Library HoTT.Categories.GroupoidCategory.Dual

Propositional self-duality of groupoid categories

Require Import Category.Core GroupoidCategory.Core Category.Paths Category.Dual.
Require Import HoTT.Types.
Require Import Basics.Trunc Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope category_scope.

Lemma path_groupoid_dual `{Univalence} `{IsTrunc 1 X}
: (groupoid_category X)^op = groupoid_category X.
  repeat match goal with
           | _intro
           | _progress cbn
           | _reflexivity
           | _apply path_forall
           | _apply (path_universe (symmetry _ _))
           | _exact (center _)
           | _progress rewrite ?transport_path_universe, ?transport_path_universe_V
           | _progress path_category
           | _progress path_induction