Library HoTT.WildCat.Yoneda

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*-  *)

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics.
Require Import WildCat.Core.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import WildCat.Universe.
Require Import WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import WildCat.FunctorCat.
Require Import WildCat.NatTrans.
Require Import WildCat.Prod.
Require Import WildCat.Bifunctor.
Require Import WildCat.ZeroGroupoid.

Two-variable hom-functors

Global Instance is0functor_hom {A} `{Is01Cat A}
  : @Is0Functor (A^op × A) Type _ _ (uncurry (@Hom A _)).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  intros [a1 a2] [b1 b2] [f1 f2] g; cbn in ×.
  exact (f2 $o g $o f1).

This requires morphism extensionality!
Global Instance is1functor_hom {A} `{HasMorExt A}
  : @Is1Functor (A^op × A) Type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (uncurry (@Hom A _)) _.
  apply Build_Is1Functor.
  - intros [a1 a2] [b1 b2] [f1 f2] [g1 g2] [p1 p2] q;
      unfold fst, snd in ×.
    apply path_hom.
    refine (((p2 $@R q) $@R _) $@ ((g2 $o q) $@L p1)).
  - intros [a1 a2] f; cbn in ×.
    apply path_hom.
    exact (cat_idr _ $@ cat_idl f).
  - intros [a1 a2] [b1 b2] [c1 c2] [f1 f2] [g1 g2] h; cbn in ×.
    apply path_hom.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc_opp _ _ _).
    refine (g2 $@L _).
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc_opp _ _ _).
    refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _).

Global Instance is0bifunctor_hom {A} `{Is01Cat A}
  : Is0Bifunctor (A:=A^op) (B:=A) (C:=Type) (@Hom A _).
  nrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor'.
  1-2: exact _.
  exact is0functor_hom.

While it is possible to prove the bifunctor coherence condition from Is1Cat_Strong, 1-functoriality requires morphism extensionality.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_hom {A} `{Is1Cat A} `{HasMorExt A}
  : Is1Bifunctor (A:=A^op) (B:=A) (C:=Type) (@Hom A _).
  nrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor'.
  exact is1functor_hom.

Definition fun01_hom {A} `{Is01Cat A}
  : Fun01 (A^op × A) Type
  := @Build_Fun01 _ _ _ _ _ is0functor_hom.

The covariant Yoneda lemma

This is easier than the contravariant version because it doesn't involve any "op"s.

Definition opyon {A : Type} `{IsGraph A} (a : A) : A Type
  := fun b ⇒ (a $-> b).

We prove this explicitly instead of using the bifunctor instance above so that we can apply fmap in each argument independently without mapping an identity in the other.
Global Instance is0functor_opyon {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A)
  : Is0Functor (opyon a).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  unfold opyon; intros b c f g; cbn in ×.
  exact (f $o g).

Global Instance is1functor_opyon {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a : A)
  : Is1Functor (opyon a).
  rapply Build_Is1Functor.
  + intros x y f g p h.
    apply path_hom.
    apply (cat_prewhisker p).
  + intros x h.
    apply path_hom.
    apply cat_idl.
  + intros x y z f g h.
    apply path_hom.
    apply cat_assoc.

We record these corollaries here, since we use some of them below.
Definition equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A}
  {x y z : A} (f : y $<~> z)
  : (x $-> y) <~> (x $-> z)
  := emap (opyon x) f.

Definition equiv_precompose_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A}
  {x y z : A} (f : x $<~> y)
  : (y $-> z) <~> (x $-> z)
  := @equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv A^op _ _ _ _ _ _ z y x f.

(* The following implicitly use hasequivs_core.  Note that when A has morphism extensionality, it doesn't follow that core A does.  We'd need to know that being an equivalence is a proposition, and we don't assume that (since even for Type it requires Funext, see hasmorext_core_type). So we need to assume this in the following results. *)

Postcomposition with a cat_equiv is an equivalence between the types of equivalences.
Definition equiv_postcompose_core_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt (core A)}
  {x y z : A} (f : y $<~> z)
  : (x $<~> y) <~> (x $<~> z).
  change ((Build_core x $-> Build_core y) <~> (Build_core x $-> Build_core z)).
  refine (equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv (A := core A) _).
  exact f. (* It doesn't work to insert f on the previous line. *)

Definition equiv_precompose_core_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt (core A)}
  {x y z : A} (f : x $<~> y)
  : (y $<~> z) <~> (x $<~> z).
  change ((Build_core y $-> Build_core z) <~> (Build_core x $-> Build_core z)).
  refine (equiv_precompose_cat_equiv (A := core A) _).
  exact f. (* It doesn't work to insert f on the previous line. *)

Definition opyoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A)
           (F : A Type) {ff : Is0Functor F}
  : F a (opyon a $=> F).
  intros x b f.
  exact (fmap F f x).

