Library HoTT.Categories.LaxComma.CoreParts

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import Category.Morphisms FunctorCategory.Core.
Require Import Pseudofunctor.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.
Require Import Trunc Types.Sigma.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Import Functor.Identity.FunctorIdentityNotations.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.

Quoting David Spivak:
David: ok so an object of FC D is a pair (X, G), where X is a finite category (or a small category or whatever you wanted) and G : X --> D is a functor. a morphism in FC D is a ``natural transformation diagram'' (as opposed to a commutative diagram, in which the natural transformation would be ``identity'') so a map in FC D from (X, G) to (X', G') is a pair (F, α) where F : X --> X' is a functor and α : G --> G' F is a natural transformation and the punchline is that there is a functor colim : FC D --> D
David: consider for yourself the case where F : X --> X' is identity (X = X') and (separately) the case where α : G --> G F is identity. the point is, you've already done the work to get this colim functor. because every map in FC D can be written as a composition of two maps, one where the F-part is identity and one where the α-part is identity. and you've worked both of those cases out already.

Module Import LaxCommaCategoryParts.
  Section lax_comma_category_parts.
    Context `{Funext}.
    Variables A B : PreCategory.

    Variable S : Pseudofunctor A.
    Variable T : Pseudofunctor B.

    Context `{ a b, IsHSet (Functor (S a) (T b))}.

    Record object :=
        a : A;
        b : B;
        f : Functor (S a) (T b)

    Local Notation object_sig_T :=
      ({ a : A
       | { b : B
         | Functor (S a) (T b) }}).

    Lemma issig_object
    : object_sig_T <~> object.

    Global Instance trunc_object `{IsTrunc n A, IsTrunc n B}
           `{ s d, IsTrunc n (Functor (S s) (T d))}
    : IsTrunc n object.
      eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc;
      [ exact issig_object | ].
      typeclasses eauto.

    Lemma path_object (x y : object)
    : (Ha : x.(a) = y.(a))
             (Hb : x.(b) = y.(b)),
        match Ha in _ = X, Hb in _ = Y return Functor (S X) (T Y) with
          | idpath, idpathx.(f)
        end = y.(f)
         x = y.
      destruct x, y; simpl.
      intros; path_induction; reflexivity.

    Definition path_object_uncurried x y
               (H : { HaHb : (x.(a) = y.(a)) × (x.(b) = y.(b))
                    | match fst HaHb in _ = X, snd HaHb in _ = Y return Functor (S X) (T Y) with
                        | idpath, idpathx.(f)
                      end = y.(f) })
    : x = y
      := @path_object x y (fst H.1) (snd H.1) H.2.

    Lemma ap_a_path_object x y Ha Hb Hf
    : ap (@a) (@path_object x y Ha Hb Hf) = Ha.
      destruct x, y; simpl in ×.
      destruct Ha, Hb, Hf; simpl in ×.

    Lemma ap_b_path_object x y Ha Hb Hf
    : ap (@b) (@path_object x y Ha Hb Hf) = Hb.
      destruct x, y; simpl in ×.
      destruct Ha, Hb, Hf; simpl in ×.

    Global Opaque path_object.

    Record morphism (abf a'b'f' : object) :=
        g : Category.Core.morphism A (abf.(a)) (a'b'f'.(a));
        h : Category.Core.morphism B (abf.(b)) (a'b'f'.(b));
        p : NaturalTransformation (p_morphism_of T h o abf.(f))
                                  (a'b'f'.(f) o p_morphism_of S g)

    Local Notation morphism_sig_T abf a'b'f' :=
      ({ g : Category.Core.morphism A (abf.(a)) (a'b'f'.(a))
       | { h : Category.Core.morphism B (abf.(b)) (a'b'f'.(b))
         | NaturalTransformation (p_morphism_of T h o abf.(f))
                                 (a'b'f'.(f) o p_morphism_of S g) }}).

    Lemma issig_morphism abf a'b'f'
    : (morphism_sig_T abf a'b'f')
        <~> morphism abf a'b'f'.

    Global Instance trunc_morphism abf a'b'f'
           `{IsTrunc n (Category.Core.morphism A (abf.(a)) (a'b'f'.(a)))}
           `{IsTrunc n (Category.Core.morphism B (abf.(b)) (a'b'f'.(b)))}
           `{ m1 m2,
               IsTrunc n (NaturalTransformation
                            (p_morphism_of T m2 o abf.(f))
                            (a'b'f'.(f) o p_morphism_of S m1))}
    : IsTrunc n (morphism abf a'b'f').
      eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc;
      [ exact (issig_morphism _ _) | ].
      typeclasses eauto.

