)).
      by destruct p.

  Lemma is_closed_under_ops_in_image_hom
    : IsClosedUnderOps B in_image_hom.
    intro u. eapply closed_under_op_in_image_hom, hom.

  Global Instance is_subalgebra_predicate_in_image_hom
    : IsSubalgebraPredicate B in_image_hom
    := BuildIsSubalgebraPredicate is_closed_under_ops_in_image_hom.
End in_image_hom.

The folowing section proves the first isomorphism theorem, isomorphic_first_isomorphism and the first identification theorem id_first_isomorphism.

Section first_isomorphism.
    `{Univalence} {σ} {A B : Algebra σ} `{IsHSetAlgebra B}
    (f : s, A s B s) {hom : IsHomomorphism f}.

The homomorphism def_first_isomorphism is informally given by
      def_first_isomorphism s (class_of _ x) := f s x.

  Definition def_first_isomorphism (s : Sort σ)
    : (A / cong_ker f) s (B && in_image_hom f) s.
    refine (Quotient_rec (cong_ker f s) _ (λ x, (f s x; tr (x; idpath))) _).
    intros x y p.
    now apply path_sigma_hprop.

  Lemma oppreserving_first_isomorphism {w : SymbolType σ}
    (α : Operation A w)
    (β : Operation B w)
    (γ : Operation (A / cong_ker f) w)
    (C : ClosedUnderOp B (in_image_hom f) β)
    (P : OpPreserving f α β)
    (G : ComputeOpQuotient A (cong_ker f) α γ)
    : OpPreserving def_first_isomorphism γ
        (op_subalgebra B (in_image_hom f) β C).
    induction w.
    - apply path_sigma_hprop.
      generalize dependent γ.
      refine (Quotient_ind_hprop (cong_ker f t) _ _). intros x G.
      destruct P.
      apply (related_quotient_paths (cong_ker f t) _ _ (G tt)).
    - refine (Quotient_ind_hprop (cong_ker f t) _ _). intro x.
      apply (IHw (α x) (β (f t x)) (γ (class_of _ x))).
      + exact (P x).
      + intro a. exact (G (x,a)).

(* Leave is_homomorphism_first_isomorphism opaque because
   IsHomomorphism is an hprop when B is a set algebra. *)

  Global Instance is_homomorphism_first_isomorphism
    : IsHomomorphism def_first_isomorphism.
    intro u. apply (oppreserving_first_isomorphism u.#A).
    - apply hom.
    - apply compute_op_quotient.

  Definition hom_first_isomorphism
    : Homomorphism (A / cong_ker f) (B && in_image_hom f)
    := BuildHomomorphism def_first_isomorphism.

  Global Instance embedding_first_isomorphism (s : Sort σ)
    : IsEmbedding (hom_first_isomorphism s).
    apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
    refine (Quotient_ind_hprop (cong_ker f s) _ _). intro x.
    refine (Quotient_ind_hprop (cong_ker f s) _ _). intros y p.
    apply qglue.
    exact (p..1).

  Global Instance surjection_first_isomorphism (s : Sort σ)
    : IsSurjection (hom_first_isomorphism s).
    apply BuildIsSurjection.
    intros [x M].
    refine (Trunc_rec _ M). intros [y Y].
    apply tr.
     (class_of _ y).
    now apply path_sigma_hprop.

  Global Instance is_isomorphism_first_isomorphism
    : IsIsomorphism hom_first_isomorphism.
    intro s. apply isequiv_surj_emb; exact _.

  Theorem isomorphic_first_isomorphism
    : A / cong_ker f B && in_image_hom f.
    exact (BuildIsomorphic def_first_isomorphism).

(* The first identification theorem id_first_isomorphism is an
   h-prop, so we can leave it opaque. *)

  Corollary id_first_isomorphism : A / cong_ker f = B && in_image_hom f.
    exact (id_isomorphic isomorphic_first_isomorphism).
End first_isomorphism.

The next section gives a specialization of the first isomorphism theorem, where the homomorphism is surjective.

Section first_isomorphism_surjection.
    `{Univalence} {σ} {A B : Algebra σ} `{IsHSetAlgebra B}
    (f : s, A s B s) `{!IsHomomorphism f} {S : s, IsSurjection (f s)}.

  Global Instance is_isomorphism_inc_first_isomorphism_surjection
    : IsIsomorphism (hom_inc_subalgebra B (in_image_hom f)).
    apply is_isomorphism_inc_improper_subalgebra.
    intros s x; cbn.
    apply center, S.

The homomorphism hom_first_isomorphism_surjection is the composition of two isomorphisms, so it is an isomorphism.

  Definition hom_first_isomorphism_surjection
    : Homomorphism (A / cong_ker f) B
    := hom_compose
          (hom_inc_subalgebra B (in_image_hom f))
          (hom_first_isomorphism f).

  Theorem isomorphic_first_isomorphism_surjection : A / cong_ker f B.
    exact (BuildIsomorphic hom_first_isomorphism_surjection).

  Corollary id_first_isomorphism_surjection : (A / cong_ker f) = B.
    exact (id_isomorphic isomorphic_first_isomorphism_surjection).
End first_isomorphism_surjection.

The next section specializes the first isomorphism theorem to the case where the homomorphism is injective. It proves that an injective homomorphism is an isomorphism between its domain and its image.

Section first_isomorphism_inj.
    `{Univalence} {σ} {A B : Algebra σ} `{IsHSetAlgebra B}
    (f : s, A s B s) `{!IsHomomorphism f} (inj : s, isinj (f s)).

  Global Instance is_isomorphism_quotient_first_isomorphism_inj
    : IsIsomorphism (hom_quotient (cong_ker f)).
    apply is_isomorphism_quotient. intros s x y p. apply inj, p.

The homomorphism hom_first_isomorphism_inj is the composition of two isomorphisms, so it is an isomorphism.