{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import HoTT hiding (left; right)

module homotopy.BlakersMassey {i j k}
  {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (Q : A  B  Type k)
  m (f-conn :  a  is-connected (S m) (Σ B  b  Q a b)))
  n (g-conn :  b  is-connected (S n) (Σ A  a  Q a b)))

open import homotopy.blakersmassey.Pushout Q
import homotopy.blakersmassey.CoherenceData Q m f-conn n g-conn as Coh

-- These extra parameters will be discharged in the end
module _ {a₀} {b₀} (q₀₀ : Q a₀ b₀) where

  -- Step 1:
  -- Generalizing the theorem to [bmleft x == p] for arbitrary p.
  -- This requires a pushout-rec

  -- "extended" version
  code-bmleft-template :  a₁ {p} (r' : bmleft a₁ == p)  bmleft a₀ == p  Type (lmax i (lmax j k))
  code-bmleft-template a₁ r' r = Trunc (m +2+ n) (hfiber  q₁₀  bmglue q₀₀ ∙' ! (bmglue q₁₀) ∙' r') r)

  code-bmleft :  a₁  bmleft a₀ == bmleft a₁  Type (lmax i (lmax j k))
  code-bmleft a₁ = code-bmleft-template a₁ idp

  code-bmright :  b₁  bmleft a₀ == bmright b₁  Type (lmax i (lmax j k))
  code-bmright b₁ r = Trunc (m +2+ n) (hfiber bmglue r)

  -- The template from [Coh.eqv] to the input for [apd code glue]
  -- for using the identification elimination.
  code-bmglue-template :  {a₁ p}
     (code : (r : bmleft a₀ == p)  Type (lmax i (lmax j k)))
     (r : bmleft a₁ == p)
     (∀ r'  code-bmleft-template a₁ r r'  code r')
     code-bmleft-template a₁ idp == code [  p  bmleft a₀ == p  Type (lmax i (lmax j k)))  r ]
  code-bmglue-template _ idp lemma = λ= (ua  lemma)

  -- The real glue, that is, the template with actual equivalence.
  code-bmglue :  {a₁ b₁} (q₁₁ : Q a₁ b₁)
     code-bmleft a₁ == code-bmright b₁
      [  p  bmleft a₀ == p  Type (lmax i (lmax j k)))  bmglue q₁₁ ]
  code-bmglue {a₁} {b₁} q₁₁ =
    code-bmglue-template (code-bmright b₁) (bmglue q₁₁) (Coh.eqv q₀₀ q₁₁)

  -- Here's the data structure for the generalized theorem.
  module Code = BMPushoutElim code-bmleft code-bmright code-bmglue

  code :  p  bmleft a₀ == p  Type (lmax i (lmax j k))
  code = Code.f

  -- Step 2:
  -- [code] is contractible!

  -- The center for [idp].  We will use transport to find the center
  -- in other fibers.
  code-center-idp : code (bmleft a₀) idp
  code-center-idp = [ q₀₀ , !-inv'-r (bmglue q₀₀) ]

  -- The following is the breakdown of the path for coercing:
  --   [ap2 code r (↓-cst=idf-in' r)]
  -- We will need the broken-down version anyway,
  -- so why not breaking them down from the very beginning?

  -- The template here, again, is to keep the possibility
  -- of plugging in [idp] for [r].
  coerce-path-template :  {p} r
     code-bmleft a₀ == code p [  p  bmleft a₀ == p  Type (lmax i (lmax j k)))  r ]
     code-bmleft a₀ idp == code p r
  coerce-path-template idp lemma = app= lemma idp

  -- The real path.
  coerce-path :  {p} r  code (bmleft a₀) idp == code p r
  coerce-path r = coerce-path-template r (apd code r)

  -- Find the center in other fibers.
  code-center :  {p} r  code p r
  code-center r = coe (coerce-path r) code-center-idp

  -- Part of the decomposed [coe (coerce-path r)]
  code-bmleft-template-diag :  {p} (r : bmleft a₀ == p)
     code-bmleft a₀ idp  code-bmleft-template a₀ r r
  code-bmleft-template-diag r = Trunc-rec Trunc-level
    λ {(q₀₀' , shift) 
      [ q₀₀' , ! (∙'-assoc (bmglue q₀₀) (! (bmglue q₀₀')) r)  ap (_∙' r) shift ∙' ∙'-unit-l r ]}

    code-bmleft-template-diag-idp :  x  code-bmleft-template-diag idp x == x
    code-bmleft-template-diag-idp =
      Trunc-elim  _  =-preserves-level Trunc-level)
        λ{(q₁₀ , shift)  ap  p  [ q₁₀ , p ]) (ap-idf shift)}

