Library HoTT.Homotopy.ExactSequence

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*-  *)
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import SuccessorStructure.
Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Pointed.
Require Import Modalities.Identity Modalities.Descent.
Require Import Truncations.
Require Import HFiber.
Require Import ObjectClassifier.

Local Open Scope succ_scope.
Open Scope pointed_scope.

Exact sequences

Very short complexes

A (very short) complex is a pair of pointed maps whose composite is the zero map.
Definition IsComplex {F X Y} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  := (f o× i ==* pconst).

This induces a map from the domain of i to the fiber of f.
Definition cxfib {F X Y : pType} {i : F ->* X} {f : X ->* Y}
  (cx : IsComplex i f)
  : F ->* pfiber f.
  srapply Build_pMap.
  - exact (fun x(i x; cx x)).
  - cbn. refine (path_sigma' _ (point_eq i) _); cbn.
    refine (transport_paths_Fl _ _ @ _).
    apply moveR_Vp.
    exact ((concat_p1 _)^ @ point_htpy cx).

...whose composite with the projection pfib : pfiber i X is i.
Definition pfib_cxfib {F X Y : pType} {i : F ->* X} {f : X ->* Y}
  (cx : IsComplex i f)
  : pfib f o× cxfib cx ==* i.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - reflexivity.
  - cbn. rewrite ap_pr1_path_sigma; hott_simpl.

Truncation preserves complexes.
Definition iscomplex_ptr (n : trunc_index) {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) (cx : IsComplex i f)
  : IsComplex (fmap (pTr n) i) (fmap (pTr n) f).
  refine ((fmap_comp (pTr n) i f)^* @* _).
  refine (_ @* ptr_functor_pconst n).
  rapply (fmap2 (pTr _)); assumption.

Loop spaces preserve complexes.
Definition iscomplex_loops {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) (cx : IsComplex i f)
  : IsComplex (fmap loops i) (fmap loops f).
  refine ((fmap_comp loops i f)^$ $@ _ $@ fmap_zero_morphism _).
  rapply (fmap2 loops); assumption.

Definition iscomplex_iterated_loops {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) (cx : IsComplex i f) (n : nat)
  : IsComplex (fmap (iterated_loops n) i) (fmap (iterated_loops n) f).
  induction n as [|n IHn]; [ exact cx | ].
  apply iscomplex_loops; assumption.

Passage across homotopies preserves complexes.
Definition iscomplex_homotopic_i {F X Y : pType}
  {i i' : F ->* X} (ii : i' ==* i) (f : X ->* Y) (cx : IsComplex i f)
  : IsComplex i' f := pmap_postwhisker f ii @* cx.

Definition iscomplex_homotopic_f {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) {f f' : X ->* Y} (ff : f' ==* f) (cx : IsComplex i f)
  : IsComplex i f'
  := pmap_prewhisker i ff @* cx.

Definition iscomplex_cancelL {F X Y Y' : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) (e : Y <~>* Y') (cx : IsComplex i (e o× f))
  : IsComplex i f.
  refine (_ @* precompose_pconst e^-1*).
  refine ((compose_V_hh e (f o× i))^$ $@ _).
  refine (cat_postwhisker e^-1* _).
  refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
  exact cx.

And likewise passage across squares with equivalences
Definition iscomplex_equiv_i {F F' X X' Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (i' : F' ->* X')
  (g : F' <~>* F) (h : X' <~>* X) (p : h o× i' ==* i o× g)
  (f : X ->* Y)
  (cx: IsComplex i f)
  : IsComplex i' (f o× h).
  refine (pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _ @* _).
  refine (pmap_postwhisker f p @* _).
  refine ((pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _)^* @* _).
  refine (pmap_prewhisker g cx @* _).
  apply postcompose_pconst.

A special version with only an equivalence on the fiber.
Definition iscomplex_equiv_fiber {F F' X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) (phi : F' <~>* F)
  `{cx : IsComplex i f}
  : IsComplex (i o× phi) f.
  refine ((pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _)^* @* _).
  refine (pmap_prewhisker _ cx @* _).
  apply postcompose_pconst.

Any pointed map induces a trivial complex.
Definition iscomplex_trivial {X Y : pType} (f : X ->* Y)
  : IsComplex (@pconst pUnit X) f.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - intro x; cbn.
    exact (point_eq f).
  - cbn; symmetry.
    exact (concat_p1 _ @ concat_1p _).

If Y is a set, then IsComplex is an HProp.
Global Instance ishprop_iscomplex_hset `{Funext} {F X Y : pType} `{IsHSet Y}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  : IsHProp (IsComplex i f) := _.

