Library HoTT.Homotopy.Suspension

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Cubical.
Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Require Import NullHomotopy.
Require Import Truncations.Core.
Require Import Modalities.Modality.
Require Import Extensions.

The suspension of a type

Generalizable Variables X A B f g n.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

(* ** Definition of suspension *)

We define the suspension of a type X as the pushout of 1 <- X -> 1
Definition Susp (X : Type) := Pushout@{_ Set Set _} (const_tt X) (const_tt X).
Definition North {X} : Susp X := pushl tt.
Definition South {X} : Susp X := pushr tt.
Definition merid {X} (x : X) : North = South := pglue x.

We think of this as the HIT with two points North and South and a path merid between them
We can derive an induction principle for the suspension
Definition Susp_ind {X : Type} (P : Susp X Type)
  (H_N : P North) (H_S : P South)
  (H_merid : x:X, (merid x) # H_N = H_S)
  : (y : Susp X), P y.
  srapply Pushout_ind.
  - exact (Unit_ind H_N).
  - exact (Unit_ind H_S).
  - exact (H_merid).

We can also derive the computation rule
Definition Susp_ind_beta_merid {X : Type}
  (P : Susp X Type) (H_N : P North) (H_S : P South)
  (H_merid : x:X, (merid x) # H_N = H_S) (x : X)
  : apD (Susp_ind P H_N H_S H_merid) (merid x) = H_merid x.
  srapply Pushout_ind_beta_pglue.

We want to allow the user to forget that we've defined suspension as a pushout and make it look like it was defined directly as a HIT. This has the advantage of not having to assume any new HITs but allowing us to have conceptual clarity.
Arguments Susp : simpl never.
Arguments North : simpl never.
Arguments South : simpl never.
Arguments merid : simpl never.
Arguments Susp_ind_beta_merid : simpl never.

A version of Susp_ind specifically for proving that two functions defined on a suspension are homotopic.
Definition Susp_ind_FlFr {X Y : Type} (f g : Susp X Y)
  (HN : f North = g North)
  (HS : f South = g South)
  (Hmerid : x, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x))
  : f == g.
  snrapply Susp_ind.
  - exact HN.
  - exact HS.
  - intro x.
    nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
    apply Hmerid.

(* ** Non-dependent eliminator. *)

Definition Susp_rec {X Y : Type}
  (H_N H_S : Y) (H_merid : X H_N = H_S)
  : Susp X Y
  := Pushout_rec (f:=const_tt X) (g:=const_tt X) Y (Unit_ind H_N) (Unit_ind H_S) H_merid.

Global Arguments Susp_rec {X Y}%type_scope H_N H_S H_merid%function_scope _.

Definition Susp_rec_beta_merid {X Y : Type}
  {H_N H_S : Y} {H_merid : X H_N = H_S} (x:X)
  : ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S H_merid) (merid x) = H_merid x.
  srapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.


The eta-rule for suspension states that any function out of a suspension is equal to one defined by Susp_ind in the obvious way. We give it first in a weak form, producing just a pointwise equality, and then turn this into an actual equality using Funext.
Definition Susp_eta_homot {X : Type} {P : Susp X Type} (f : y, P y)
  : f == Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun xapD f (merid x)).
  unfold pointwise_paths. refine (Susp_ind _ 1 1 _).
  intros x.
  refine (transport_paths_FlFr_D
    (g := Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : XapD f (merid x)))
    _ _ @ _); simpl.
  apply moveR_pM.
  apply equiv_p1_1q.
  apply ap, inverse. refine (Susp_ind_beta_merid _ _ _ _ _).

Definition Susp_rec_eta_homot {X Y : Type} (f : Susp X Y)
  : f == Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun xap f (merid x)).
  snrapply Susp_ind_FlFr.
  1, 2: reflexivity.
  intro x.
  apply equiv_p1_1q.
  exact (Susp_rec_beta_merid _)^.