    Lemma path_morphism abf a'b'f'
          (gh g'h' : morphism abf a'b'f')
        (Hg : gh.(g) = g'h'.(g))
        (Hh : gh.(h) = g'h'.(h)),
        match Hg in _ = g, Hh in _ = h
              return NaturalTransformation
                       (p_morphism_of T h o abf.(f))
                       (a'b'f'.(f) o p_morphism_of S g)
          | idpath, idpathgh.(p)
        end = g'h'.(p)
          gh = g'h'.
      intros Hg Hh Hp.
      destruct gh, g'h'; simpl in ×.
      destruct Hg, Hh, Hp.

    Definition path_morphism_uncurried abf a'b'f' gh g'h'
               (H : { HgHh : (gh.(g) = g'h'.(g)) × (gh.(h) = g'h'.(h))
                    | match fst HgHh in _ = g, snd HgHh in _ = h
                            return NaturalTransformation
                                     (p_morphism_of T h o abf.(f))
                                     (a'b'f'.(f) o p_morphism_of S g)
                        | idpath, idpathgh.(p)
                      end = g'h'.(p) })
    : gh = g'h'
      := @path_morphism abf a'b'f' gh g'h' (fst H.1) (snd H.1) H.2.

    Lemma path_morphism'_helper abf a'b'f'
          (gh g'h' : morphism abf a'b'f')
        (Hg : gh.(g) = g'h'.(g))
        (Hh : gh.(h) = g'h'.(h)),
        ((_ oL (Category.Morphisms.idtoiso (_ _) (ap (@p_morphism_of _ _ S _ _) Hg) : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _))
           o (gh.(p))
           o ((Category.Morphisms.idtoiso (_ _) (ap (@p_morphism_of _ _ T _ _) Hh) : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _)^-1 oR _)
         = g'h'.(p))%natural_transformation
         match Hg in _ = g, Hh in _ = h
                 return NaturalTransformation
                          (p_morphism_of T h o abf.(f))
                          (a'b'f'.(f) o p_morphism_of S g)
             | idpath, idpathgh.(p)
           end = g'h'.(p).
      simpl; intros Hg Hh Hp.
      destruct g'h'; simpl in ×.
      destruct Hg, Hh, Hp; simpl in ×.
      autorewrite with functor morphism.

    Definition path_morphism' abf a'b'f'
               (gh g'h' : morphism abf a'b'f')
               (Hg : gh.(g) = g'h'.(g))
               (Hh : gh.(h) = g'h'.(h))
               (Hp : ((_ oL (Category.Morphisms.idtoiso (_ _) (ap (@p_morphism_of _ _ S _ _) Hg) : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _))
                        o (gh.(p))
                        o ((Category.Morphisms.idtoiso (_ _) (ap (@p_morphism_of _ _ T _ _) Hh) : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _)^-1 oR _)
                      = g'h'.(p))%natural_transformation)
    : gh = g'h'
      := @path_morphism abf a'b'f' gh g'h' Hg Hh
                        (@path_morphism'_helper abf a'b'f' gh g'h' Hg Hh Hp).

    Definition path_morphism'_uncurried abf a'b'f' gh g'h'
               (H : { HgHh : (gh.(g) = g'h'.(g)) × (gh.(h) = g'h'.(h))
                    | ((_ oL (Category.Morphisms.idtoiso (_ _) (ap (@p_morphism_of _ _ S _ _) (fst HgHh)) : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _))
                         o (gh.(p))
                         o ((Category.Morphisms.idtoiso (_ _) (ap (@p_morphism_of _ _ T _ _) (snd HgHh)) : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _)^-1 oR _)
                       = g'h'.(p))%natural_transformation })
    : gh = g'h'
      := @path_morphism' abf a'b'f' gh g'h' (fst H.1) (snd H.1) H.2.

    Definition compose s d d'
               (gh : morphism d d') (g'h' : morphism s d)
    : morphism s d'.
       (gh.(g) o g'h'.(g)) (gh.(h) o g'h'.(h)).
      exact ((_ oL (p_composition_of S _ _ _ _ _)^-1)
               o (associator_1 _ _ _)
               o (gh.(p) oR _)
               o (associator_2 _ _ _)
               o (_ oL g'h'.(p))
               o (associator_1 _ _ _)
               o ((p_composition_of T _ _ _ _ _ : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _)
                    oR _))%natural_transformation.

    Global Arguments compose _ _ _ _ _ / .

    Definition identity x : morphism x x.
       (identity (x.(a))) (identity (x.(b))).
      exact ((_ oL (p_identity_of S _ : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _)^-1)
               o (right_identity_natural_transformation_2 _)
               o (left_identity_natural_transformation_1 _)
               o ((p_identity_of T _ : Category.Core.morphism _ _ _)
                    oR _))%natural_transformation.

    Global Arguments identity _ / .
  End lax_comma_category_parts.
End LaxCommaCategoryParts.