Library HoTT.Sets.GCHtoAC

From HoTT Require Import TruncType ExcludedMiddle abstract_algebra.
From HoTT Require Import PropResizing.PropResizing.
From HoTT Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Card.
From HoTT Require Import Equiv.BiInv.
From HoTT Require Import HIT.unique_choice.

From HoTT.Sets Require Import Ordinals Hartogs Powers GCH AC.

Open Scope type.

(* The proof of Sierpinski's results that GCH implies AC given in this file consists of two ingredients:
   1. Adding powers of infinite sets does not increase the cardinality (path_infinite_power).
   2. A variant of Cantor's theorem saying that P(X) <= (X + Y) implies P(X) <= Y for large X (Cantor_injects_injects).
   Those are used to obtain that cardinality-controlled functions are well-behaved in the presence of GCH (Sierpinski), from which we obtain by instantiation with the Hartogs number that every set embeds into an ordinal, which is enough to conclude GCH -> AC (GCH_AC) since the well-ordering theorem implies AC (WO_AC). *)

Constructive equivalences

(* For the first ingredient, we establish a bunch of paths and conclude the desired result by equational reasoning. *)

Section Preparation.

Context {UA : Univalence}.

Lemma path_sum_prod X Y Z :
  (X Z) × (Y Z) = ((X + Y) Z).
  apply path_universe_uncurried. apply equiv_sum_distributive.

Lemma path_sum_assoc X Y Z :
  X + (Y + Z) = X + Y + Z.
  symmetry. apply path_universe_uncurried. apply equiv_sum_assoc.

Lemma path_sum_bool X :
  X + X = Bool × X.
  apply path_universe_uncurried. srapply equiv_adjointify.
  - exact (fun xmatch x with inl x(true, x) | inr x(false, x) end).
  - exact (fun xmatch x with (true, x)inl x | (false, x)inr x end).
  - intros [[]]; reflexivity.
  - intros []; reflexivity.

Lemma path_unit_nat :
  Unit + nat = nat.
  apply path_universe_uncurried. srapply equiv_adjointify.
  - exact (fun xmatch x with inl _O | inr nS n end).
  - exact (fun nmatch n with Oinl tt | S ninr n end).
  - now intros [].
  - now intros [[]|n].

Lemma path_unit_fun X :
  X = (Unit X).
  apply path_universe_uncurried. apply equiv_unit_rec.

Equivalences relying on LEM

Context {EM : ExcludedMiddle}.

Lemma path_bool_prop :
  HProp = Bool.
  apply path_universe_uncurried. srapply equiv_adjointify.
  - exact (fun Pif LEM P _ then true else false).
  - exact (fun b : Boolif b then merely Unit else merely Empty).
  - intros []; destruct LEM as [H|H]; auto.
    + destruct (H (tr tt)).
    + apply (@merely_destruct Empty); try easy. exact _.
  - intros P. destruct LEM as [H|H]; apply equiv_path_iff_hprop.
    + split; auto. intros _. apply tr. exact tt.
    + split; try easy. intros HE. apply (@merely_destruct Empty); try easy. exact _.

Lemma path_bool_subsingleton :
  (Unit HProp) = Bool.
  rewrite <- path_unit_fun. apply path_bool_prop.

Lemma path_pred_sum X (p : X HProp) :
  X = sig p + sig (fun x¬ p x).
  apply path_universe_uncurried. srapply equiv_adjointify.
  - intros x. destruct (LEM (p x) _) as [H|H]; [left | right]; now x.
  - intros [[x _]|[x _]]; exact x.
  - cbn. intros [[x Hx]|[x Hx]]; destruct LEM as [H|H]; try contradiction.
    + enough (H = Hx) asby reflexivity. apply path_ishprop.
    + enough (H = Hx) asby reflexivity. apply path_forall. now intros HP.
  - cbn. intros x. now destruct LEM.

Definition ran {X Y : Type} (f : X Y) :=
  fun yhexists (fun xf x = y).

Lemma path_ran {X} {Y : HSet} (f : X Y) :
  IsInjective f sig (ran f) = X.
  intros Hf. apply path_universe_uncurried. srapply equiv_adjointify.
  - intros [y H]. destruct (iota (fun xf x = y) _) as [x Hx]; try exact x.
    split; try apply H. intros x x'. cbn. intros Hy Hy'. rewrite <- Hy' in Hy. now apply Hf.
  - intros x. (f x). apply tr. x. reflexivity.
  - cbn. intros x. destruct iota as [x' H]. now apply Hf.
  - cbn. intros [y x]. apply path_sigma_hprop. cbn.
    destruct iota as [x' Hx]. apply Hx.

Equivalences on infinite sets

Lemma path_infinite_unit (X : HSet) :
  infinite X Unit + X = X.
  intros [f Hf]. rewrite (@path_pred_sum X (ran f)).
  rewrite (path_ran _ Hf). rewrite path_sum_assoc.
  rewrite path_unit_nat. reflexivity.

