Library HoTT.Algebra.Congruence
Require Import Classes.interfaces.canonical_names.
(* We say that a relation is a congruence if it respects the operation.
This is technically incorrect since we are not enforcing the relation to be an equivalence relation.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.
Class IsCongruence {G} `{SgOp G} (R : Relation G) := {
iscong {x x' y y'} : R x x' → R y y' → R (x × y) (x' × y');
(* We say that a relation is a congruence if it respects the operation.
This is technically incorrect since we are not enforcing the relation to be an equivalence relation.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.
Class IsCongruence {G} `{SgOp G} (R : Relation G) := {
iscong {x x' y y'} : R x x' → R y y' → R (x × y) (x' × y');