Very short exact sequences and fiber sequences

A complex is n-exact if the induced map cxfib is n-connected.
Cumulative Class IsExact (n : Modality) {F X Y : pType} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) :=
  cx_isexact : IsComplex i f ;
  conn_map_isexact : IsConnMap n (cxfib cx_isexact)

Global Existing Instance conn_map_isexact.

Definition issig_isexact (n : Modality) {F X Y : pType} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  : _ <~> IsExact n i f := ltac:(issig).

If Y is a set, then IsExact is an HProp.
Global Instance ishprop_isexact_hset `{Univalence} {F X Y : pType} `{IsHSet Y}
  (n : Modality) (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  : IsHProp (IsExact n i f).
  rapply (transport (fun AIsHProp A) (x := { cx : IsComplex i f & IsConnMap n (cxfib cx) })).
  2: exact _.
  apply path_universe_uncurried; issig.

With exactness we can choose preimages.
Lemma isexact_preimage (O : Modality) {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact O _ _ _ i f}
  (x : X) (p : f x = point Y)
  : O (hfiber i x).
  rapply (O_functor O (A:=hfiber (cxfib cx_isexact) (x; p))).
  - intros [z q].
    exact (z; ap pr1 q).
  - apply center, conn_map_isexact.

Bundled version of the above.
Lemma isexact_preimage_hfiber (O : Modality) {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact O _ _ _ i f}
  (x : hfiber f pt)
  : O (hfiber i x.1).
  srapply isexact_preimage; exact x.2.

If the base is contractible, then i is O-connected.
Definition isconnmap_O_isexact_base_contr (O : Modality@{u}) {F X Y : pType}
  `{Contr Y} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  `{IsExact@{_ _ u u u} O _ _ _ i f}
  : IsConnMap O i
  := conn_map_compose@{u _ u _} O (cxfib@{u u _ _} cx_isexact) pr1.

Passage across homotopies preserves exactness.
Definition isexact_homotopic_i n {F X Y : pType}
  {i i' : F ->* X} (ii : i' ==* i) (f : X ->* Y)
  `{IsExact n F X Y i f}
  : IsExact n i' f.
   (iscomplex_homotopic_i ii f cx_isexact).
  refine (conn_map_homotopic n (cxfib cx_isexact) _ _ _).
  intros u; cbn.
  refine (path_sigma' _ (ii u)^ _).
  exact (transport_paths_Fl _ _ @ ((inverse2 (ap_V _ _) @ inv_V _) @@ 1)).

Definition isexact_homotopic_f n {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) {f f' : X ->* Y} (ff : f' ==* f)
  `{IsExact n F X Y i f}
  : IsExact n i f'.
   (iscomplex_homotopic_f i ff cx_isexact).
  pose (e := equiv_hfiber_homotopic _ _ ff pt).
  nrefine (cancelL_isequiv_conn_map n _ e).
  1: apply equiv_isequiv.
  refine (conn_map_homotopic n (cxfib (cx_isexact)) _ _ _).
  intro u. simpl. srapply path_hfiber.
  1: reflexivity.
  refine (concat_1p _ @ concat_V_pp _ _)^.

And also passage across squares with equivalences.
Definition isexact_equiv_i n {F F' X X' Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (i' : F' ->* X')
  (g : F' <~>* F) (h : X' <~>* X) (p : h o× i' ==* i o× g)
  (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact n F X Y i f}
  : IsExact n i' (f o× h).
   (iscomplex_equiv_i i i' g h p f cx_isexact); cbn.
  snrefine (cancelL_equiv_conn_map n (C := pfiber f) _ _).
  - exact (@equiv_functor_hfiber _ _ _ _ (f o h) f h equiv_idmap
             (fun x ⇒ 1%path) (point Y)).
  - cbn; unfold functor_hfiber, functor_sigma; cbn.
    refine (conn_map_homotopic n (@cxfib _ _ _ i f cx_isexact o g) _ _ _).
    intros u; cbn.
    refine (path_sigma' _ (p u)^ _).
    abstract (
        rewrite transport_paths_Fl, ap_V, inv_V,
        !concat_1p, concat_p1, ap_idmap;

In particular, we can transfer exactness across equivalences of the total space.
Definition moveL_isexact_equiv n {F X X' Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X' ->* Y) (phi : X <~>* X')
  `{IsExact n _ _ _ (phi o× i) f}
  : IsExact n i (f o× phi).
  rapply (isexact_equiv_i _ _ _ pequiv_pmap_idmap phi); cbn.
  exact (pmap_precompose_idmap _)^*.

