{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.Equivalence2
open import lib.Relation2
open import lib.types.Paths
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.TLevel

module lib.NType2 where

module _ {i} {A : Type i} where
    has-dec-onesided-eq-is-prop : {x : A}  is-prop (has-dec-onesided-eq x)
    has-dec-onesided-eq-is-prop {x = x} = inhab-to-prop-is-prop λ dec 
      Π-is-prop λ y  Dec-level (dec-onesided-eq-is-prop x dec y)

    has-dec-eq-is-prop : is-prop (has-dec-eq A)
    has-dec-eq-is-prop = Π-is-prop λ _  has-dec-onesided-eq-is-prop

module _ {i j} {A : Type i} {B : A  Type j} where
    ↓-level : {a b : A} {p : a == b} {u : B a} {v : B b} {n : ℕ₋₂}
       has-level (S n) (B b)  has-level n (u == v [ B  p ])
    ↓-level {p = idp} k = k _ _

    ↓-preserves-level : {a b : A} {p : a == b} {u : B a} {v : B b} {n : ℕ₋₂}
       has-level n (B b)  has-level n (u == v [ B  p ])
    ↓-preserves-level {p = idp} = =-preserves-level

    ↓-preserves-set : {a b : A} {p : a == b} {u : B a} {v : B b}
       has-level 0 (B b)  has-level 0 (u == v [ B  p ])
    ↓-preserves-set = ↓-preserves-level

    prop-has-all-paths-↓ : {x y : A} {p : x == y} {u : B x} {v : B y}
       (is-prop (B y)  u == v [ B  p ])
    prop-has-all-paths-↓ {p = idp} k = prop-has-all-paths k _ _

    set-↓-has-all-paths-↓ :  {k} {C : Type k}
      {x y : C  A} {p : (t : C)  x t == y t} {u : (t : C)  B (x t)} {v : (t : C)  B (y t)}
      {a b : C} {q : a == b} {α : u a == v a [ B  p a ]} {β : u b == v b [ B  p b ]}
       (is-set (B (y a))  α == β [  t  u t == v t [ B  p t ])  q ])
    set-↓-has-all-paths-↓ {q = idp} = lemma _
        lemma : {x y : A} (p : x == y) {u : B x} {v : B y} {α β : u == v [ B  p ]}
           is-set (B y)  α == β
        lemma idp k = fst (k _ _ _ _)

  -- Every map between contractible types is an equivalence
  contr-to-contr-is-equiv :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (f : A  B)
     (is-contr A  is-contr B  is-equiv f)
  contr-to-contr-is-equiv f cA cB =
    is-eq f  _  fst cA)  b  ! (snd cB _)  snd cB b) (snd cA)

  is-contr-is-prop :  {i} {A : Type i}  is-prop (is-contr A)
  is-contr-is-prop {A = A} = all-paths-is-prop  x y 
    pair= (snd x (fst y))
          (↓-Π-cst-app-in  a  ↓-idf=cst-in' (lemma x (fst y) a (snd y a))))) where

    lemma : (x : is-contr A) (b a : A) (p : b == a)
       snd x a == snd x b ∙' p
    lemma x b ._ idp = idp

  has-level-is-prop :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i}
     is-prop (has-level n A)
  has-level-is-prop {n = ⟨-2⟩} = is-contr-is-prop
  has-level-is-prop {n = S n} =
    Π-level  x  Π-level  y  has-level-is-prop))

  is-prop-is-prop :  {i} {A : Type i}  is-prop (is-prop A)
  is-prop-is-prop = has-level-is-prop

  is-set-is-prop :  {i} {A : Type i}  is-prop (is-set A)
  is-set-is-prop = has-level-is-prop

{- Subtypes. -}

module _ {i j} {A : Type i} (P : SubtypeProp A j) where
    module P = SubtypeProp P

  Subtype-level :  {n : ℕ₋₂}
     has-level (S n) A
     has-level (S n) (Subtype P)
  Subtype-level p = Σ-level p  x  prop-has-level-S (P.level x))

  Subtype= : (x y : Subtype P)  Type i
  Subtype= x y = fst x == fst y

  Subtype=-out :  {x y : Subtype P}  Subtype= x y  x == y
  Subtype=-out p = pair= p (prop-has-all-paths-↓ (P.level _))

  Subtype=-β : {x y : Subtype P} (p : Subtype= x y)
     fst= (Subtype=-out {x = x} {y = y} p) == p
  Subtype=-β idp = fst=-β idp _

  Subtype=-η : {x y : Subtype P} (p : x == y)
     Subtype=-out (fst= p) == p
  Subtype=-η idp = ap (pair= idp)
    (contr-has-all-paths (P.level _ _ _) _ _)

  Subtype=-econv : (x y : Subtype P)  (Subtype= x y)  (x == y)
  Subtype=-econv x y = equiv Subtype=-out fst= Subtype=-η Subtype=-β