Definition Susp_eta `{Funext}
  {X : Type} {P : Susp X Type} (f : y, P y)
  : f = Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun xapD f (merid x))
  := path_forall _ _ (Susp_eta_homot f).

Definition Susp_rec_eta `{Funext} {X Y : Type} (f : Susp X Y)
  : f = Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun xap f (merid x))
  := path_forall _ _ (Susp_rec_eta_homot f).


Definition functor_susp {X Y : Type} (f : X Y)
  : Susp X Susp Y.
  srapply Susp_rec.
  - exact North.
  - exact South.
  - intros x; exact (merid (f x)).

Definition functor_susp_beta_merid {X Y : Type} (f : X Y) (x : X)
  : ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) = merid (f x).
  srapply Susp_rec_beta_merid.

Definition functor_susp_compose {X Y Z}
  (f : X Y) (g : Y Z)
  : functor_susp (g o f) == functor_susp g o functor_susp f.
  snrapply Susp_ind_FlFr.
  1,2: reflexivity.
  intro x.
  apply equiv_p1_1q.
  lhs nrapply functor_susp_beta_merid; symmetry.
  lhs nrefine (ap_compose (functor_susp f) _ (merid x)).
  lhs nrefine (ap _ (functor_susp_beta_merid _ _)).
  apply functor_susp_beta_merid.

Definition functor_susp_idmap {X}
  : functor_susp idmap == (idmap : Susp X Susp X).
  snrapply Susp_ind_FlFr.
  1,2: reflexivity.
  intro x.
  apply equiv_p1_1q.
  lhs nrapply functor_susp_beta_merid.
  symmetry; apply ap_idmap.

Definition functor2_susp {X Y} {f g : X Y} (h : f == g)
  : functor_susp f == functor_susp g.
  srapply Susp_ind_FlFr.
  1, 2: reflexivity.
  intro x.
  apply equiv_p1_1q.
  lhs nrapply (functor_susp_beta_merid f).
  rhs nrapply (functor_susp_beta_merid g).
  apply ap, h.

Global Instance is0functor_susp : Is0Functor Susp
  := Build_Is0Functor _ _ _ _ Susp (@functor_susp).

Global Instance is1functor_susp : Is1Functor Susp
  := Build_Is1Functor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Susp _
      (@functor2_susp) (@functor_susp_idmap) (@functor_susp_compose).

Universal property

Definition equiv_Susp_rec `{Funext} (X Y : Type)
  : (Susp X Y) <~> { NS : Y × Y & X fst NS = snd NS }.
  snrapply equiv_adjointify.
  - intros f.
     (f North, f South).
    intros x; exact (ap f (merid x)).
  - intros [[N S] m].
    exact (Susp_rec N S m).
  - intros [[N S] m].
    apply ap, path_arrow.
    intros x; apply Susp_rec_beta_merid.
  - intros f.
    symmetry; apply Susp_rec_eta.

Using wild 0-groupoids, the universal property can be proven without funext. A simple equivalence of 0-groupoids between Susp X Y and { NS : Y × Y & X fst NS = snd NS } would not carry all the higher-dimensional information, but if we generalize it to dependent functions, then it does suffice.
Section UnivProp.
  Context (X : Type) (P : Susp X Type).

Here is the domain of the equivalence: sections of P over Susp X.
  Definition Susp_ind_type := z:Susp X, P z.

  Local Instance isgraph_Susp_ind_type : IsGraph Susp_ind_type.
  Proof. apply isgraph_forall; intros; apply isgraph_paths. Defined.

  Local Instance is01cat_Susp_ind_type : Is01Cat Susp_ind_type.
  Proof. apply is01cat_forall; intros; apply is01cat_paths. Defined.

  Local Instance is0gpd_Susp_ind_type : Is0Gpd Susp_ind_type.
  Proof. apply is0gpd_forall; intros; apply is0gpd_paths. Defined.

The codomain is a sigma-groupoid of this family, consisting of input data for Susp_ind.
  Definition Susp_ind_data' (NS : P North × P South)
    := x:X, DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS).

