Library HoTT.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Paths

Classify the path space of natural transformations

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Equivalences HoTT.Types Trunc Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.

Section path_natural_transformation.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variables C D : PreCategory.
  Variables F G : Functor C D.

Equivalence between record and sigma versions of natural transformation

  Lemma equiv_sig_natural_transformation
  : { CO : x, morphism D (F x) (G x)
    | s d (m : morphism C s d),
        CO d o F _1 m = G _1 m o CO s }
      <~> NaturalTransformation F G.
    let build := constr:(@Build_NaturalTransformation _ _ F G) in
    let pr1 := constr:(@components_of _ _ F G) in
    let pr2 := constr:(@commutes _ _ F G) in
    apply (equiv_adjointify (fun ubuild u.1 u.2)
                            (fun v(pr1 v; pr2 v)));
      [ intros []; intros; simpl; expand; f_ap; exact (center _)
      | intros; apply eta_sigma ].

The type of natural transformations is an hSet

  Global Instance trunc_natural_transformation
  : IsHSet (NaturalTransformation F G).
    eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc; [ exact equiv_sig_natural_transformation | ].
    typeclasses eauto.

  Section path.
    Variables T U : NaturalTransformation F G.

Equality of natural transformations is implied by equality of components

    Lemma path'_natural_transformation
    : components_of T = components_of U
       T = U.
      destruct T, U; simpl in ×.
        refine (center _).

    Lemma path_natural_transformation
    : components_of T == components_of U
       T = U.
      apply path'_natural_transformation.
      apply path_forall; assumption.

    Let path_inv
    : T = U components_of T == components_of U
      := (fun H _match H with idpathidpath end).

    Lemma eisretr_path_natural_transformation
    : path_inv o path_natural_transformation == idmap.
      repeat intro.
      refine (center _).

    Lemma eissect_path_natural_transformation
    : path_natural_transformation o path_inv == idmap.
      repeat intro.
      refine (center _).

    Lemma eisadj_path_natural_transformation
    : x,
        @eisretr_path_natural_transformation (path_inv x)
        = ap path_inv (eissect_path_natural_transformation x).
      repeat intro.
      refine (center _).

Equality of natural transformations is equivalent to equality of components

    Lemma equiv_path_natural_transformation
    : T = U <~> (components_of T == components_of U).
      econstructor. econstructor. exact eisadj_path_natural_transformation.
  End path.
End path_natural_transformation.

Tactic for proving equality of natural transformations

Ltac path_natural_transformation :=
  repeat match goal with
           | _intro
           | _apply path_natural_transformation; simpl