Library HoTT.Homotopy.Smash

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.PathGroupoids Basics.Tactics Basics.Equivalences.
Require Import Types.Sum Types.Bool Types.Paths Types.Forall.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Bifunctor WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Require Import Cubical.DPath.
Require Import Pointed.Core.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope dpath_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

(* Definition of smash product *)

Definition sum_to_prod (X Y : pType) : X + Y X × Y
  := sum_ind _ (fun x(x, point Y)) (fun y(point X, y)).

Definition sum_to_bool X Y : X + Y Bool
  := sum_ind _ (fun _false) (fun _true).

Definition Smash@{u v w | uw, vw} (X : pType@{u}) (Y : pType@{v}) : pType@{w}
  := [Pushout@{w w w w} (sum_to_prod@{w w w} X Y) (sum_to_bool@{u v w} X Y), pushl (point X, point Y)].

Section Smash.

  Context {X Y : pType}.

  Definition sm (x : X) (y : Y) : Smash X Y := pushl (x, y).

  Definition auxl : Smash X Y := pushr false.

  Definition auxr : Smash X Y := pushr true.

  Definition gluel (x : X) : sm x pt = auxl
    := pglue (f:=sum_to_prod X Y) (g:=sum_to_bool X Y) (inl x).

  Definition gluer (y : Y) : sm pt y = auxr
    := pglue (f:=sum_to_prod X Y) (g:=sum_to_bool X Y) (inr y).

  Definition gluel' (x x' : X) : sm x pt = sm x' pt
    := gluel x @ (gluel x')^.

  Definition gluer' (y y' : Y) : sm pt y = sm pt y'
    := gluer y @ (gluer y')^.

  Definition glue (x : X) (y : Y) : sm x pt = sm pt y
    := gluel' x pt @ gluer' pt y.

  Definition glue_pt_left (y : Y) : glue pt y = gluer' pt y.
    refine (_ @ concat_1p _).
    apply whiskerR, concat_pV.

  Definition glue_pt_right (x : X) : glue x pt = gluel' x pt.
    refine (_ @ concat_p1 _).
    apply whiskerL, concat_pV.

  Definition ap_sm_left {x x' : X} (p : x = x')
    : ap (fun tsm t pt) p = gluel' x x'.
    destruct p.
    apply concat_pV.

  Definition ap_sm_right {y y' : Y} (p : y = y')
    : ap (sm pt) p = gluer' y y'.
    destruct p.
    apply concat_pV.

  Definition Smash_ind {P : Smash X Y Type}
    (Psm : a b, P (sm a b)) (Pl : P auxl) (Pr : P auxr)
    (Pgl : a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl)
    (Pgr : b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr)
    : x : Smash X Y, P x.
    srapply Pushout_ind.
    + intros [a b].
      apply Psm.
    + apply (Bool_ind _ Pr Pl).
    + srapply sum_ind.
      - apply Pgl.
      - apply Pgr.

  Definition Smash_ind_beta_gluel {P : Smash X Y Type}
    {Psm : a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr}
    (Pgl : a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl)
    (Pgr : b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (a : X)
    : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a
    := Pushout_ind_beta_pglue P _ _ _ (inl a).

  Definition Smash_ind_beta_gluer {P : Smash X Y Type}
    {Psm : a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr}
    (Pgl : a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl)
    (Pgr : b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (b : Y)
    : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b
    := Pushout_ind_beta_pglue P _ _ _ (inr b).

  Definition Smash_ind_beta_gluel' {P : Smash X Y Type}
    {Psm : a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr}
    (Pgl : a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl)
    (Pgr : b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (a b : X)
    : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a b)
    = (Pgl a) @Dp ((Pgl b)^D).
    lhs nrapply dp_apD_pp.
    apply ap011.
    1: apply Smash_ind_beta_gluel.
    lhs nrapply dp_apD_V.
    apply ap.
    apply Smash_ind_beta_gluel.

  Definition Smash_ind_beta_gluer' {P : Smash X Y Type}
    {Psm : a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr}
    (Pgl : a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl)
    (Pgr : b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (a b : Y)
    : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' a b)
    = (Pgr a) @Dp ((Pgr b)^D).
    lhs nrapply dp_apD_pp.
    apply ap011.
    1: apply Smash_ind_beta_gluer.
    lhs nrapply dp_apD_V.
    apply ap.
    apply Smash_ind_beta_gluer.