    Subtype-∙ :  {x y z : Subtype P}
      (p : Subtype= x y) (q : Subtype= y z)
       (Subtype=-out {x} {y} p  Subtype=-out {y} {z} q)
      == Subtype=-out {x} {z} (p  q)
    Subtype-∙ {x} {y} {z} p q =
      Subtype=-out p  Subtype=-out q
        =⟨ Σ-∙ {p = p} {p' = q} (prop-has-all-paths-↓ (P.level (fst y))) (prop-has-all-paths-↓ (P.level (fst z))) 
      pair= (p  q) (prop-has-all-paths-↓ {p = p} (P.level (fst y)) ∙ᵈ prop-has-all-paths-↓ (P.level (fst z)))
        =⟨ contr-has-all-paths (↓-level (P.level (fst z))) _ (prop-has-all-paths-↓ (P.level (fst z)))
          |in-ctx pair= (p  q) 
      Subtype=-out (p  q)

-- Groupoids

is-gpd : {i : ULevel}  Type i  Type i
is-gpd = has-level 1

-- Type of all n-truncated types

has-level-prop :  {i}  ℕ₋₂  SubtypeProp (Type i) i
has-level-prop n = has-level n , λ _  has-level-is-prop

_-Type_ : (n : ℕ₋₂) (i : ULevel)  Type (lsucc i)
n -Type i = Subtype (has-level-prop {i} n)

hProp : (i : ULevel)  Type (lsucc i)
hProp i = -1 -Type i

hSet : (i : ULevel)  Type (lsucc i)
hSet i = 0 -Type i

_-Type₀ : (n : ℕ₋₂)  Type₁
n -Type₀ = n -Type lzero

hProp₀ = hProp lzero
hSet₀ = hSet lzero

-- [n -Type] is an (n+1)-type

  ≃-level :  {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}
     (has-level n A  has-level n B  has-level n (A  B))
  ≃-level {n = ⟨-2⟩} pA pB =
    ((cst (fst pB) , contr-to-contr-is-equiv _ pA pB)
    ,  e  pair= (λ=  _  snd pB _))
                   (from-transp is-equiv _ (fst (is-equiv-is-prop _ _)))))
  ≃-level {n = S n} pA pB =
    Σ-level (→-level pB)  _  prop-has-level-S is-equiv-is-prop)

  ≃-is-set :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}
             is-set A  is-set B  is-set (A  B)
  ≃-is-set = ≃-level

  universe-=-level :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A B : Type i}
     (has-level n A  has-level n B  has-level n (A == B))
  universe-=-level pA pB = equiv-preserves-level ua-equiv (≃-level pA pB)

  universe-=-is-set :  {i} {A B : Type i}
     (is-set A  is-set B  is-set (A == B))
  universe-=-is-set = universe-=-level

module _ {i} {n} where
    prop : SubtypeProp {lsucc i} (Type i) i
    prop = has-level-prop n

  nType= : (A B : n -Type i)  Type (lsucc i)
  nType= = Subtype= prop

  nType=-out : {A B : n -Type i}  nType= A B  A == B
  nType=-out = Subtype=-out prop

    nType=-β : {A B : n -Type i} (p : nType= A B)
       fst= (nType=-out {A = A} {B = B} p) == p
    nType=-β = Subtype=-β prop

    nType=-η : {A B : n -Type i} (p : A == B)
       nType=-out (fst= p) == p
    nType=-η = Subtype=-η prop

    nType=-econv : (A B : n -Type i)  (nType= A B)  (A == B)
    nType=-econv = Subtype=-econv prop

    nType-∙ : {A B C : n -Type i}
      (p : nType= A B) (q : nType= B C)
       (nType=-out {A = A} p  nType=-out {A = B} q)
      == nType=-out {A = A} {B = C} (p  q)
    nType-∙ = Subtype-∙ prop

  _-Type-level_ : (n : ℕ₋₂) (i : ULevel)
     has-level (S n) (n -Type i)
  (n -Type-level i) A B =
    equiv-preserves-level (nType=-econv A B)
                          (universe-=-level (snd A) (snd B))

  hProp-is-set : (i : ULevel)  is-set (hProp i)
  hProp-is-set i = -1 -Type-level i

  hSet-level : (i : ULevel)  has-level 1 (hSet i)
  hSet-level i = 0 -Type-level i

{- The following two lemmas are in NType2 instead of NType because of cyclic
   dependencies -}

module _ {i} {A : Type i} where
    raise-level-<T : {m n : ℕ₋₂}  (m <T n)  has-level m A  has-level n A
    raise-level-<T ltS = raise-level _
    raise-level-<T (ltSR lt) = raise-level _  raise-level-<T lt

    raise-level-≤T : {m n : ℕ₋₂}  (m ≤T n)  has-level m A  has-level n A
    raise-level-≤T (inl p) = transport  t  has-level t A) p
    raise-level-≤T (inr lt) = raise-level-<T lt