  Local Instance isgraph_Susp_ind_data' NS : IsGraph (Susp_ind_data' NS).
  Proof. apply isgraph_forall; intros; apply isgraph_paths. Defined.

  Local Instance is01cat_Susp_ind_data' NS : Is01Cat (Susp_ind_data' NS).
  Proof. apply is01cat_forall; intros; apply is01cat_paths. Defined.

  Local Instance is0gpd_Susp_ind_data' NS : Is0Gpd (Susp_ind_data' NS).
  Proof. apply is0gpd_forall; intros; apply is0gpd_paths. Defined.

Here is the codomain itself.
  Definition Susp_ind_data := sig Susp_ind_data'.

  Local Instance is01cat_Susp_ind_data : Is01Cat Susp_ind_data.
  Proof. rapply is01cat_sigma. Defined.

  Local Instance is0gpd_Susp_ind_data : Is0Gpd Susp_ind_data.
  Proof. rapply is0gpd_sigma. Defined.

Here is the functor.
  Definition Susp_ind_inv : Susp_ind_type Susp_ind_data.
    intros f.
     (f North,f South).
    intros x.
    exact (apD f (merid x)).

  Local Instance is0functor_susp_ind_inv : Is0Functor Susp_ind_inv.
    constructor; unfold Susp_ind_type; cbn.
    intros f g p.
    unshelve econstructor.
    - apply path_prod; apply p.
    - intros x.
      rewrite transport_path_prod, !transport_forall_constant; cbn.
      apply ds_transport_dpath.
      exact (dp_apD_nat p (merid x)).

And now we can prove that it's an equivalence of 0-groupoids, using the definition from WildCat/EquivGpd.
  Definition issurjinj_Susp_ind_inv : IsSurjInj Susp_ind_inv.
    - intros [[n s] g].
       (Susp_ind P n s g); cbn.
      intros x; cbn.
      apply Susp_ind_beta_merid.
    - intros f g [p q]; cbn in ×.
      srapply Susp_ind; cbn.
      1: exact (ap fst p).
      1: exact (ap snd p).
      intros x; specialize (q x).
      apply ds_dp.
      apply ds_transport_dpath.
      rewrite transport_forall_constant in q.
      rewrite <- (eta_path_prod p) in q.
      rewrite transport_path_prod in q.
      exact q.

End UnivProp.

The full non-funext version of the universal property should be formulated with respect to a notion of "wild hom-oo-groupoid", which we don't currently have. However, we can deduce statements about full higher universal properties that we do have, for instance the statement that a type is local for functor_susp f -- expressed in terms of ooExtendableAlong -- if and only if all its identity types are local for f. (We will use this in Modalities.Localization for separated subuniverses.) To prove this, we again generalize it to the case of dependent types, starting with naturality of the above 0-dimensional universal property.

Section UnivPropNat.
We will show that Susp_ind_inv for X and Y commute with precomposition with f and functor_susp f.
  Context {X Y : Type} (f : X Y) (P : Susp Y Type).

We recall all those instances from the previous section.
Here is an intermediate family of groupoids that we have to use, since precomposition with f doesn't land in quite the right place.
  Definition Susp_ind_data'' (NS : P North × P South)
    := x:X, DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS).

  Local Instance isgraph_Susp_ind_data'' NS : IsGraph (Susp_ind_data'' NS).
  Proof. apply isgraph_forall; intros; apply isgraph_paths. Defined.

  Local Instance is01cat_Susp_ind_data'' NS : Is01Cat (Susp_ind_data'' NS).
  Proof. apply is01cat_forall; intros; apply is01cat_paths. Defined.

  Local Instance is0gpd_Susp_ind_data'' NS : Is0Gpd (Susp_ind_data'' NS).
  Proof. apply is0gpd_forall; intros; apply is0gpd_paths. Defined.

We decompose "precomposition with f" into a functor_sigma of two fiberwise functors. Here is the first.
  Definition functor_Susp_ind_data'' (NS : P North × P South)
    : Susp_ind_data' Y P NS Susp_ind_data'' NS
    := fun g xg (f x).

