Library HoTT.Classes.interfaces.rationals
Require Import
(* Universes:
- i universe of origin type
- j universe of target types
- k universe of applied apart of target types
- l universe of Field property of target types
Class RationalsToField@{i j k l} (A : Type@{i}) :=
rationals_to_field : ∀ (B : Type@{j}) `{IsField@{j l k} B}
`{!FieldCharacteristic B 0}, A → B.
Arguments rationals_to_field A {_} B {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} _.
(* The Rationals are the initial field of characteristic 0. *)
Class Rationals A {Aap : Apart A} {Aplus Amult Azero Aone Aneg Arecip Ale Alt}
`{U : !RationalsToField A} :=
{ rationals_field : @IsDecField A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Aneg Arecip
; rationals_order : FullPseudoSemiRingOrder Ale Alt
; rationals_to_field_mor : ∀ {B} `{IsField B} `{!FieldCharacteristic B 0},
IsSemiRingPreserving (rationals_to_field A B)
; rationals_initial : ∀ {B} `{IsField B} `{!FieldCharacteristic B 0}
{h : A → B} `{!IsSemiRingPreserving h} x,
rationals_to_field A B x = h x }.
#[export] Existing Instances rationals_field rationals_order rationals_to_field_mor.
(* Universes:
- i universe of origin type
- j universe of target types
- k universe of applied apart of target types
- l universe of Field property of target types
Class RationalsToField@{i j k l} (A : Type@{i}) :=
rationals_to_field : ∀ (B : Type@{j}) `{IsField@{j l k} B}
`{!FieldCharacteristic B 0}, A → B.
Arguments rationals_to_field A {_} B {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} _.
(* The Rationals are the initial field of characteristic 0. *)
Class Rationals A {Aap : Apart A} {Aplus Amult Azero Aone Aneg Arecip Ale Alt}
`{U : !RationalsToField A} :=
{ rationals_field : @IsDecField A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Aneg Arecip
; rationals_order : FullPseudoSemiRingOrder Ale Alt
; rationals_to_field_mor : ∀ {B} `{IsField B} `{!FieldCharacteristic B 0},
IsSemiRingPreserving (rationals_to_field A B)
; rationals_initial : ∀ {B} `{IsField B} `{!FieldCharacteristic B 0}
{h : A → B} `{!IsSemiRingPreserving h} x,
rationals_to_field A B x = h x }.
#[export] Existing Instances rationals_field rationals_order rationals_to_field_mor.