Library HoTT.Diagrams.ConstantDiagram

Require Import Basics Types.Paths.
Require Import Cone.
Require Import Cocone.
Require Import Diagram.
Require Import Graph.

Constant diagram

Section ConstantDiagram.

  Context {G : Graph}.

  Definition diagram_const (C : Type) : Diagram G.
    srapply Build_Diagram.
    1: exact (fun _C).
    intros i j k.
    exact idmap.

  Definition diagram_const_functor {A B : Type} (f : A B)
    : DiagramMap (diagram_const A) (diagram_const B).
    srapply Build_DiagramMap.
    1: intro i; exact f.

  Definition diagram_const_functor_comp {A B C : Type}
    (f : A B) (g : B C)
    : diagram_const_functor (g o f)
      = diagram_comp (diagram_const_functor g) (diagram_const_functor f)
    := idpath.

  Definition diagram_const_functor_idmap {A : Type}
    : diagram_const_functor (idmap : A A) = diagram_idmap (diagram_const A)
    := idpath.

  Definition equiv_diagram_const_cocone `{Funext} (D : Diagram G) (X : Type)
    : DiagramMap D (diagram_const X) <~> Cocone D X.
    srapply equiv_adjointify.
    (* The two functions are defined in parallel: *)
    1,2: intros [? w]; econstructor.
    (* This reversal is a defect in the definition of Cocone. *)
    1,2: intros x y z z'; symmetry; revert x y z z'.
    1,2: exact w.
    (* The two homotopies are proved in parallel: *)
    1,2: intros [].
    1: srapply path_cocone; cbn.
    3: srapply path_DiagramMap; snrefine (_; _); cbn.
    1,3: reflexivity.
    1,2: intros; cbn.
    1,2: apply equiv_p1_1q.
    1,2: apply inv_V.

  Definition equiv_diagram_const_cone `{Funext} (X : Type) (D : Diagram G)
    : DiagramMap (diagram_const X) D <~> Cone X D.
    srapply equiv_adjointify.
    1,2: intros [? w]; econstructor.
    1,2: exact w.
    1,2: intros[].
    1: srapply path_cone.
    3: srapply path_DiagramMap.
    1,3: reflexivity.
    all: cbn; intros; hott_simpl.

End ConstantDiagram.