Library HoTT.Sets.AC

From HoTT Require Import ExcludedMiddle canonical_names.
From HoTT Require Import HIT.unique_choice.
From HoTT Require Import Spaces.Card.

From HoTT.Sets Require Import Ordinals.

Local Open Scope hprop_scope.

Set-theoretic formulation of the axiom of choice (AC)

Monomorphic Axiom Choice : Type0.
Existing Class Choice.

Definition Choice_type :=
   (X Y : HSet) (R : X Y HProp), ( x, hexists (R x)) hexists (fun f x, R x (f x)).

Axiom AC : `{Choice}, Choice_type.

Global Instance is_global_axiom_propresizing : IsGlobalAxiom Choice := {}.

The well-ordering theorem implies AC

Lemma WO_AC {LEM : ExcludedMiddle} :
  ( (X : HSet), hexists (fun (A : Ordinal) ⇒ InjectsInto X A)) Choice_type.
  intros H X Y R HR. specialize (H Y).
  eapply merely_destruct; try apply H.
  intros [A HA]. eapply merely_destruct; try apply HA.
  intros [f Hf]. apply tr. unshelve eexists.
  - intros x. assert (HR' : hexists (fun ymerely (R x y × y', R x y' f y < f y' f y = f y'))).
    + pose proof (HAR := ordinal_has_minimal_hsolutions A (fun aBuild_HProp (merely ( y, f y = a R x y)))).
      eapply merely_destruct; try apply HAR.
      × eapply merely_destruct; try apply (HR x). intros [y Hy].
        apply tr. (f y). apply tr. y. now split.
      × intros [a [H1 H2]]. eapply merely_destruct; try apply H1.
        intros [y [<- Hy]]. apply tr. y. apply tr. split; trivial.
        intros y' Hy'. apply H2. apply tr. y'. split; trivial.
    + edestruct (@iota Y) as [y Hy]; try exact y. 2: split; try apply HR'. 1: exact _.
      intros y y' Hy Hy'.
      eapply merely_destruct; try apply Hy. intros [H1 H2].
      eapply merely_destruct; try apply Hy'. intros [H3 H4]. apply Hf.
      eapply merely_destruct; try apply (H2 y'); trivial. intros [H5|H5]; trivial.
      eapply merely_destruct; try apply (H4 y); trivial. intros [H6| → ]; trivial.
      apply Empty_rec. apply (irreflexive_ordinal_relation _ _ _ (f y)).
      apply (ordinal_transitivity _ (f y')); trivial.
  - intros x. cbn. destruct iota as [y Hy]. eapply merely_destruct; try apply Hy. now intros [].