Similarly, we can cancel equivalences on the fiber.
Definition isexact_equiv_fiber n {F F' X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) (phi : F' <~>* F)
  `{E : IsExact n _ _ _ i f}
  : IsExact n (i o× phi) f.
  snrapply Build_IsExact.
  1: apply iscomplex_equiv_fiber, cx_isexact.
  apply (conn_map_homotopic _ (cxfib cx_isexact o× phi)).
  { intro x; cbn.
    by rewrite concat_p1, concat_1p. }
  exact _.

An equivalence of short sequences preserves exactness.
Definition isexact_square_if n {F F' X X' Y Y' : pType}
  {i : F ->* X} {i' : F' ->* X'}
  {f : X ->* Y} {f' : X' ->* Y'}
  (g : F' <~>* F) (h : X' <~>* X) (k : Y' <~>* Y)
  (p : h o× i' ==* i o× g) (q : k o× f' ==* f o× h)
  `{IsExact n F X Y i f}
  : IsExact n i' f'.
  pose (I := isexact_equiv_i n i i' g h p f).
  pose (I2 := isexact_homotopic_f n i' q).
   (iscomplex_cancelL i' f' k cx_isexact).
  epose (e := (pequiv_pfiber pequiv_pmap_idmap k (pmap_precompose_idmap (k o× f'))^*
    : pfiber f' <~>* pfiber (k o× f'))).
  nrefine (cancelL_isequiv_conn_map n _ e).
  1: apply pointed_isequiv.
  refine (conn_map_homotopic n (cxfib (cx_isexact)) _ _ _).
  intro u. srapply path_hfiber.
  { reflexivity. }
  cbn. unfold moveR_equiv_V. rewrite !concat_1p, !concat_p1, ap_pp_p, ap_pp, (ap_pp k _ (eissect k (point Y'))), ap_V, <- !eisadj.
  rewrite <- !ap_compose, concat_pp_p.
  rewrite (concat_A1p (eisretr k)), concat_pV_p.
  rewrite (concat_A1p (eisretr k)), concat_V_pp. reflexivity.

If a complex F E B is O-exact, the map F B is O-local, and path types in Y are O-local, then the induced map cxfib is an equivalence.
Global Instance isequiv_cxfib {O : Modality} {F X Y : pType} {i : F ->* X} {f : X ->* Y}
  `{ y y' : Y, In O (y = y')} `{MapIn O _ _ i} (ex : IsExact O i f)
  : IsEquiv (cxfib cx_isexact).
  rapply isequiv_conn_ino_map.
  1: apply ex.
  rapply (cancelL_mapinO _ _ pr1).

Definition equiv_cxfib {O : Modality} {F X Y : pType} {i : F ->* X} {f : X ->* Y}
  `{ y y' : Y, In O (y = y')} `{MapIn O _ _ i} (ex : IsExact O i f)
  : F <~>* pfiber f
  := Build_pEquiv _ _ _ (isequiv_cxfib ex).

Proposition equiv_cxfib_beta {F X Y : pType} {i : F ->* X} {f : X ->* Y}
  `{ y y' : Y, In O (y = y')} `{MapIn O _ _ i} (ex : IsExact O i f)
  : i o pequiv_inverse (equiv_cxfib ex) == pfib _.
  rapply equiv_ind.
  1: exact (isequiv_cxfib ex).
  intro x.
  exact (ap (fun gi g) (eissect _ x)).

A purely exact sequence is O-exact for any modality O.
Definition isexact_purely_O {O : Modality} {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely _ _ _ i f}
  : IsExact O i f.
  srapply Build_IsExact.
  1: apply cx_isexact.
  exact _.

When n is the identity modality purely, so that cxfib is an equivalence, we get simply a fiber sequence. In particular, the fiber of a given map yields an purely-exact sequence.

Definition iscomplex_pfib {X Y} (f : X ->* Y)
  : IsComplex (pfib f) f.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  - intros [x p]; exact p.
  - cbn. exact (concat_p1 _ @ concat_1p _)^.

Global Instance isexact_pfib {X Y} (f : X ->* Y)
  : IsExact purely (pfib f) f.
   (iscomplex_pfib f).
  exact _.

Fiber sequences can alternatively be defined as an equivalence to the fiber of some map.
Definition FiberSeq (F X Y : pType) := { f : X ->* Y & F <~>* pfiber f }.