Definition un_opyoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A}
  (a : A) (F : A Type) {ff : Is0Functor F}
  : (opyon a $=> F) F a
  := fun alphaalpha a (Id a).

Global Instance is1natural_opyoneda {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  (a : A) (F : A Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a)
  : Is1Natural (opyon a) F (opyoneda a F x).
  unfold opyon, opyoneda; intros b c f g; cbn in ×.
  exact (fmap_comp F g f x).

This is form of injectivity of opyoneda.
Definition opyoneda_isinj {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (x x' : F a) (p : b, opyoneda a F x b == opyoneda a F x' b)
  : x = x'.
  refine ((fmap_id F a x)^ @ _ @ fmap_id F a x').
  cbn in p.
  exact (p a (Id a)).

This says that opyon is faithful, although we haven't yet defined a graph structure on natural transformations to express this in that way. This follows from the previous result, but then would need HasMorExt A, since the previous result assumes that F is a 1-functor, which is stronger than what is needed. The direct proof below only needs the weaker assumption Is1Cat_Strong A.
Definition opyon_faithful {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A}
  (a b : A) (f g : b $-> a)
  (p : (c : A) (h : a $-> c), h $o f = h $o g)
  : f = g
  := (cat_idl_strong f)^ @ p a (Id a) @ cat_idl_strong g.

The composite in one direction is the identity map.
Definition opyoneda_issect {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
           (F : A Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
           (x : F a)
  : un_opyoneda a F (opyoneda a F x) = x
  := fmap_id F a x.

We assume for the converse that the coherences in A are equalities (this is a weak funext-type assumption). Note that we do not in general recover the witness of 1-naturality. Indeed, if A is fully coherent, then a transformation of the form opyoneda a F x is always also fully coherently natural, so an incoherent witness of 1-naturality could not be recovered in this way.
Definition opyoneda_isretr {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A} (a : A)
           (F : A Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
           (alpha : opyon a $=> F) {alnat : Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha}
           (b : A)
  : opyoneda a F (un_opyoneda a F alpha) b $== alpha b.
  unfold opyoneda, un_opyoneda, opyon; intros f.
  refine ((isnat alpha f (Id a))^ @ _).
  apply ap.
  exact (cat_idr_strong f).

A natural transformation between representable functors induces a map between the representing objects.
Definition opyon_cancel {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a b : A)
  : (opyon a $=> opyon b) (b $-> a)
  := un_opyoneda a (opyon b).

Definition opyon1 {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A) : Fun01 A Type.
  rapply (Build_Fun01 _ _ (opyon a)).

Definition opyon11 {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a : A) : Fun11 A Type.
  rapply (Build_Fun11 _ _ (opyon a)).

An equivalence between representable functors induces an equivalence between the representing objects.
Definition opyon_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!Is1Cat_Strong A}
           {a b : A}
  : (opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b) (b $<~> a).
  intros f.
  refine (cate_adjointify (f a (Id a)) (f^-1$ b (Id b)) _ _);
    apply GpdHom_path; cbn in ×.
  - refine ((isnat_natequiv (natequiv_inverse f) (f a (Id a)) (Id b))^ @ _); cbn.
    refine (_ @ cate_issect (f a) (Id a)); cbn.
    apply ap.
    srapply cat_idr_strong.
  - refine ((isnat_natequiv f (f^-1$ b (Id b)) (Id a))^ @ _); cbn.
    refine (_ @ cate_isretr (f b) (Id b)); cbn.
    apply ap.
    srapply cat_idr_strong.

Definition natequiv_opyon_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  `{!HasMorExt A} {a b : A}
  : (b $<~> a) (opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b).
  intro e.
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
  - intros c.
    exact (equiv_precompose_cat_equiv e).
  - rapply is1natural_opyoneda.

The covariant Yoneda lemma using 0-groupoids

We repeat the above, regarding opyon as landing in 0-groupoids, using the 1-category structure on ZeroGpd in ZeroGroupoid.v. This has many advantages. It avoids HasMorExt, which means that we don't need Funext in many examples. It also avoids Is1Cat_Strong, which means the results all have the same hypotheses, namely that A is a 1-category. This allows us to simplify the proof of opyon_equiv_0gpd, making use of opyoneda_isretr_0gpd.

