Library HoTT.Diagrams.ConstantDiagram
Require Import Basics Types.Paths.
Require Import Cone.
Require Import Cocone.
Require Import Diagram.
Require Import Graph.
Require Import Cone.
Require Import Cocone.
Require Import Diagram.
Require Import Graph.
Section ConstantDiagram.
Context {G : Graph}.
Definition diagram_const (C : Type) : Diagram G.
srapply Build_Diagram.
1: exact (fun _ ⇒ C).
intros i j k.
exact idmap.
Definition diagram_const_functor {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: DiagramMap (diagram_const A) (diagram_const B).
srapply Build_DiagramMap.
1: intro i; exact f.
Definition diagram_const_functor_comp {A B C : Type}
(f : A → B) (g : B → C)
: diagram_const_functor (g o f)
= diagram_comp (diagram_const_functor g) (diagram_const_functor f)
:= idpath.
Definition diagram_const_functor_idmap {A : Type}
: diagram_const_functor (idmap : A → A) = diagram_idmap (diagram_const A)
:= idpath.
Definition equiv_diagram_const_cocone `{Funext} (D : Diagram G) (X : Type)
: DiagramMap D (diagram_const X) <~> Cocone D X.
srapply equiv_adjointify.
(* The two functions are defined in parallel: *)
1,2: intros [? w]; econstructor.
(* This reversal is a defect in the definition of Cocone. *)
1,2: intros x y z z'; symmetry; revert x y z z'.
1,2: exact w.
(* The two homotopies are proved in parallel: *)
1,2: intros [].
1: srapply path_cocone; cbn.
3: srapply path_DiagramMap; snrefine (_; _); cbn.
1,3: reflexivity.
1,2: intros; cbn.
1,2: apply equiv_p1_1q.
1,2: apply inv_V.
Definition equiv_diagram_const_cone `{Funext} (X : Type) (D : Diagram G)
: DiagramMap (diagram_const X) D <~> Cone X D.
srapply equiv_adjointify.
1,2: intros [? w]; econstructor.
1,2: exact w.
1,2: intros[].
1: srapply path_cone.
3: srapply path_DiagramMap.
1,3: reflexivity.
all: cbn; intros; hott_simpl.
End ConstantDiagram.