Library HoTT.Modalities.Fracture

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Extensions Limits.Pullback.
Require Import Modality Lex Open Closed Nullification.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

The lex-modal fracture theorem

The fracture theorem for two modalities O1 and O2 and a type A, when it holds, states that the naturality square
 A   -->   O1 A
 |          |
 |          |
 V          V
O2 A --> O2 (O1 A)
is a pullback. This says in a certain precise sense that A can be recovered from its O1- and O2-reflections together with some information about how they fit together. If we think of O1 and O2 as subuniverses or subtoposes, then the fracture theorem says that their "union", or more precisely their *gluing*, is the whole universe.
We will prove the fracture theorem holds under the assumptions that O2 is lex, and that O1-connected types are O2-modal. Note that like lex-ness, the latter is also a "large" hypothesis. But also as with lex-ness, rather than hypothesize it polymorphically with a module type, we just hypothesize it in the obvious way and allow the polymophism of the resulting theorem to be computed automatically. This actually gives more precise information: the fracture theorem for a particular type A only depends on this hypothesis for types B lying in the same universe as A. (In fact, as we will see, it only needs the special cases of the fibers of to O1 A, but in examples it seems no harder to verify the general case.)
It may sometimes happen that in addition, the "intersection" of O1 and O2 is trivial. This is naturally expressed in the context of the fracture theorem by saying that O2-modal types are O1-connected, i.e. the converse of the second hypothesis of our fracture theorem. When this also holds, we can show that the universe Type can actually be reconstructed, up to equivalence, from the universes of O1- and O2-modal types and the O2-reflection from the first to the second, using the "Artin gluing construction" from topos theory.

The fracture theorem

  Section FractureTheorem.
    Context (O1 O2 : Modality).

    Definition fracture_square (A : Type)
    : O_functor O2 (to O1 A) o to O2 A == to O2 (O1 A) o to O1 A
    := to_O_natural O2 (to O1 A).

Here are the hypotheses of the fracture theorem
    Context `{Lex O2}.

    Definition Gluable : Type
      := (A : Type), IsConnected O1 A In O2 A.
    Context (ino2_isconnectedo1 : Gluable).

The fracture theorem.
    Definition ispullback_fracture_square A
    : IsPullback (fracture_square A).
      apply ispullback_symm.
      nrefine (ispullback_connmap_mapino_commsq O2 _).
      1-3:exact _.
      2:rapply mapinO_between_inO.
      intros x; refine (ino2_isconnectedo1 _ _).

The fracture gluing theorem

We now also assume the converse of the second hyopthesis
    Definition Disjoint : Type
      := (A : Type), In O2 A IsConnected O1 A.
    Context (isconnectedo1_ino2 : Disjoint).

This implies that the universe decomposes into an O1-part, an O2-part, and a gluing map. We define these pieces separately in order to make the maps transparent but the homotopies opaque.
    Definition fracture_glue_uncurried
    : { B : Type_ O1 & { C : Type_ O2 & C O2 B }} Type
      := fun BCfPullback BCf.2.2 (to O2 BCf.1).

    Definition fracture_glue
      (B C : Type) `{HB: In O1 B} `{HC: In O2 C} (f : C O2 B)
    : Type
      := fracture_glue_uncurried ((B;HB);((C;HC);f)).

    Definition fracture_unglue
    : Type { B : Type_ O1 & { C : Type_ O2 & C O2 B }}
    := fun A((O1 A ; O_inO A) ; ((O2 A ; O_inO A) ; O_functor O2 (to O1 A))).