  Local Instance is0functor_functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS
    : Is0Functor (functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS).
    intros g h p a.
    exact (p (f a)).

And here is the second. This one is actually a fiberwise equivalence of types at each x.
  Definition equiv_Susp_ind_data' (NS : P North × P South) (x : X)
    : DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS)
      <~> DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS).
    - nrapply (equiv_transport (fun pDPath P p (fst NS) (snd NS))).
      symmetry; apply functor_susp_beta_merid.
    - symmetry.
      apply (dp_compose (functor_susp f) P (merid x)).

  Definition functor_Susp_ind_data' (NS : P North × P South)
    : Susp_ind_data'' NS Susp_ind_data' X (P o functor_susp f) NS.
    srapply (functor_forall idmap); intros x.
    apply equiv_Susp_ind_data'.

  Local Instance is0functor_functor_Susp_ind_data' NS
    : Is0Functor (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS).
    intros g h q x.
    cbn; apply ap, ap.
    exact (q x).

And therefore a fiberwise equivalence of 0-groupoids.
  Local Instance issurjinj_functor_Susp_ind_data' NS
    : IsSurjInj (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS).
    - intros g.
      unshelve econstructor.
      + intros x.
        apply ((equiv_Susp_ind_data' NS x)^-1).
        exact (g x).
      + intros x.
        apply eisretr.
    - intros g h p x.
      apply (equiv_inj (equiv_Susp_ind_data' NS x)).
      exact (p x).

Now we put them together.
  Definition functor_Susp_ind_data
    : Susp_ind_data Y P Susp_ind_data X (P o functor_susp f)
    := fun NSg(NSg.1 ; (functor_Susp_ind_data' NSg.1 o
                             (functor_Susp_ind_data'' NSg.1)) NSg.2).

  Local Instance is0functor_functor_Susp_ind_data
    : Is0Functor functor_Susp_ind_data.
    refine (is0functor_sigma _ _
           (fun NSfunctor_Susp_ind_data' NS o functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS)).

Here is the "precomposition with functor_susp f" functor.
  Definition functor_Susp_ind_type
    : Susp_ind_type Y P Susp_ind_type X (P o functor_susp f)
    := fun gg o functor_susp f.

  Local Instance is0functor_functor_Susp_ind_type
    : Is0Functor functor_Susp_ind_type.
    intros g h p a.
    exact (p (functor_susp f a)).

And here is the desired naturality square.
  Definition Susp_ind_inv_nat
    : (Susp_ind_inv X (P o functor_susp f)) o functor_Susp_ind_type
      $=> functor_Susp_ind_data o (Susp_ind_inv Y P).
    intros g; idpath; intros x.
    change (apD (fun x0 : Susp Xg (functor_susp f x0)) (merid x) =
            (functor_Susp_ind_data (Susp_ind_inv Y P g)).2 x).
    refine (dp_apD_compose (functor_susp f) P (merid x) g @ _).
    cbn; apply ap.
    apply (moveL_transport_V (fun pDPath P p (g North) (g South))).
    exact (apD (apD g) (functor_susp_beta_merid f x)).

From this we can deduce a equivalence between extendability, which is definitionally equal to split essential surjectivity of a functor between forall 0-groupoids.
  Definition extension_iff_functor_susp
    : ( g, ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g)
       ( NS g, ExtensionAlong f (fun xDPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g).
The proof is by chaining logical equivalences.
    transitivity (SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type).
    { reflexivity. }
    { refine (isesssurj_iff_commsq Susp_ind_inv_nat); try exact _.
      all:apply issurjinj_Susp_ind_inv. }
    { refine (isesssurj_iff_sigma _ _
                (fun NSfunctor_Susp_ind_data' NS o functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS)). }
    apply iff_functor_forall; intros [N S]; cbn.
    { apply iffL_isesssurj; exact _. }

