Library HoTT.WildCat.Paths

Path groupoids as wild categories

Not global instances for now
These are written so that they can be augmented with an existing wildcat structure. For instance, you may partially define a wildcat and ask for paths for the higher cells.
Any type is a graph with morphisms given by the identity type.
Definition isgraph_paths (A : Type) : IsGraph A
  := {| Hom := paths |}.

Any graph is a 2-graph with 2-cells given by the identity type.
Definition is2graph_paths (A : Type) `{IsGraph A} : Is2Graph A
  := fun _ _isgraph_paths _.

Any 2-graph is a 3-graph with 3-cells given by the identity type.
Definition is3graph_paths (A : Type) `{Is2Graph A} : Is3Graph A
  := fun _ _is2graph_paths _.

We assume these as instances for the rest of the file with a low priority.
Local Existing Instances isgraph_paths is2graph_paths is3graph_paths | 10.

Any type has composition and identity morphisms given by path concatenation and reflexivity.
Global Instance is01cat_paths (A : Type) : Is01Cat A
  := {| Id := @idpath _ ; cat_comp := fun _ _ _ x yconcat y x |}.

Any type has a 0-groupoid structure with inverse morphisms given by path inversion.
Global Instance is0gpd_paths (A : Type) : Is0Gpd A
  := {| gpd_rev := @inverse _ |}.

Postcomposition is a 0-functor when the 2-cells are paths.
Global Instance is0functor_cat_postcomp_paths (A : Type) `{Is01Cat A}
  (a b c : A) (g : b $-> c)
  : Is0Functor (cat_postcomp a g).
  snrapply Build_Is0Functor.
  exact (@ap _ _ (cat_postcomp a g)).

Precomposition is a 0-functor when the 2-cells are paths.
Global Instance is0functor_cat_precomp_paths (A : Type) `{Is01Cat A}
  (a b c : A) (f : a $-> b)
  : Is0Functor (cat_precomp c f).
  snrapply Build_Is0Functor.
  exact (@ap _ _ (cat_precomp c f)).

Any type is a 1-category with n-morphisms given by paths.
Global Instance is1cat_paths {A : Type} : Is1Cat A.
  snrapply Build_Is1Cat.
  - exact _.
  - exact _.
  - exact _.
  - exact _.
  - exact (@concat_p_pp A).
  - exact (@concat_pp_p A).
  - exact (@concat_p1 A).
  - exact (@concat_1p A).

Any type is a 1-groupoid with morphisms given by paths.
Global Instance is1gpd_paths {A : Type} : Is1Gpd A.
  snrapply Build_Is1Gpd.
  - exact (@concat_pV A).
  - exact (@concat_Vp A).

Any type is a 2-category with higher morphhisms given by paths.
Global Instance is21cat_paths {A : Type} : Is21Cat A.
  snrapply Build_Is21Cat.
  - exact _.
  - exact _.
  - intros x y z p.
    snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
    + intros a b q r.
      exact (ap (fun xwhiskerR x _)).
    + reflexivity.
    + intros a b c.
      exact (whiskerR_pp p).
  - intros x y z p.
    snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
    + intros a b q r.
      exact (ap (whiskerL p)).
    + reflexivity.
    + intros a b c.
      exact (whiskerL_pp p).
  - intros a b c q r s t h g.
    exact (concat_whisker q r s t h g)^.
  - intros a b c d q r.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros s t h.
    apply concat_p_pp_nat_r.
  - intros a b c d q r.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros s t h.
    apply concat_p_pp_nat_m.
  - intros a b c d q r.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros s t h.
    apply concat_p_pp_nat_l.
  - intros a b.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros p q h; cbn.
    apply moveL_Mp.
    lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    exact (whiskerR_p1 h).
  - intros a b.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros p q h.
    apply moveL_Mp.
    lhs rapply concat_p_pp.
    exact (whiskerL_1p h).
  - intros a b c d e p q r s.
    lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    exact (pentagon p q r s).
  - intros a b c p q.
    exact (triangulator p q).