  -- Here shows the use of two templates.  It will be super painful
  -- if we cannot throw in [idp].  Now we only have to deal with
  -- simple computations.
    coe-coerce-path-code-bmglue-template :  {p} (r : bmleft a₀ == p)
      (lemma :  r'  code-bmleft-template a₀ r r'  code p r')
      (x : code-bmleft a₀ idp)
       coe (coerce-path-template r (code-bmglue-template (code p) r lemma)) x
      == –> (lemma r) (code-bmleft-template-diag r x)
    coe-coerce-path-code-bmglue-template idp lemma x =
      coe (app= (λ= (ua  lemma)) idp) x
        =⟨ ap  p  coe p x) (app=-β (ua  lemma) idp) 
      coe (ua (lemma idp)) x
        =⟨ coe-β (lemma idp) x 
      –> (lemma idp) x
        =⟨ ! (ap (–> (lemma idp)) (code-bmleft-template-diag-idp x)) 
      –> (lemma idp) (code-bmleft-template-diag idp x)

  -- Here is the actually lemma we want!
  -- A succinct breakdown of [coerce-path code (glue q)].
    coe-coerce-path-code-bmglue :  {b₁} (q₀₁ : Q a₀ b₁) x
       coe (coerce-path (bmglue q₀₁)) x
      == Coh.to q₀₀ q₀₁ (bmglue q₀₁) (code-bmleft-template-diag (bmglue q₀₁) x)
    coe-coerce-path-code-bmglue q₀₁ x =
      coe (coerce-path-template (bmglue q₀₁) (apd code (bmglue q₀₁))) x
        =⟨ ap  p  coe (coerce-path-template (bmglue q₀₁) p) x) (Code.glue-β q₀₁) 
      coe (coerce-path-template (bmglue q₀₁) (code-bmglue q₀₁)) x
        =⟨ coe-coerce-path-code-bmglue-template (bmglue q₀₁) (Coh.eqv q₀₀ q₀₁) x 
      Coh.to q₀₀ q₀₁ (bmglue q₀₁) (code-bmleft-template-diag (bmglue q₀₁) x)

  -- This is the only case you care for contractibiltiy.
    code-coh-lemma :  {b₁} (q₀₁ : Q a₀ b₁)  code-center (bmglue q₀₁) == [ q₀₁ , idp ]
    code-coh-lemma q₀₁ =
      coe (coerce-path (bmglue q₀₁)) code-center-idp
        =⟨ coe-coerce-path-code-bmglue q₀₁ code-center-idp 
      Coh.to' q₀₀ q₀₁ (bmglue q₀₁) (q₀₀ , α₁α₁⁻¹α₂=α₂ (bmglue q₀₀) (bmglue q₀₁))
        =⟨ ap (Coh.To.ext q₀₀ (_ , q₀₀) (_ , q₀₁) (bmglue q₀₁)) (path-lemma (bmglue q₀₀) (bmglue q₀₁)) 
      Coh.To.ext q₀₀ (_ , q₀₀) (_ , q₀₁) (bmglue q₀₁) (! path)
        =⟨ Coh.To.β-r q₀₀ (_ , q₀₁) (bmglue q₀₁) (! path) 
      [ q₀₁ , path ∙' ! path ]
        =⟨ ap  p  [ q₀₁ , p ]) (!-inv'-r path) 
      [ q₀₁ , idp ]
        path = Coh.βPair.path (Coh.βpair-bmright q₀₀ q₀₁ (bmglue q₀₁))

        -- this is defined to be the path generated by [code-bmleft-template-diag]
        α₁α₁⁻¹α₂=α₂ :  {p₁ p₂ p₃ : BMPushout} (α₁ : p₁ == p₂) (α₂ : p₁ == p₃)
           α₁ ∙' ! α₁ ∙' α₂ == α₂
        α₁α₁⁻¹α₂=α₂ α₁ α₂ = ! (∙'-assoc α₁ (! α₁) α₂)  ap (_∙' α₂) (!-inv'-r α₁) ∙' ∙'-unit-l α₂

        -- the relation of this path and the one from CoherenceData
        path-lemma :  {p₁ p₂ p₃ : BMPushout} (α₁ : p₁ == p₂) (α₂ : p₁ == p₃)
           α₁α₁⁻¹α₂=α₂ α₁ α₂ == ! (Coh.α₁=α₂α₂⁻¹α₁ α₂ α₁)
        path-lemma idp idp = idp

  -- Make [r] free to apply identification elimination.
  code-coh :  {b₁} (r : bmleft a₀ == bmright b₁) (s : hfiber bmglue r)  code-center r == [ s ]
  code-coh ._ (q₀₁ , idp) = code-coh-lemma q₀₁

  -- Finish the lemma.
  code-contr :  {b₁} (r : bmleft a₀ == bmright b₁)  is-contr (Trunc (m +2+ n) (hfiber bmglue r))
  code-contr r = code-center r , Trunc-elim
     _  =-preserves-level Trunc-level) (code-coh r)

-- The final theorem.
-- It is sufficient to find some [q₀₀].
blakers-massey :  {a₀ b₀}  has-conn-fibers (m +2+ n) (bmglue {a₀} {b₀})
blakers-massey {a₀} r = Trunc-rec
  (prop-has-level-S is-connected-is-prop)
  (λ{(_ , q₀₀)  code-contr q₀₀ r})
  (fst (f-conn a₀))