  Definition Smash_ind_beta_glue {P : Smash X Y Type}
    {Psm : a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr}
    (Pgl : a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl)
    (Pgr : b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (a : X) (b : Y)
    : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (glue a b)
    = ((Pgl a) @Dp ((Pgl pt)^D)) @Dp ((Pgr pt) @Dp ((Pgr b)^D)).
    lhs nrapply dp_apD_pp.
    apply ap011.
    - apply Smash_ind_beta_gluel'.
    - apply Smash_ind_beta_gluer'.

  Definition Smash_rec {P : Type} (Psm : X Y P) (Pl Pr : P)
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Pr)
    : Smash X Y P
    := Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr (fun xdp_const (Pgl x)) (fun xdp_const (Pgr x)).

  (* Version of smash_rec that forces (Pgl pt) and (Pgr pt) to be idpath *)
  Definition Smash_rec' {P : Type} {Psm : X Y P}
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Psm pt pt) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Psm pt pt)
    (ql : Pgl pt = 1) (qr : Pgr pt = 1)
    : Smash X Y P
    := Smash_rec Psm (Psm pt pt) (Psm pt pt) Pgl Pgr.

  Definition Smash_rec_beta_gluel {P : Type} {Psm : X Y P} {Pl Pr : P}
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Pr) (a : X)
    : ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a.
    rhs_V nrapply (eissect dp_const).
    apply moveL_equiv_V.
    lhs_V nrapply dp_apD_const.
    nrapply Smash_ind_beta_gluel.

  Definition Smash_rec_beta_gluer {P : Type} {Psm : X Y P} {Pl Pr : P}
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Pr) (b : Y)
    : ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b.
    rhs_V nrapply (eissect dp_const).
    apply moveL_equiv_V.
    lhs_V nrapply dp_apD_const.
    nrapply Smash_ind_beta_gluer.

  Definition Smash_rec_beta_gluel' {P : Type} {Psm : X Y P} {Pl Pr : P}
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Pr) (a b : X)
    : ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a b) = Pgl a @ (Pgl b)^.
    lhs nrapply ap_pp.
    1: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
    lhs nrapply ap_V.
    apply inverse2.
    apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.

  Definition Smash_rec_beta_gluer' {P : Type} {Psm : X Y P} {Pl Pr : P}
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Pr) (a b : Y)
    : ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' a b) = Pgr a @ (Pgr b)^.
    lhs nrapply ap_pp.
    1: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
    lhs nrapply ap_V.
    apply inverse2.
    apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.

  Definition Smash_rec_beta_glue {P : Type} {Psm : X Y P} {Pl Pr : P}
    (Pgl : a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : b, Psm pt b = Pr) (a : X)
    (b : Y) : ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (glue a b)
    = ((Pgl a) @ (Pgl pt)^) @ (Pgr pt @ (Pgr b)^).
    lhs nrapply ap_pp.
    - apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel'.
    - apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer'.

End Smash.

Arguments sm : simpl never.
Arguments auxl : simpl never.
Arguments gluel : simpl never.
Arguments gluer : simpl never.

Miscellaneous lemmas about Smash

A version of Smash_ind specifically for proving that two functions from a Smash are homotopic.
Definition Smash_ind_FlFr {A B : pType} {P : Type} (f g : Smash A B P)
  (Hsm : a b, f (sm a b) = g (sm a b))
  (Hl : f auxl = g auxl) (Hr : f auxr = g auxr)
  (Hgluel : a, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a))
  (Hgluer : b, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b))
  : f == g.
  snrapply (Smash_ind Hsm Hl Hr).
  - intros a.
    nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
    exact (Hgluel a).
  - intros b.
    nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
    exact (Hgluer b).

A version of Smash_indj specifically for proving that the composition of two functions is the identity map.
Definition Smash_ind_FFlr {A B : pType} {P : Type}
  (f : Smash A B P) (g : P Smash A B)
  (Hsm : a b, g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b)
  (Hl : g (f auxl) = auxl) (Hr : g (f auxr) = auxr)
  (Hgluel : a, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a)
  (Hgluer : b, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b)
  : g o f == idmap.
  snrapply (Smash_ind Hsm Hl Hr).
  - intros a.
    nrapply (transport_paths_FFlr' (f := f) (g := g)).
    exact (Hgluel a).
  - intros b.
    nrapply (transport_paths_FFlr' (f := f) (g := g)).
    exact (Hgluer b).

Functoriality of the smash product

Definition functor_smash {A B X Y : pType} (f : A $-> X) (g : B $-> Y)
  : Smash A B $-> Smash X Y.
  srapply Build_pMap.
  - snrapply (Smash_rec (fun a bsm (f a) (g b)) auxl auxr).
    + intro a; cbn beta.
      rhs_V nrapply (gluel (f a)).
      exact (ap011 _ 1 (point_eq g)).
    + intro b; cbn beta.
      rhs_V nrapply (gluer (g b)).
      exact (ap011 _ (point_eq f) 1).
  - exact (ap011 _ (point_eq f) (point_eq g)).