Definition i_fiberseq {F X Y} (fs : FiberSeq F X Y)
  : F ->* X
  := pfib fs.1 o× fs.2.

Global Instance isexact_purely_fiberseq {F X Y : pType} (fs : FiberSeq F X Y)
  : IsExact purely (i_fiberseq fs) fs.1.
  srapply Build_IsExact; [ srapply Build_pHomotopy | ].
  - intros u; cbn.
    exact ((fs.2 u).2).
  - apply moveL_pV. cbn.
    refine (concat_p1 _ @ _).
    apply moveL_Mp.
    refine (_ @ (point_eq fs.2)..2).
    refine (_ @ (transport_paths_Fl _ _)^).
    apply whiskerR, inverse2, ap, concat_p1.
  - intros [x p].
    apply contr_map_isequiv.
    change (IsEquiv fs.2); exact _.

Definition pequiv_cxfib {F X Y : pType} {i : F ->* X} {f : X ->* Y}
  `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : F <~>* pfiber f
  := Build_pEquiv _ _ (cxfib cx_isexact) _.

Definition fiberseq_isexact_purely {F X Y : pType} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  `{IsExact purely F X Y i f} : FiberSeq F X Y
  := (f; pequiv_cxfib).

It's easier to show that loops preserves fiber sequences than that it preserves purely-exact sequences.
Definition fiberseq_loops {F X Y} (fs : FiberSeq F X Y)
  : FiberSeq (loops F) (loops X) (loops Y).
TODO: doesn't work?!
(*   exists (fmap loops fs.1). *)
  refine (fmap loops fs.1; _).
  refine (_ o×E emap loops fs.2).
  exact (pfiber_fmap_loops fs.1)^-1*.

Now we can deduce that loops preserves purely-exact sequences. The hardest part is modifying the first map back to fmap loops i.
Global Instance isexact_loops {F X Y} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : IsExact purely (fmap loops i) (fmap loops f).
  refine (@isexact_homotopic_i purely _ _ _ _ (fmap loops i) _ (fmap loops f)
    (isexact_purely_fiberseq (fiberseq_loops (fiberseq_isexact_purely i f)))).
  transitivity (fmap loops (pfib f) o× fmap loops (cxfib cx_isexact)).
  - refine (_ @* fmap_comp loops _ _).
    rapply (fmap2 loops).
    symmetry; apply pfib_cxfib.
  - refine (_ @* pmap_compose_assoc _ _ _).
    refine (pmap_prewhisker (fmap loops (cxfib cx_isexact)) _).
    apply moveR_pequiv_fV.
    apply pr1_pfiber_fmap_loops.

Global Instance isexact_iterated_loops {F X Y}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f} (n : nat)
  : IsExact purely (fmap (iterated_loops n) i) (fmap (iterated_loops n) f).
  induction n as [|n IHn]; [ assumption | apply isexact_loops; assumption ].

(n.+1)-truncation preserves n-exactness.
Global Instance isexact_ptr `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index)
  {F X Y : pType} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y)
  `{IsExact (Tr n) F X Y i f}
  : IsExact (Tr n) (fmap (pTr n.+1) i) (fmap (pTr n.+1) f).
   (iscomplex_ptr n.+1 i f cx_isexact).
  srefine (cancelR_conn_map (Tr n) (@tr n.+1 F)
    (@cxfib _ _ _ (fmap (pTr n.+1) i) (fmap (pTr n.+1) f) _)).
  { intros x; rapply isconnected_pred. }
  nrapply conn_map_homotopic.
  2:nrapply (conn_map_compose _ (cxfib _)
               (functor_hfiber (fun y(to_O_natural (Tr n.+1) f y)^)
                               (point Y))).
  3:pose @O_lex_leq_Tr; rapply (OO_conn_map_functor_hfiber_to_O).
  - intros x; refine (path_sigma' _ 1 _); cbn.
    (* This is even simpler than it looks, because for truncations to_O_natural n.+1 := 1to n.+1 := tr, and cx_const := H. *)
    exact (1 @@ (concat_p1 _)^).
  - exact _.

In particular, (n.+1)-truncation takes fiber sequences to n-exact ones.
Global Instance isexact_ptr_purely `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index)
  {F X Y : pType} (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : IsExact (Tr n) (fmap (pTr n.+1) i) (fmap (pTr n.+1) f).
  rapply isexact_ptr.
  intros z; apply isconnected_contr.
  exact (conn_map_isexact (f := f) (i := i) z).