Definition opyon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : A ZeroGpd
  := fun bBuild_ZeroGpd (a $-> b) _ _ _.

Global Instance is0functor_hom_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  : Is0Functor (A:=A^op×A) (B:=ZeroGpd) (uncurry (opyon_0gpd (A:=A))).
  nrapply Build_Is0Functor.
  intros [a1 a2] [b1 b2] [f1 f2]; unfold op in *; cbn in ×.
  rapply (Build_Morphism_0Gpd (opyon_0gpd a1 a2) (opyon_0gpd b1 b2)
          (cat_postcomp b1 f2 o cat_precomp a2 f1)).

Global Instance is1functor_hom_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  : Is1Functor (A:=A^op×A) (B:=ZeroGpd) (uncurry (opyon_0gpd (A:=A))).
  nrapply Build_Is1Functor.
  - intros [a1 a2] [b1 b2] [f1 f2] [g1 g2] [p q] h.
    exact (h $@L p $@@ q).
  - intros [a1 a2] h.
    exact (cat_idl _ $@ cat_idr _).
  - intros [a1 a2] [b1 b2] [c1 c2] [f1 f2] [g1 g2] h.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine (g2 $@L _).
    refine (_ $@L (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _) $@ _).
    exact (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _).

Global Instance is0bifunctor_hom_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  : Is0Bifunctor (A:=A^op) (B:=A) (C:=ZeroGpd) (opyon_0gpd (A:=A)).
  snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor'.
  1,2: exact _.
  exact is0functor_hom_0gpd.

Global Instance is1bifunctor_hom_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  : Is1Bifunctor (A:=A^op) (B:=A) (C:=ZeroGpd) (opyon_0gpd (A:=A)).
  snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor'.
  exact is1functor_hom_0gpd.

Global Instance is0functor_opyon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  : Is0Functor (opyon_0gpd a).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  intros b c f.
  exact (Build_Morphism_0Gpd (opyon_0gpd a b) (opyon_0gpd a c) (cat_postcomp a f) _).

Global Instance is1functor_opyon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  : Is1Functor (opyon_0gpd a).
  rapply Build_Is1Functor.
  + intros x y f g p h.
    apply (cat_prewhisker p).
  + intros x h.
    apply cat_idl.
  + intros x y z f g h.
    apply cat_assoc.

Definition opyoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
           (F : A ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  : F a (opyon_0gpd a $=> F).
  intros x b.
  refine (Build_Morphism_0Gpd (opyon_0gpd a b) (F b) (fun ffmap F f x) _).
  rapply Build_Is0Functor.
  intros f1 f2 h.
  exact (fmap2 F h x).

Definition un_opyoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  (a : A) (F : A ZeroGpd) {ff : Is0Functor F}
  : (opyon_0gpd a $=> F) F a
  := fun alphaalpha a (Id a).

Global Instance is1natural_opyoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  (a : A) (F : A ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a)
  : Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F (opyoneda_0gpd a F x).
  unfold opyon_0gpd, opyoneda_0gpd; intros b c f g; cbn in ×.
  exact (fmap_comp F g f x).

This is form of injectivity of opyoneda_0gpd.
Definition opyoneda_isinj_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (x x' : F a) (p : b : A, opyoneda_0gpd a F x b $== opyoneda_0gpd a F x' b)
  : x $== x'.
  refine ((fmap_id F a x)^$ $@ _ $@ fmap_id F a x').
  cbn in p.
  exact (p a (Id a)).

This says that opyon_0gpd is faithful, although we haven't yet defined a graph structure on natural transformations to express this in that way.
Definition opyon_faithful_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A)
  (f g : b $-> a) (p : (c : A) (h : a $-> c), h $o f $== h $o g)
  : f $== g
  := opyoneda_isinj_0gpd a _ f g p.

The composite in one direction is the identity map.
Definition opyoneda_issect_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (x : F a)
  : un_opyoneda_0gpd a F (opyoneda_0gpd a F x) $== x
  := fmap_id F a x.

For the other composite, note that we do not in general recover the witness of 1-naturality. Indeed, if A is fully coherent, then a transformation of the form opyoneda a F x is always also fully coherently natural, so an incoherent witness of 1-naturality could not be recovered in this way.
Definition opyoneda_isretr_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (alpha : opyon_0gpd a $=> F) {alnat : Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha}
  (b : A)
  : opyoneda_0gpd a F (un_opyoneda_0gpd a F alpha) b $== alpha b.
  unfold opyoneda, un_opyoneda, opyon; intros f.
  refine ((isnat alpha f (Id a))^$ $@ _).
  apply (fmap (alpha b)).
  exact (cat_idr f).

