Library HoTT.EquivGroupoids

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*-  *)

The pregroupoid structure of Equiv

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Equivalences Types.Equiv.

Local Open Scope equiv_scope.

See PathGroupoids.v for the naming conventions TODO: Consider using a definition of IsEquiv and Equiv for which more of these are judgmental, or at least don't require Funext.
Section AssumeFunext.
  Context `{Funext}.

The 1-dimensional groupoid structure.

The identity equivalence is a right unit.
  Lemma ecompose_e1 {A B} (e : A <~> B) : e oE 1 = e.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

The identity is a left unit.
  Lemma ecompose_1e {A B} (e : A <~> B) : 1 oE e = e.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

Composition is associative.
  Definition ecompose_e_ee {A B C D} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C) (g : C <~> D)
  : g oE (f oE e) = (g oE f) oE e.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

  Definition ecompose_ee_e {A B C D} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C) (g : C <~> D)
  : (g oE f) oE e = g oE (f oE e).
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

The left inverse law.
  Lemma ecompose_eV {A B} (e : A <~> B) : e oE e^-1 = 1.
    apply path_equiv; apply path_forall; intro; apply eisretr.

The right inverse law.
  Lemma ecompose_Ve {A B} (e : A <~> B) : e^-1 oE e = 1.
    apply path_equiv; apply path_forall; intro; apply eissect.

Several auxiliary theorems about canceling inverses across associativity. These are somewhat redundant, following from earlier theorems.

  Definition ecompose_V_ee {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C)
  : f^-1 oE (f oE e) = e.
    apply path_equiv; apply path_forall; intro; simpl; apply eissect.

  Definition ecompose_e_Ve {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : C <~> B)
  : e oE (e^-1 oE f) = f.
    apply path_equiv; apply path_forall; intro; simpl; apply eisretr.

  Definition ecompose_ee_V {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C)
  : (f oE e) oE e^-1 = f.
    apply path_equiv; apply path_forall; intro; simpl; apply ap; apply eisretr.

  Definition ecompose_eV_e {A B C} (e : B <~> A) (f : B <~> C)
  : (f oE e^-1) oE e = f.
    apply path_equiv; apply path_forall; intro; simpl; apply ap; apply eissect.

Inverse distributes over composition
  Definition einv_ee {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C)
  : (f oE e)^-1 = e^-1 oE f^-1.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

  Definition einv_Ve {A B C} (e : A <~> C) (f : B <~> C)
  : (f^-1 oE e)^-1 = e^-1 oE f.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

  Definition einv_eV {A B C} (e : C <~> A) (f : C <~> B)
  : (f oE e^-1)^-1 = e oE f^-1.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

  Definition einv_VV {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C)
  : (e^-1 oE f^-1)^-1 = f oE e.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

Inverse is an involution.
  Definition einv_V {A B} (e : A <~> B)
  : (e^-1)^-1 = e.
    apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

Theorems for moving things around in equations.

  Definition emoveR_Me {A B C} (e : B <~> A) (f : B <~> C) (g : A <~> C)
  : e = g^-1 oE f g oE e = f.
    intro h.
    refine (ap (fun eg oE e) h @ ecompose_e_Ve _ _).

  Definition emoveR_eM {A B C} (e : B <~> A) (f : B <~> C) (g : A <~> C)
  : g = f oE e^-1 g oE e = f.
    intro h.
    refine (ap (fun gg oE e) h @ ecompose_eV_e _ _).

  Definition emoveR_Ve {A B C} (e : B <~> A) (f : B <~> C) (g : C <~> A)
  : e = g oE f g^-1 oE e = f.
    intro h.
    refine (ap (fun eg^-1 oE e) h @ ecompose_V_ee _ _).

  Definition emoveR_eV {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C) (g : A <~> C)
  : g = f oE e g oE e^-1 = f.
    intro h.
    refine (ap (fun gg oE e^-1) h @ ecompose_ee_V _ _).

  Definition emoveL_Me {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : A <~> C) (g : B <~> C)
  : g^-1 oE f = e f = g oE e.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_e_Ve _ _)^ @ ap (fun eg oE e) h).

  Definition emoveL_eM {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : A <~> C) (g : B <~> C)
  : f oE e^-1 = g f = g oE e.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_eV_e _ _)^ @ ap (fun gg oE e) h).

  Definition emoveL_Ve {A B C} (e : A <~> C) (f : A <~> B) (g : B <~> C)
  : g oE f = e f = g^-1 oE e.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_V_ee _ _)^ @ ap (fun eg^-1 oE e) h).

  Definition emoveL_eV {A B C} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> C) (g : A <~> C)
  : f oE e = g f = g oE e^-1.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_ee_V _ _)^ @ ap (fun gg oE e^-1) h).

  Definition emoveL_1M {A B} (e f : A <~> B)
  : e oE f^-1 = 1 e = f.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_eV_e _ _)^ @ ap (fun efef oE f) h @ ecompose_1e _).

  Definition emoveL_M1 {A B} (e f : A <~> B)
  : f^-1 oE e = 1 e = f.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_e_Ve _ _)^ @ ap (fun fef oE fe) h @ ecompose_e1 _).

  Definition emoveL_1V {A B} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> A)
  : e oE f = 1 e = f^-1.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_ee_V _ _)^ @ ap (fun efef oE f^-1) h @ ecompose_1e _).

  Definition emoveL_V1 {A B} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> A)
  : f oE e = 1 e = f^-1.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_V_ee _ _)^ @ ap (fun fef^-1 oE fe) h @ ecompose_e1 _).

  Definition emoveR_M1 {A B} (e f : A <~> B)
  : 1 = e^-1 oE f e = f.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_e1 _)^ @ ap (fun efe oE ef) h @ ecompose_e_Ve _ _).

  Definition emoveR_1M {A B} (e f : A <~> B)
  : 1 = f oE e^-1 e = f.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_1e _)^ @ ap (fun fefe oE e) h @ ecompose_eV_e _ _).

  Definition emoveR_1V {A B} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> A)
  : 1 = f oE e e^-1 = f.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_1e _)^ @ ap (fun fefe oE e^-1) h @ ecompose_ee_V _ _).

  Definition emoveR_V1 {A B} (e : A <~> B) (f : B <~> A)
  : 1 = e oE f e^-1 = f.
    intro h.
    refine ((ecompose_e1 _)^ @ ap (fun efe^-1 oE ef) h @ ecompose_V_ee _ _).

We could package these up into tactics, much the same as the with_rassoc and rewrite_move× of PathGroupoids.v. I have not done so yet because there is currently no place where we would use these tactics. If there is a use case, they are easy enough to copy from PathGroupoids.v.