Definition functor_smash_idmap (X Y : pType)
  : functor_smash (@pmap_idmap X) (@pmap_idmap Y) $== pmap_idmap.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  { snrapply Smash_ind_FlFr.
    1-3: reflexivity.
    - intros x.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      rhs nrapply ap_idmap.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      apply concat_1p.
    - intros y.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      rhs nrapply ap_idmap.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      apply concat_1p. }

Definition functor_smash_compose {X Y A B C D : pType}
  (f : X $-> A) (g : Y $-> B) (h : A $-> C) (k : B $-> D)
  : functor_smash (h $o f) (k $o g) $== functor_smash h k $o functor_smash f g.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  { snrapply Smash_ind_FlFr.
    1-3: reflexivity.
    - intros x.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      lhs nrapply (ap_compose (functor_smash _ _) _ (gluel x)).
      lhs nrapply ap.
      2: nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      apply concat_1p.
    - intros y.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      lhs nrapply (ap_compose (functor_smash _ _) _ (gluer y)).
      lhs nrapply ap.
      2: nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      apply concat_1p. }

Definition functor_smash_homotopic {X Y A B : pType}
  {f h : X $-> A} {g k : Y $-> B}
  (p : f $== h) (q : g $== k)
  : functor_smash f g $== functor_smash h k.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  { snrapply Smash_ind_FlFr.
    1: exact (fun x yap011 _ (p x) (q y)).
    1,2: reflexivity.
    - intros x.
      lhs nrapply concat_p1.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      rhs nrapply whiskerL.
      2: nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      simpl; induction (p x); simpl.
      rhs_V nrapply concat_pp_p.
      apply whiskerR.
      nrapply ap_pp.
    - intros y.
      lhs nrapply concat_p1.
      lhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      rhs nrapply whiskerL.
      2: nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      simpl; induction (q y); simpl.
      rhs_V nrapply concat_pp_p.
      apply whiskerR.
      nrapply (ap011_pp _ _ _ 1 1). }
  exact (ap022 _ (concat_p1 (p pt))^ (concat_p1 (q pt))^ @ (concat_p1 _)^).

Global Instance is0bifunctor_smash : Is0Bifunctor Smash.
  snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor'.
  1,2: exact _.
  nrapply Build_Is0Functor.
  intros [X Y] [A B] [f g].
  exact (functor_smash f g).

Global Instance is1bifunctor_smash : Is1Bifunctor Smash.
  snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor'.
  snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
  - intros [X Y] [A B] [f g] [h i] [p q].
    exact (functor_smash_homotopic p q).
  - intros [X Y].
    exact (functor_smash_idmap X Y).
  - intros [X Y] [A B] [C D] [f g] [h i].
    exact (functor_smash_compose f g h i).

Symmetry of the smash product

Definition pswap (X Y : pType) : Smash X Y $-> Smash Y X
  := Build_pMap _ _ (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel) 1.

Definition pswap_pswap {X Y : pType}
  : pswap X Y $o pswap Y X $== pmap_idmap.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - snrapply Smash_ind_FFlr.
    1-3: reflexivity.
    + intros y.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
    + intros x.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
  - reflexivity.

Definition pequiv_pswap {X Y : pType} : Smash X Y $<~> Smash Y X.
  snrapply cate_adjointify.
  1,2: exact (pswap _ _).
  1,2: exact pswap_pswap.

Definition pswap_natural {A B X Y : pType} (f : A $-> X) (g : B $-> Y)
  : pswap X Y $o functor_smash f g $== functor_smash g f $o pswap A B.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - snrapply Smash_ind_FlFr.
    1-3: reflexivity.
    + intros a.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      rhs nrapply (ap_compose (pswap _ _) _ (gluel a)).
      rhs nrapply ap.
      2: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      rhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      lhs nrapply (ap_compose (functor_smash _ _) (pswap _ _) (gluel a)).
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply concat_1p.
      rhs nrapply concat_1p.
      nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
    + intros b.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      rhs nrapply (ap_compose (pswap _ _) (functor_smash _ _) (gluer b)).
      rhs nrapply ap.
      2: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      rhs nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
      lhs nrapply (ap_compose (functor_smash _ _) (pswap _ _) (gluer b)).
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply concat_1p.
      rhs nrapply concat_1p.
      nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
  - reflexivity.