A natural transformation between representable functors induces a map between the representing objects.
Definition opyon_cancel_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A)
  : (opyon_0gpd a $=> opyon_0gpd b) (b $-> a)
  := un_opyoneda_0gpd a (opyon_0gpd b).

Since no extra hypotheses are needed, we use the name with "1" for the Fun11 version.
Definition opyon1_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : Fun11 A ZeroGpd
  := Build_Fun11 _ _ (opyon_0gpd a).

An equivalence between representable functors induces an equivalence between the representing objects. We explain how this compares to opyon_equiv above. Instead of assuming that each f c : (a $-> c) (b $-> c) is an equivalence of types, it only needs to be an equivalence of 0-groupoids. For example, this means that we have a map g c : (b $-> c) (a $-> c) such that for each k : a $-> c, g c (f c k) $== k, rather than g c (f c k) = k as the version with types requires. Similarly, the naturality is up to 2-cells, instead of up to paths. This allows us to avoid Funext and HasMorExt when using this result. As a side benefit, we also don't require that A is strong. The proof is also simpler, since we can re-use the work done in opyoneda_isretr_0gpd.
Definition opyon_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  {a b : A} (f : opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b)
  : b $<~> a.
  (* These are the maps that will define the desired equivalence: *)
  set (fa := (cate_fun f a) (Id a)). (* Equivalently, un_opyoneda_0gpd a _ f. *)
  set (gb := (cate_fun f^-1$ b) (Id b)). (* Equivalently, un_opyoneda_0gpd b _ f^-1$. *)
  srapply (cate_adjointify fa gb).
  (* opyoneda_0gpd is defined by postcomposition, so opyoneda_isretr_0gpd simplifies both LHSs.*)
  - exact (opyoneda_isretr_0gpd _ _ f^-1$ a fa $@ cat_eissect (f a) (Id a)).
  - exact (opyoneda_isretr_0gpd _ _ f b gb $@ cat_eisretr (f b) (Id b)).

Since opyon_0gpd is a 1-functor, postcomposition with a cat_equiv is an equivalence between the hom 0-groupoids. Note that we do not require HasMorExt, as equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv does.
Definition equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  {x y z : A} (f : y $<~> z)
  : opyon_0gpd x y $<~> opyon_0gpd x z
  := emap (opyon_0gpd x) f.

The dual result, which is used in the next result.
Definition equiv_precompose_cat_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  {x y z : A} (f : x $<~> y)
  : opyon_0gpd y z $<~> opyon_0gpd x z
  := @equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv_0gpd A^op _ _ _ _ _ z y x f.

A converse to opyon_equiv_0gpd. Together, we get a logical equivalence between b $<~> a and opyon_0gpd a $<~> opyon_0gpd b, without HasMorExt.
Definition natequiv_opyon_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  {a b : A} (e : b $<~> a)
  : opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b.
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
  - intro c; exact (equiv_precompose_cat_equiv_0gpd e).
  - rapply is1natural_opyoneda_0gpd.

The contravariant Yoneda lemma

We can deduce this from the covariant version with some boilerplate.

Definition yon {A : Type} `{IsGraph A} (a : A) : A^op Type
  := opyon (A:=A^op) a.

Global Instance is0functor_yon {A : Type} `{H : Is01Cat A} (a : A)
  : Is0Functor (yon a)
  := is0functor_opyon (A:=A^op) a.

Global Instance is1functor_yon {A : Type} `{H : Is1Cat A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a : A)
  : Is1Functor (yon a)
  := is1functor_opyon (A:=A^op) a.

Definition yoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A)
           (F : A^op Type) `{!Is0Functor F}
  : F a (yon a $=> F)
  := @opyoneda (A^op) _ _ a F _.

Definition un_yoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A)
           (F : A^op Type) `{!Is0Functor F}
  : (yon a $=> F) F a
  := un_opyoneda (A:=A^op) a F.

Global Instance is1natural_yoneda {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
       (F : A^op Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a)
  : Is1Natural (yon a) F (yoneda a F x)
  := is1natural_opyoneda (A:=A^op) a F x.

Definition yoneda_isinj {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A^op Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (x x' : F a) (p : b, yoneda a F x b == yoneda a F x' b)
  : x = x'
  := opyoneda_isinj (A:=A^op) a F x x' p.