We have to close the section now because we have to generalize extension_iff_functor_susp over P.
Now we can iterate, deducing n-extendability.
Definition extendable_iff_functor_susp
           {X Y : Type} (f : X Y) (P : Susp Y Type) (n : nat)
  : (ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P)
     ( NS, ExtendableAlong n f (fun xDPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))).
  revert P. induction n as [|n IHn]; intros P; [ split; intros; exact tt | ].
It would be nice to be able to do this proof by chaining logical equivalences too, especially since the two parts seem very similar. But I haven't managed to make that work.
  - intros [e1 en] [N S]; split.
    + apply extension_iff_functor_susp.
      exact e1.
    + cbn; intros h k.
      pose (h' := Susp_ind P N S h).
      pose (k' := Susp_ind P N S k).
      specialize (en h' k').
      assert (IH := fst (IHn _) en (1,1)); clear IHn en.
      cbn in IH.
      refine (extendable_postcompose' n _ _ f _ IH); clear IH.
      intros y.
      1: nrapply ds_dp.
      1: apply ds_transport_dpath.
      subst h' k'; cbn.
      apply equiv_concat_lr.
      × symmetry. exact (Susp_ind_beta_merid P N S h y).
      × exact (Susp_ind_beta_merid P N S k y).
  - intros e; split.
    + apply extension_iff_functor_susp.
      intros NS; exact (fst (e NS)).
    + intros h k.
      apply (IHn _).
      intros [p q].
      specialize (e (h North, k South)).
      cbn in *; apply snd in e.
      refine (extendable_postcompose' n _ _ f _ (e _ _)); intros y.
      1: nrapply ds_dp.
      1: apply ds_transport_dpath.
      1: reflexivity.
      apply (equiv_moveR_transport_p (fun y0 : P NorthDPath P (merid y) y0 (k South))).

As usual, deducing oo-extendability is trivial.
Definition ooextendable_iff_functor_susp
           {X Y : Type} (f : X Y) (P : Susp Y Type)
  : (ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P)
     ( NS, ooExtendableAlong f (fun xDPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))).
  split; intros e.
  - intros NS n.
    apply extendable_iff_functor_susp.
    exact (e n).
  - intros n.
    apply extendable_iff_functor_susp.
    intros NS; exact (e NS n).

Nullhomotopies of maps out of suspensions

Definition nullhomot_susp_from_paths {X Z : Type} (f : Susp X Z)
  (n : NullHomotopy (fun xap f (merid x)))
: NullHomotopy f.
   (f North).
  refine (Susp_ind _ 1 n.1^ _); intros x.
  refine (transport_paths_Fl _ _ @ _).
  apply (concat (concat_p1 _)), ap. apply n.2.

Definition nullhomot_paths_from_susp {X Z : Type} (H_N H_S : Z) (f : X H_N = H_S)
  (n : NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f))
: NullHomotopy f.
   (n.2 North @ (n.2 South)^).
  intro x. apply moveL_pV.
  transitivity (ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S f) (merid x) @ n.2 South).
  - apply whiskerR, inverse, Susp_rec_beta_merid.
  - refine (concat_Ap n.2 (merid x) @ _).
    apply (concatR (concat_p1 _)), whiskerL. apply ap_const.

Contractibility of the suspension

Global Instance contr_susp (A : Type) `{Contr A}
  : Contr (Susp A).
  unfold Susp; exact _.

Connectedness of the suspension

Global Instance isconnected_susp {n : trunc_index} {X : Type}
  `{H : IsConnected n X} : IsConnected n.+1 (Susp X).
  apply isconnected_from_elim.
  intros C H' f. (f North).
  assert ({ p0 : f North = f South & x:X, ap f (merid x) = p0 })
    as [p0 allpath_p0] by (apply (isconnected_elim n); rapply H').
  apply (Susp_ind (fun af a = f North) 1 p0^).
  intros x.
  apply (concat (transport_paths_Fl _ _)).
  apply (concat (concat_p1 _)).
  apply ap, allpath_p0.