Fact path_infinite_power (X : HSet) :
  infinite X (X HProp) + (X HProp) = (X HProp).
  intros H. rewrite path_sum_bool. rewrite <- path_bool_subsingleton.
  rewrite path_sum_prod. now rewrite path_infinite_unit.

Variants of Cantors's theorem

(* For the second ingredient, we give a preliminary version (Cantor_path_inject) to see the idea, as well as a stronger refinement (Cantor_injects_injects) which is then a mere reformulation. *)

Context {PR : PropResizing}.

Lemma Cantor X (f : X X Type) :
  { p | x, f x p }.
   (fun x¬ f x x). intros x H.
  enough (Hx : f x x ¬ f x x).
  - apply Hx; apply Hx; intros H'; now apply Hx.
  - pattern (f x) at 1. rewrite H. reflexivity.

Lemma hCantor {X} (f : X X HProp) :
  { p | x, f x p }.
   (fun xBuild_HProp (f x x Empty)). intros x H.
  enough (Hx : f x x ¬ f x x).
  - apply Hx; apply Hx; intros H'; now apply Hx.
  - pattern (f x) at 1. rewrite H. reflexivity.

Definition clean_sum {X Y Z} (f : X Y + Z) :
  ( x y, f x inl y) x, { z | inr z = f x }.
  intros Hf. enough (H : x a, a = f x {z : Z & inr z = f x}).
  - intros x. now apply (H x (f x)).
  - intros x a Hxa. specialize (Hf x). destruct (f x) as [y|z].
    + apply Empty_rect. now apply (Hf y).
    + now z.

Fact Cantor_path_injection {X Y} :
  (X HProp) = (X + Y) (X + X) = X Injection (X HProp) Y.
  intros H1 H2. assert (H : X + Y = (X HProp) × (X HProp)).
  - now rewrite <- H1, path_sum_prod, H2.
  - apply equiv_path in H as [f [g Hfg Hgf _]].
    pose (f' x := fst (f (inl x))). destruct (hCantor f') as [p Hp].
    pose (g' q := g (p, q)). assert (H' : q x, g' q inl x).
    + intros q x H. apply (Hp x). unfold f'. rewrite <- H. unfold g'. now rewrite Hfg.
    + (fun xproj1 (clean_sum _ H' x)). intros q q' H. assert (Hqq' : g' q = g' q').
      × destruct clean_sum as [z <-]. destruct clean_sum as [z' <-]. cbn in H. now rewrite H.
      × unfold g' in Hqq'. change (snd (p, q) = snd (p, q')).
        rewrite <- (Hfg (p, q)), <- (Hfg (p, q')). now rewrite Hqq'.

(* Version just requiring propositional injections *)

Lemma Cantor_rel X (R : X (X HProp) HProp) :
  ( x p p', R x p R x p' merely (p = p')) { p | x, ¬ R x p }.
  intros HR. pose (pc x := Build_HProp (resize_hprop ( p : X HProp, R x p ¬ p x))).
   pc. intros x H. enough (Hpc : pc x ¬ pc x). 2: split.
  { apply Hpc; apply Hpc; intros H'; now apply Hpc. }
  - intros Hx. apply equiv_resize_hprop in Hx. now apply Hx.
  - intros Hx. apply equiv_resize_hprop. intros p Hp.
    eapply merely_destruct; try apply (HR _ _ _ Hp H). now intros →.

Lemma InjectsInto_power_morph X Y :
  InjectsInto X Y InjectsInto (X HProp) (Y HProp).
  intros HF. eapply merely_destruct; try apply HF. intros [f Hf].
  apply tr. (fun pfun yhexists (fun xp x y = f x)).
  intros p q H. apply path_forall. intros x. apply equiv_path_iff_hprop. split; intros Hx.
  - assert (Hp : (fun y : Yhexists (fun x : Xp x × (y = f x))) (f x)). { apply tr. x. split; trivial. }
    pattern (f x) in Hp. rewrite H in Hp. eapply merely_destruct; try apply Hp. now intros [x'[Hq <- % Hf]].
  - assert (Hq : (fun y : Yhexists (fun x : Xq x × (y = f x))) (f x)). { apply tr. x. split; trivial. }
    pattern (f x) in Hq. rewrite <- H in Hq. eapply merely_destruct; try apply Hq. now intros [x'[Hp <- % Hf]].

Fact Cantor_injects_injects {X Y : HSet} :
  InjectsInto (X HProp) (X + Y) InjectsInto (X + X) X InjectsInto (X HProp) Y.
  intros H1 H2. assert (HF : InjectsInto ((X HProp) × (X HProp)) (X + Y)).
  - eapply InjectsInto_trans; try apply H1.
    eapply InjectsInto_trans; try apply InjectsInto_power_morph, H2.
    rewrite path_sum_prod. apply tr. reflexivity.
  - eapply merely_destruct; try apply HF. intros [f Hf].
    pose (R x p := hexists (fun qf (p, q) = inl x)). destruct (@Cantor_rel _ R) as [p Hp].
    { intros x p p' H3 H4. eapply merely_destruct; try apply H3. intros [q Hq].
      eapply merely_destruct; try apply H4. intros [q' Hq']. apply tr.
      change p with (fst (p, q)). rewrite (Hf (p, q) (p', q')); trivial. now rewrite Hq, Hq'. }
    pose (f' q := f (p, q)). assert (H' : q x, f' q inl x).
    + intros q x H. apply (Hp x). apply tr. q. apply H.
    + apply tr. (fun xproj1 (clean_sum _ H' x)). intros q q' H. assert (Hqq' : f' q = f' q').
      × destruct clean_sum as [z <-]. destruct clean_sum as [z' <-]. cbn in H. now rewrite H.
      × apply Hf in Hqq'. change q with (snd (p, q)). now rewrite Hqq'.

