Library HoTT.Categories.Adjoint.UnitCounitCoercions

Coercions between the various (co)unit definitions

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.Dual.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core Functor.Identity.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics Basics.Trunc Types.Sigma.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.

Section equivalences.
  Section from_unit_counit.
    Local Ltac unit_counit_of_t :=
        match goal with
          | _split
          | _intro
          | _progress auto with morphism
          | _progress simpl
          | _rewrite !composition_of
          | [ |- context[components_of ?T] ]
            ⇒ (try_associativity_quick simpl rewrite <- (commutes T));
                rewrite ?unit_counit_equation_1, ?unit_counit_equation_2
          | [ |- context[components_of ?T] ]
            ⇒ (try_associativity_quick simpl rewrite (commutes T));
                rewrite ?unit_counit_equation_1, ?unit_counit_equation_2
          | _progress path_induction

unit+counit+zig+zag → unit+UMP

    Definition adjunction_unit__of__adjunction_unit_counit
               C D F G (A : @AdjunctionUnitCounit C D F G)
    : AdjunctionUnit F G.
       (unit A).
      intros c d f.
      apply contr_inhabited_hprop;
        [ apply hprop_allpath
        | ( (counit A d o F _1 f));
          abstract unit_counit_of_t ].
      intros [? ?] [? ?].
      apply path_sigma_uncurried.
      let A := match goal with |- @sig ?A ?Pconstr:(A) end in
      let H := fresh in
      assert (H : A);
        | H;
            exact (center _) ].
      let x := match goal with |- ?x = ?yconstr:(x) end in
      let y := match goal with |- ?x = ?yconstr:(y) end in
      rewrite <- (right_identity _ _ _ x),
      <- (right_identity _ _ _ y),
      <- !(unit_counit_equation_1 A),
      <- ?associativity;
        repeat simpl rewrite <- (commutes (counit A));
        (try_associativity_quick rewrite <- !composition_of);
        repeat apply ap;
        etransitivity; [ | symmetry ]; eassumption.

unit+counit+zig+zag → counit+UMP

    Definition adjunction_counit__of__adjunction_unit_counit
               C D F G (A : @AdjunctionUnitCounit C D F G)
    : AdjunctionCounit F G
      := adjunction_counit__op__adjunction_unit
           (adjunction_unit__of__adjunction_unit_counit A^op).
  End from_unit_counit.

  Section to_unit_counit.
    Ltac to_unit_counit_nt helper commutes_tac :=
      apply helper;
      repeat match goal with
               | _reflexivity
               | _rewrite !composition_of
               | _progress
                        rewrite ?identity_of, ?left_identity, ?right_identity
               | [ |- context[?x.1] ]
                 ⇒ try_associativity_quick simpl rewrite x.2
               | [ |- context[components_of ?T] ]
                 ⇒ simpl_do_clear commutes_tac (commutes T)

unit+UMP → unit+counit+zig+zag

    Section from_unit.
      Variables C D : PreCategory.
      Variable F : Functor C D.
      Variable G : Functor D C.

      Lemma counit_natural_transformation__of__adjunction_unit_helper
            (A : AdjunctionUnit F G)
            s d (m : morphism D s d)
            (eta := A.1)
            (eps := fun X(@center _ (A.2 (G X) X 1)).1)
      : G _1 (eps d o F _1 (G _1 m)) o eta (G s) = G _1 m
         G _1 (m o eps s) o eta (G s) = G _1 m
         eps d o F _1 (G _1 m) = m o eps s.
        transitivity (@center _ (A.2 _ _ (G _1 m))).1; [ symmetry | ];
        let x := match goal with |- _ = ?xconstr:(x) end in
        refine ((fun Hap pr1 (@contr _ (A.2 _ _ (G _1 m)) (x; H))) _);

      Definition counit_natural_transformation__of__adjunction_unit
                 (A : AdjunctionUnit F G)
      : NaturalTransformation (F o G) 1.
        refine (Build_NaturalTransformation
                  (F o G) 1
                  (fun d(@center _ (A.2 (G d) d 1)).1)
        abstract (
              ltac:(fun Htry_associativity_quick rewrite <- H)

      Definition zig__of__adjunction_unit
                 (A : AdjunctionUnit F G)
                 (Y : C)
                 (eta := A.1)
                 (eps := fun X(@center _ (A.2 (G X) X 1)).1)
      : G _1 (eps (F Y) o F _1 (eta Y)) o eta Y = eta Y
         eps (F Y) o F _1 (eta Y) = 1.
        etransitivity; [ symmetry | ];
          ltac:(fun Happly H)
                 (fun y H(@contr _ (A.2 _ _ (A.1 Y)) (y; H))..1);
        try assumption.
        rewrite ?identity_of, ?left_identity, ?right_identity;

      Definition adjunction_unit_counit__of__adjunction_unit
                 (A : AdjunctionUnit F G)
      : AdjunctionUnitCounit F G.
               (counit_natural_transformation__of__adjunction_unit A);
        try match goal with
              | [ |- context[?x.1] ] ⇒ exact x.2
        abstract (to_unit_counit_nt
                    ltac:(fun Htry_associativity_quick rewrite <- H)).
    End from_unit.

counit+UMP → unit+counit+zig+zag