Connecting maps

It's useful to see pfib_cxfib as a degenerate square.
Definition square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : pequiv_pmap_idmap o× i ==* pfib f o× pequiv_cxfib.
  unfold Square.
  refine (pmap_postcompose_idmap _ @* _).
  symmetry; apply pfib_cxfib.

The connecting maps for the long exact sequence of loop spaces, defined as an extension to a fiber sequence.
Definition connect_fiberseq {F X Y}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : FiberSeq (loops Y) F X.
  exact (((pfiber2_loops f) o×E (pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f)))^-1*).

Definition connecting_map {F X Y}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : loops Y ->* F
  := i_fiberseq (connect_fiberseq i f).

Global Instance isexact_connect_R {F X Y}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : IsExact purely (fmap loops f) (connecting_map i f).
  refine (isexact_equiv_i (Y := F) purely
          (pfib (pfib i)) (fmap loops f)
          (((loops_inv X) o×E
            (pfiber2_loops (pfib f)) o×E
           (pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f))))^-1*)
          (((pfiber2_loops f) o×E (pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f)))^-1*)
          _ (pfib i)).
  refine (vinverse
            ((loops_inv X) o×E
             (pfiber2_loops (pfib f)) o×E
             (pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f))))
            ((pfiber2_loops f) o×E (pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f))) _).
  refine (vconcat (f03 := loops_inv X o× pfiber2_loops (pfib f))
                  (f01 := pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f)))
                  (f23 := pfiber2_loops f)
                  (f21 := pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f)) _ _).
  - exact (square_pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pequiv_pfiber _ _ (square_pfib_pequiv_cxfib i f))).
  - exact (pfiber2_fmap_loops f).

The connecting map associated to a pointed family.
Definition connecting_map_family {Y : pType} (P : pFam Y)
  : loops Y ->* [P pt, dpoint P].
  srapply Build_pMap.
  - intro l.
    apply (transport P l).
    apply P.
  - reflexivity.

Long exact sequences

Record LongExactSequence (k : Modality) (N : SuccStr) : Type :=
  les_carrier : N pType;
  les_fn : n, les_carrier n.+1 ->* les_carrier n;
  les_isexact : n, IsExact k (les_fn n.+1) (les_fn n)

Coercion les_carrier : LongExactSequence >-> Funclass.
Arguments les_fn {k N} S n : rename.
Global Existing Instance les_isexact.

Long exact sequences are preserved by truncation.
Definition trunc_les `{Univalence} (k : trunc_index) {N : SuccStr}
  (S : LongExactSequence purely N)
  : LongExactSequence (Tr k) N
  := Build_LongExactSequence
       (Tr k) N (fun npTr k.+1 (S n))
       (fun nfmap (pTr k.+1) (les_fn S n)) _.

LES of loop spaces and homotopy groups

Definition loops_carrier (F X Y : pType) (n : N3) : pType :=
  match n with
  | (n, inl (inl (inl x)))Empty_ind _ x
  | (n, inl (inl (inr tt)))iterated_loops n Y
  | (n, inl (inr tt))iterated_loops n X
  | (n, inr tt)iterated_loops n F

Starting from a fiber sequence, we can obtain a long purely-exact sequence of loop spaces.
Definition loops_les {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : LongExactSequence purely (N3).
  srefine (Build_LongExactSequence purely (N3) (loops_carrier F X Y) _ _).
  all:intros [n [[[[]|[]]|[]]|[]]]; cbn.
  { exact (fmap (iterated_loops n) f). }
  { exact (fmap (iterated_loops n) i). }
  { exact (connecting_map (fmap (iterated_loops n) i)
                          (fmap (iterated_loops n) f)). }
  all:exact _.

And from that, a long exact sequence of homotopy groups (though for now it is just a sequence of pointed sets).
Definition Pi_les `{Univalence} {F X Y : pType}
  (i : F ->* X) (f : X ->* Y) `{IsExact purely F X Y i f}
  : LongExactSequence (Tr (-1)) (N3)
  := trunc_les (-1) (loops_les i f).

Classifying fiber sequences

Fiber sequences correspond to pointed maps into the universe.
Definition classify_fiberseq `{Univalence} {Y F : pType@{u}}
  : (Y ->* [Type@{u}, F]) <~> { X : pType@{u} & FiberSeq F X Y }.
  refine (_ oE _).
To apply equiv_sigma_pfibration we need to invert the equivalence on the fiber.
  { do 2 (rapply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro).
    apply equiv_pequiv_inverse. }
  exact ((equiv_sigma_assoc _ _)^-1 oE equiv_sigma_pfibration).