    Definition fracture_unglue_isretr `{Univalence}
               (BCf : { B : Type_ O1 & { C : Type_ O2 & C O2 B }})
    : fracture_unglue (fracture_glue_uncurried BCf) = BCf.
      destruct BCf as [B [C f]].
The first two components of our path will be applications of univalence. We begin by observing that maps we will use are equivalences.
      assert (IsEquiv (O_rec ((to O2 B)^*' f))).
      { apply isequiv_O_rec_O_inverts.
        apply O_inverts_conn_map, conn_map_pullback'.
        intros ob; apply isconnectedo1_ino2.
        rapply mapinO_between_inO. }
      assert (IsEquiv (O_rec (f^* (to O2 B)))).
      { apply isequiv_O_rec_O_inverts.
        apply O_inverts_conn_map, conn_map_pullback; exact _. }
Now we start building the path.
      simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _).
      { apply path_TypeO; unfold ".1", ".2".
        refine (path_universe (O_rec ((to O2 B)^*' f))). }
      refine (transport_sigma' _ _ @ _); unfold ".1", ".2".
      simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _).
      { apply path_TypeO; unfold ".1", ".2".
        refine (path_universe (O_rec (f^* (to O2 B)))). }
It remains to identify the induced function with the given f. We begin with some boilerplate.
      apply path_arrow; intros c.
      refine (transport_arrow_toconst _ _ _ @ _).
      refine (transport_arrow_fromconst
                (C := fun X:Type_ O1O2 X) _ _ _ @ _).
      refine (transport_compose O2 (TypeO_pr1 O1) _ _ @ _).
      refine (transport_compose idmap O2 _ _ @ _).
Now we have to compute through the action of ap and transport on paths in sigmas and the universe. In applying these it helps to specify a couple of intermediate steps explicitly.
      transitivity (transport idmap
                     (ap O2 (path_universe (O_rec ((to O2 B)^*' f))))
                     (O_functor O2 (to O1 (Pullback f (to O2 B)))
                                ((O_rec (f^* (to O2 B)))^-1 c)));
        [ apply ap11; repeat apply ap
        | transitivity (O_functor O2 (O_rec (to O2 B^*' f))
                          (O_functor O2 (to O1 (Pullback f (to O2 B)))
                                     ((O_rec (f^* (to O2 B)))^-1 c))) ].
      + refine (pr1_path_sigma_uncurried _ @ eisretr pr1 _).
      + refine (transport_compose idmap (TypeO_pr1 O2)
                  (path_TypeO O2 (O2 (Pullback f (to O2 B)); _) C _)^
                  c @ _).
        refine (ap (fun ptransport idmap p c) (ap_V _ _) @ _).
        refine (ap (fun ptransport idmap p^ c)
                   (pr1_path_sigma_uncurried _ @ eisretr pr1 _) @ _).
        refine (transport_path_universe_V _ _).
      + refine (ap (fun ptransport idmap p _)
                   (ap_O_path_universe O2 _) @ _).
        refine (transport_path_universe _ _).
Now we're down to the real point.
      + refine ((O_functor_compose O2 _ _ _)^ @ _).
        refine (O_functor_homotopy O2 _ _ (O_rec_beta _) _ @ _).
        revert c; equiv_intro (O_rec (f^* (to O2 B))) x.
        refine (ap _ (eissect _ _) @ _).
        revert x; apply O_indpaths; intros x.
        refine (to_O_natural O2 _ x @ _).
        refine (_ @ ap f (O_rec_beta _ _)^).
        destruct x as [a [b q]]; exact (q^).

    Definition fracture_unglue_issect `{Univalence} (A : Type)
    : fracture_glue_uncurried (fracture_unglue A) = A.
      apply path_universe_uncurried, equiv_inverse.
      exact (Build_Equiv _ _ (pullback_corec (fracture_square A))
                        (ispullback_fracture_square A)).

    Definition isequiv_fracture_unglue `{Univalence}
    : IsEquiv fracture_unglue
      := isequiv_adjointify

    Definition equiv_fracture_unglue `{Univalence}
    : Type <~> { B : Type_ O1 & { C : Type_ O2 & C O2 B }}
      := Build_Equiv _ _ fracture_unglue isequiv_fracture_unglue.

  End FractureTheorem.

The propositional fracture theorem

An easy example of the lex-modal fracture theorem is supplied by the open and closed modalities for an hprop U.

Definition gluable_open_closed `{Funext} (U : HProp)
: Gluable (Op U) (Cl U).
  intros A.
  change (Contr (U A) (U Contr A)); intros ? u.
  apply (Build_Contr _ (center (U A) u)); intros a.
  exact (ap10 (path_contr _ (fun _a)) u).

Definition disjoint_open_closed `{Funext} (U : HProp)
: Disjoint (Op U) (Cl U).
  intros A.
  change ((U Contr A) Contr (U A)); intros uc.
  apply (Build_Contr _ (fun ulet i := uc u in center A)).
  intros f; apply path_arrow; intros u.
  pose (uc u); apply path_contr.

We can also prove the same thing without funext if we use the nullification versions of these modalities.

Definition gluable_open_closed' (U : HProp)
: Gluable (Op' U) (Cl' U).
  intros A ? u; simpl in ×.
  pose proof (contr_inhabited_hprop U u).
  assert (Contr A).
  { simple refine (contr_equiv (Op' U A) _).
    - refine (O_rec idmap).
      intros []; simpl.
      apply ooextendable_equiv.
      refine (equiv_isequiv (@equiv_contr_contr U Unit _ _)).
    - refine (isequiv_adjointify _ (to (Op' U) A) _ _).
      + intros a; apply O_rec_beta.
      + apply O_indpaths; cbn. reflexivity. }
  apply ooextendable_contr; exact _.

Definition disjoint_open_closed' (U : HProp)
: Disjoint (Op' U) (Cl' U).
  intros A An.
  apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C Cn f.
  simple refine (@local_rec _ C Cn tt _ tt ; _); simpl.
  - intros u.
    exact (f (@local_rec _ A An u Empty_rec tt)).
  - intros a; simpl.
    refine (@local_indpaths _ C Cn tt (fun _f a) _ _ tt);
      intros u; simpl in ×.
    refine (_ @ (@local_rec_beta _ C Cn tt _ u)^).
    apply ap.
    exact (@local_indpaths _ A An u (fun _a) _ (Empty_ind _) tt).