Library HoTT.Equiv.Relational

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)

Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

Generalizable Variables A B f.

Relational equivalences

This definition is due to Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine on the HoTT mailing list. This definition gives more judgmental properties, though has the downside of jumping universe levels.

Record RelEquiv A B :=
  { equiv_rel : A B Type;
    relequiv_contr_f : a, Contr { b : B & equiv_rel a b };
    relequiv_contr_g : b, Contr { a : A & equiv_rel a b } }.

Arguments equiv_rel {A B} _ _ _.
Global Existing Instance relequiv_contr_f.
Global Existing Instance relequiv_contr_g.

Definition issig_relequiv {A B}
  : { equiv_rel : A B Type
    | { f : a, Contr { b : B & equiv_rel a b }
      | b, Contr { a : A & equiv_rel a b } } }
      <~> RelEquiv A B.

Definition relequiv_of_equiv {A B} (e : A <~> B) : RelEquiv A B.
  refine {| equiv_rel a b := e a = b |}.
The rest is found by typeclass inference!

Definition equiv_of_relequiv {A B} (e : RelEquiv A B) : A <~> B.
  refine (equiv_adjointify
            (fun a(center { b : B & equiv_rel e a b}).1)
            (fun b(center { a : A & equiv_rel e a b}).1)
            _ _);
    intro x; cbn.
  { refine (ap pr1 (contr _) : _.1 = (x; _).1).
    exact (center {a : A & equiv_rel e a x}).2. }
  { refine (ap pr1 (contr _) : _.1 = (x; _).1).
    exact (center {b : B & equiv_rel e x b}).2. }

Definition RelIsEquiv {A B} (f : A B)
  := { r : RelEquiv A B | x, (center { b : B & equiv_rel r x b }).1 = f x }.

TODO: Prove ishprop_relisequiv `{Funext} {A B} f : IsHProp (@RelIsEquiv A B f)

Judgmental property

Definition inverse_relequiv {A B} (e : RelEquiv A B) : RelEquiv B A
  := {| equiv_rel a b := equiv_rel e b a |}.

Definition reinv_V {A B} (e : RelEquiv A B)
  : inverse_relequiv (inverse_relequiv e) = e
  := 1.

TODO: Is there a definition of this that makes inverse_relequiv (relequiv_idmap A) be relequiv_idmap A, judgmentally?
Definition relequiv_idmap A : RelEquiv A A
  := {| equiv_rel a b := a = b |}.

TODO: Define composition; we probably need truncation to do this?