End Preparation.

Sierpinski's Theorem

Section Sierpinski.

Context {UA : Univalence}.
Context {EM : ExcludedMiddle}.
Context {PR : PropResizing}.

Definition powfix X :=
   n, (power_iterated X n + power_iterated X n) = (power_iterated X n).

Variable HN : HSet HSet.

Hypothesis HN_ninject : X, ¬ InjectsInto (HN X) X.

Variable HN_bound : nat.
Hypothesis HN_inject : X, InjectsInto (HN X) (power_iterated X HN_bound).

(* This section then concludes the intermediate result that abstractly, any function HN behaving like the Hartogs number is tamed in the presence of GCH.  Morally we show that X <= HN(X) for all X, we just ensure that X is large enough by considering P(N + X). *)

Lemma InjectsInto_sum X Y X' Y' :
  InjectsInto X X' InjectsInto Y Y' InjectsInto (X + Y) (X' + Y').
  intros H1 H2.
  eapply merely_destruct; try apply H1. intros [f Hf].
  eapply merely_destruct; try apply H2. intros [g Hg].
  apply tr. (fun zmatch z with inl xinl (f x) | inr yinr (g y) end).
  intros [x|y] [x'|y'] H.
  - apply ap. apply Hf. apply path_sum_inl with Y'. apply H.
  - now apply inl_ne_inr in H.
  - now apply inr_ne_inl in H.
  - apply ap. apply Hg. apply path_sum_inr with X'. apply H.

(* The main proof is by induction on the cardinality bound for HN.  As the Hartogs number is bounded by P^3(X), we'd actually just need finitely many instances of GCH. *)

Lemma Sierpinski_step (X : HSet) n :
  GCH infinite X powfix X InjectsInto (HN X) (power_iterated X n) InjectsInto X (HN X).
  intros gch H1 H2 Hi. induction n.
  - now apply HN_ninject in Hi.
  - destruct (gch (Build_HSet (power_iterated X n)) (Build_HSet (power_iterated X n + HN X))) as [H|H].
    + now apply infinite_power_iterated.
    + apply tr. inl. intros x x'. apply path_sum_inl.
    + eapply InjectsInto_trans.
      × apply InjectsInto_sum; try apply Hi. apply tr, Injection_power. exact _.
      × cbn. specialize (H2 (S n)). cbn in H2. rewrite H2. apply tr, Injection_refl.
    + apply IHn. eapply InjectsInto_trans; try apply H. apply tr. inr. intros x y. apply path_sum_inr.
    + apply InjectsInto_trans with (power_iterated X (S n)); try apply tr, Injection_power_iterated.
      cbn. apply (Cantor_injects_injects H). rewrite (H2 n). apply tr, Injection_refl.

Theorem GCH_injects' (X : HSet) :
  GCH infinite X InjectsInto X (HN (Build_HSet (X HProp))).
  intros gch HX. eapply InjectsInto_trans; try apply tr, Injection_power; try apply X.
  apply (@Sierpinski_step (Build_HSet (X HProp)) HN_bound gch).
  - apply infinite_inject with X; trivial. apply Injection_power. apply X.
  - intros n. cbn. rewrite !power_iterated_shift. eapply path_infinite_power. cbn. now apply infinite_power_iterated.
  - apply HN_inject.

Theorem GCH_injects (X : HSet) :
  GCH InjectsInto X (HN (Build_HSet (Build_HSet (nat + X) HProp))).
  intros gch. eapply InjectsInto_trans with (nat + X).
  - apply tr. inr. intros x y. apply path_sum_inr.
  - apply GCH_injects'; trivial. inl. intros x y. apply path_sum_inl.

End Sierpinski.

(* Main result: GCH implies AC *)

Theorem GCH_AC {UA : Univalence} {PR : PropResizing} {LEM : ExcludedMiddle} :
  GCH Choice_type.
  intros gch.
  apply WO_AC. intros X. apply tr. (hartogs_number (Build_HSet (Build_HSet (nat + X) HProp))).
  unshelve eapply (@GCH_injects UA LEM PR hartogs_number _ 3 _ X gch).
  - intros Y. intros H. eapply merely_destruct; try apply H. apply hartogs_number_no_injection.
  - intros Y. apply tr. apply hartogs_number_injection.

(* Note that the assumption of LEM is actually not necessary due to GCH_LEM. *)