Library HoTT.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Pointwise

Pointwise Natural Transformations

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import FunctorCategory.Core NaturalTransformation.Paths Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import Functor.Pointwise.Core.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Recall that a "pointwise" functor is a functor A C induced by functors D B and A C. Given two functors D B and a natural transformation between them, there is an induced natural transformation between the resulting functors between functor categories, and similarly for two functors A C. In this file, we construct these natural transformations. They will be used to construct the pointwise induced adjunction Fˣ Gˣ of an adjunction F G for all categories X.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.
Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.

Section pointwise.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variables C D C' D' : PreCategory.

  Local Ltac t :=
    path_natural_transformation; simpl;
    rewrite <- ?composition_of;
    try apply ap;
    first [ apply commutes
          | symmetry; apply commutes ].

Tˣ for a natural transformation T : F G and a functor x : C D

  Definition pointwise_l
             (F G : Functor C D)
             (T : NaturalTransformation F G)
             (F' : Functor C' D')
  : NaturalTransformation (pointwise F F') (pointwise G F').
    refine (Build_NaturalTransformation
              (pointwise F F') (pointwise G F')
              (fun f : object (D C') ⇒ (F' o f) oL T)%natural_transformation
    abstract t.

F for a natural transformation T : F' G' and a functor F : C D

  Definition pointwise_r
             (F : Functor C D)
             (F' G' : Functor C' D')
             (T' : NaturalTransformation F' G')
  : NaturalTransformation (pointwise F F') (pointwise F G').
    refine (Build_NaturalTransformation
              (pointwise F F') (pointwise F G')
              (fun f : object (D C') ⇒ T' oR f oR F)%natural_transformation
    abstract t.
End pointwise.