Library HoTT.Functorish
Require Import HoTT.Basics Types.Universe.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Section Functorish.
Context `{Univalence}.
(* We do not need composition to be preserved. *)
Class Functorish (F : Type → Type) := {
fmap {A B} (f : A → B) : F A → F B ;
fmap_idmap (A:Type) : fmap (idmap : A → A) = idmap
Global Arguments fmap F {FF} {A B} f _ : rename.
Global Arguments fmap_idmap F {FF A} : rename.
Context (F : Type → Type).
Context {FF : Functorish F}.
Proposition isequiv_fmap {A B} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: IsEquiv (fmap F f).
refine (equiv_induction (fun A' e ⇒ IsEquiv (fmap F e)) _ _ (Build_Equiv _ _ f _)).
refine (transport _ (fmap_idmap F)^ _);
try apply isequiv_idmap. (* This line may not be needed in a new enough coq. *)
Proposition fmap_agrees_with_univalence {A B} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: fmap F f = equiv_path _ _ (ap F (path_universe f)).
refine (equiv_induction
(fun A' e ⇒ fmap F e = equiv_path _ _ (ap F (path_universe e)))
_ _ (Build_Equiv _ _ f _)).
transitivity (idmap : F A → F A).
- apply fmap_idmap.
- change (equiv_idmap A) with (equiv_path A A 1).
rewrite (@eta_path_universe _ A A 1). exact 1.
End Functorish.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Section Functorish.
Context `{Univalence}.
(* We do not need composition to be preserved. *)
Class Functorish (F : Type → Type) := {
fmap {A B} (f : A → B) : F A → F B ;
fmap_idmap (A:Type) : fmap (idmap : A → A) = idmap
Global Arguments fmap F {FF} {A B} f _ : rename.
Global Arguments fmap_idmap F {FF A} : rename.
Context (F : Type → Type).
Context {FF : Functorish F}.
Proposition isequiv_fmap {A B} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: IsEquiv (fmap F f).
refine (equiv_induction (fun A' e ⇒ IsEquiv (fmap F e)) _ _ (Build_Equiv _ _ f _)).
refine (transport _ (fmap_idmap F)^ _);
try apply isequiv_idmap. (* This line may not be needed in a new enough coq. *)
Proposition fmap_agrees_with_univalence {A B} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: fmap F f = equiv_path _ _ (ap F (path_universe f)).
refine (equiv_induction
(fun A' e ⇒ fmap F e = equiv_path _ _ (ap F (path_universe e)))
_ _ (Build_Equiv _ _ f _)).
transitivity (idmap : F A → F A).
- apply fmap_idmap.
- change (equiv_idmap A) with (equiv_path A A 1).
rewrite (@eta_path_universe _ A A 1). exact 1.
End Functorish.