Definition yon_faithful {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A}
  (a b : A) (f g : b $-> a)
  (p : (c : A) (h : c $-> b), f $o h = g $o h)
  : f = g
  := opyon_faithful (A:=A^op) b a f g p.

Definition yoneda_issect {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
           (F : A^op Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a)
  : un_yoneda a F (yoneda a F x) = x
  := opyoneda_issect (A:=A^op) a F x.

Definition yoneda_isretr {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A} (a : A)
           (F : A^op Type) `{!Is0Functor F}
           (* Without the hint here, Coq guesses to first project from Is1Cat_Strong A and then pass to opposites, whereas what we need is to first pass to opposites and then project. *)
           `{@Is1Functor _ _ _ _ _ (is1cat_is1cat_strong A^op) _ _ _ _ F _}
           (alpha : yon a $=> F) {alnat : Is1Natural (yon a) F alpha}
           (b : A)
  : yoneda a F (un_yoneda a F alpha) b $== alpha b
  := opyoneda_isretr (A:=A^op) a F alpha b.

Definition yon_cancel {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a b : A)
  : (yon a $=> yon b) (a $-> b)
  := un_yoneda a (yon b).

Definition yon1 {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A) : Fun01 A^op Type
  := opyon1 (A:=A^op) a.

Definition yon11 {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a : A) : Fun11 A^op Type
  := opyon11 (A:=A^op) a.

Definition yon_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!Is1Cat_Strong A}
           (a b : A)
  : (yon1 a $<~> yon1 b) (a $<~> b)
  := opyon_equiv (A:=A^op).

Definition natequiv_yon_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  `{!HasMorExt A} (a b : A)
  : (a $<~> b) (yon1 a $<~> yon1 b)
  := natequiv_opyon_equiv (A:=A^op).

The contravariant Yoneda lemma using 0-groupoids

Definition yon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : A^op ZeroGpd
  := opyon_0gpd (A:=A^op) a.

Global Instance is0functor_yon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  : Is0Functor (yon_0gpd a)
  := is0functor_opyon_0gpd (A:=A^op) a.

Global Instance is1functor_yon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  : Is1Functor (yon_0gpd a)
  := is1functor_opyon_0gpd (A:=A^op) a.

Definition yoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A^op ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  : F a (yon_0gpd a $=> F)
  := opyoneda_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F.

Definition un_yoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  (a : A) (F : A^op ZeroGpd) {ff : Is0Functor F}
  : (yon_0gpd a $=> F) F a
  := un_opyoneda_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F.

Global Instance is1natural_yoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
  (a : A) (F : A^op ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a)
  : Is1Natural (yon_0gpd a) F (yoneda_0gpd a F x)
  := is1natural_opyoneda_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F x.

Definition yoneda_isinj_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A^op ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (x x' : F a) (p : b : A, yoneda_0gpd a F x b $== yoneda_0gpd a F x' b)
  : x $== x'
  := opyoneda_isinj_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F x x' p.

Definition yon_faithful_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A)
  (f g : b $-> a) (p : (c : A) (h : c $-> b), f $o h $== g $o h)
  : f $== g
  := opyon_faithful_0gpd (A:=A^op) b a f g p.

Definition yoneda_issect_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A^op ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (x : F a)
  : un_yoneda_0gpd a F (yoneda_0gpd a F x) $== x
  := opyoneda_issect_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F x.

Definition yoneda_isretr_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A)
  (F : A^op ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  (alpha : yon_0gpd a $=> F) {alnat : Is1Natural (yon_0gpd a) F alpha}
  (b : A)
  : yoneda_0gpd a F (un_yoneda_0gpd a F alpha) b $== alpha b
  := opyoneda_isretr_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F alpha b.

Definition yon_cancel_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A)
  : (yon_0gpd a $=> yon_0gpd b) (a $-> b)
  := opyon_cancel_0gpd (A:=A^op) a b.

Definition yon1_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : Fun11 A^op ZeroGpd
  := opyon1_0gpd (A:=A^op) a.

Definition yon_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  {a b : A} (f : yon1_0gpd a $<~> yon1_0gpd b)
  : a $<~> b
  := opyon_equiv_0gpd (A:=A^op) f.

Definition natequiv_yon_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
  {a b : A} (e : a $<~> b)
  : yon1_0gpd (A:=A) a $<~> yon1_0gpd b
  := natequiv_opyon_equiv_0gpd (A:=A^op) (e : CatEquiv (A:=A^op) b a).